Authors wanted!


Al's Place Bartender
Staff member
We are looking for writers for this new series!

We want to try and air one episode a month, so there's plenty of time to get a story started or finish one you are already working on.

Please! Let us know if you are interested. We want to keep this series going in new and positive directions at least once a month this season and with any luck, once a week or bi-weekly next season.

Help! ;)
I'll start to think up some ideas for the next episode or the episode after that. In fact, I have a really good idea that I can use. The POVs of all or most of the characters. Characters like Ash, Collins, Max, Ross(Oh, sorry Agent Adams, LOL), etc. Familiar characters Sam Beckett and Al Calavicci would be last.
Anyway, just an idea for now. I guess I'm all for being an author because I do have plenty of time to turn my idea into a full fledged story, edit it myself 3 or 4 times to "perfection". What do you think of my ep idea?
P.S. Any idea that I want to suggest for other people to try to write about will go into the ep idea forum.