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1x05 "Salvation Or Bust"

Leap Date:

Synopsis: Ben is transported back to 1879 and the rustic, frontier town of Salvation, where he must take on a deadly outlaw. Magic, Addison, Jenn and lan face a new threat when a curious senator shows up at headquarters asking questions about the Quantum Leap program.

Audio from this episode:

Smacking the Handlink
Stop Following Me
Leap Effect

Episode Menu

TV Guide Synopsis
Broadcast Date
Leap Date
Leap Location
Name of Leapee
Synopsis & Personal Review
Project Trivia
Ben Trivia
Addison Trivia

Ian's Outfit Worn in the Episode
Kiss With History

Miscellaneous Trivia
Guest Cast
Guest Cast Notes
Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes
Characters who appeared in Classic Series episodes

Songs & Music
Say What?
Quotable Quotes

Production Photos
Production Videos
Production Credits


Poster by J.J. Lendl

Commercial for this episode:

Pre-Episode Commercial - Quantum Leap Next:

TV Guide Synopsis:

Ben is transported back to 1898 and the rustic, frontier town of Salvation, where he must take on a deadly outlaw. Magic, Jenn and lan face a new threat when a curious senator shows up at headquarters asking questions about the Quantum Leap program. (Press date is listed incorrectly)

Broadcast Date:

Monday, October 17, 2022: 10pm on NBC

Leap Date:

August 8, 1879

Leap Location:

Salvation, the Old West

Name of Leapee:

Diego De La Cruz

Detailed Synopsis:

We start this episode with Ben finding himself being yelled out by a young woman, dressed in what appears to clothing from the "old west". She is upset, mad that this person is about to walk away from something.

Ben leaps in having an argument with a girl he doesn’t recognize, but whom turns out to be his grand daughter, Valentina. He tries to get a handle on things, but she leaves upset and he finds out he’s in the Wild Wild West, the town of Salvation.

In the present day we have Magic learning that Ben remembers Addison. Addison argues her case for helping him to remember more, and Magic agrees with her because things have changed, thanks to Janis. They need for Ben to remember why he leaped.

Back in the past, outlaw Josiah McDonough is trying to buy out the town and get the townsfolk to leave. Standing next to Ben is someone who seems irrelevant but will turn out to have significant importance later.

The sheriff speaks up against them and is gunned down by McDonough.

Valentina stands up and gives a impassioned speech about the place her father envisioned. She says that Salvation's salvation has arrived in the form of her grandfather, Diego, who Ben has replaced.  Ben isn’t thrilled, but asks for a possible non-violent solution. Josiah says no such thing exists; either tell the townspeople to leave or there will be blood.

The Quantum Leap title card and theme are displayed.

Ben tells Valentina that he isn’t who he used to be. Valentina tells him she knows just what he needs,  and walks away. Addison appears, and we have a brief conversation about the fallout from Ben discovering that she and he are engaged. Addison tells Ben, "The whole cowboy thing works." Ben replies, "You think? Well, this whole hologram thing's also working." Addison smiles at his attempt at flattery, "Okay." Ben says shyly, "Okay."  Addison suggests putting that aside for now so they can concentrate on the leap.

Frankie, the Saloon owner, tells Ben that she was very close to his son who died. Ben turns down a prostitute, asking for water, which is not filtered. Valentina turns out to be 15 years old. Ben seems to be trying to convince her to leave, because of the shops boarding up, which according to Frankie is because of the gold drying up in the area.

Ben asks why stay? Frankie says that the place was built by outsiders for outsiders. She says that anywhere else a woman like her, a black woman for the record, couldn’t get a bank loan. She is the owner of a Saloon. Valentina signals Frankie, while saying there’s only one way to protect the town, and Frankie brings out a pair of guns that used to be Diego’s.

Ben suggests there may be a non-violent solution and seems to have an idea about talking to the sheriff's deputies.

Back at the project, Addison is trying to get more information, when we learn that a congresswoman is visiting the project… so they have to act like no unauthorized leap has occurred.

Magic greets Kavita Adani, and she wants to see Ben. Magic makes an excuse about a personal family matter, but she directs him to call the team for talks, individually.

In the past, Addison reports from Ziggy that Diego was found dead from liver failure in 1886, which is just six years after the current time period.  According to Ziggy, he’s there to save Salvation.

Addison’s idea is capture McDonough.  Ben is trying to get to the sheriff's deputies but then they seem to be riding away. A cowboy named Henry is telling Ben that they are quitting. They have been paid off by McDonugh. Addison says there’s an 86% chance he needs to duel McDonough.

Two problems here: Ben has a moral issues with killing someone, and he can’t shoot to save his life. Literally, he can’t shoot the cans that he is trying to use for target practice. Ben wants to find a non-violent solution because he’s a pacifist, but Addison has a different take, as she’s a military woman.

Ben asks for quid pro quo, and asks about their first date. They had been friends for years. One day they were single, went out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and she went back to his place and never left.

Ben tries to shoot the cans, but even with Addison’s help he still can’t hit anything.

Addison has to leave to go talk to Congress Woman Adani.

Henry, the deputy that didn’t take McDonough’s bribe, tries to help Ben. Henry came to Salvation because he didn’t want to be what people saw him as. Henry says he will defend the town to his last breath. Ben tries to shoot again, but only succeeds in bouncing a bullet off of something to hit himself. Ben asks for a doctor.

Back to the present day, congresswoman Adani talks to Addison, and Addison gives only Yes ma’am and no ma’am answers.
Addison is a captain in the military, not sure which branch yet, but she is a trained military captain.

Doctor Ming treats Ben's wound with aloe, and is fed wonton soup by Ming's father, who Ben tries to pay but they won’t accept his money because of  Valentina. They hear an explosion - someone's shop has on fire. It was Mcdonough’s doing.

Reeves, the owner, talks about how he’s lost everything and now he has no where left to go. Valentina tells the crowd that the will rebuild and they will help him.  But more people are leaving the town. Valentina says they won’t leave. Ben tries to argue once more for non-violence, but Valentina calls him a coward and says to him that he is nothing to her.

In the present… we see Jenn talking to Adani. Jenn comments, "Let me guess. you're wondering how a former cyber criminal goes from hacking bitcoin accounts on the dark webs to being chief of security of a top-secret multi-billion dollar government-sanctioned time-travel project?" Her approach is to be by the book in shutting down Adani.
We find out that Jenn was arrested spent time in prison, but Magic got her released, and she is very loyal to him and the project... and very, very smart.

In the past, Ben is drunk, and wallowing in his failure, both past and present. Ben thinks maybe he can’t save Salvation, but he can save Valentina. The figure in the background who later shows his significance watches Ben go.

Ben goes to get Valentina, but she has taken Ben’s guns deciding to go after McDonough. This doesn’t go well, and she gets captured.

McDonough suggests there’s a way to end the problem without more bodies dropping. If he kills Ben, the towns spirit will be crushed and they will leave. If Ben wins, the gang will leave.

The towns people are happy! Diego is going to save them. But Ben knows he can’t win. Ben says, "I'm dead." Addison replies, "That's the spirit."  Addison suggests using the town’s various skills to set a mouse trap. Ben doesn’t have to shoot his way out, but lead the townspeople. He suggests capturing the outlaw, and not killing any of the gang. He rallies the town together to set the trap.

Ian meets with Adani. Their strategy is to use technical jargon to overwhelm the senator, but she sees through this approach.

Jenn digs up dirt on the senator and suggests Magic use it to blackmail her. Magic doesn’t want to.

In the past, the trap works, McDonough is captured. Addison smiles, "It looks like your little gamble paid off, cowboy." Ben replies, "I couldn't have done it without you, pardner."

In the present… Adani reveals to
Magic that she knows that Ben did an unauthorized leap, and is going to report it to the committee. Magic uses a different strategy than Jenn suggested. He uses some information about the death of Adani's brother to suggest that the project can be used to save him. Magic tells Jenn and Ian that he bought them time to get Ben home. The senator leaves with what appears to be at this point.. a glowing review of the project.

In the past, the town is saved! Addision suggests using copper deposits to further cement the town's future. "Is it possible to kiss a hologram, because I really want to right now," asks Ben.

Ben is accosted by the background guy, who knows Ben's full name and where he came from, and threatens him to stop following him. Leaper X warns, "You made a serious miscalculation coming here, Ben." Addison is shocked, "Did he just call you Ben?"  Ben asks, "How did you know my name?" Leaper X replies, "I know everything about you, Dr. Ben Song from the year 2022. I know what you're doing, but if you value your life, you need to stop following me. Do you understand?”

Ben leaps! We do not see the leap-in to the next episode.

Synopsis by Dave Korman with inserts by Earl Bonovich. Edited with additions by Brian Greene.

Personal comments and questions by Earl Bonovich:

At this point, we only have theories on how that person knows, who is this person, what is going on...
- Is it Sam Beckett? Did Janice create a hologram chamber and talk to Sam, and poison him on what Ben is doing?
- Did Ben and Janice figure out how to follow Sam and if so, for what reason?
- Is a leaper from an entirely different QL type project?
- Or what... Theories a plenty will be discussed leading into next week.

Project Trivia:

Jenn is a former cyber criminal hacking bitcoin accounts on the dark web but was requested for PQL by Magic.

As in the original project with Al smacking the handlink, Addison punches her handlink and it makes a beep back at her! Not as colorful of a personality as the OG handlink, but we'll take it for now.

Ben says he's in the body of the Leapee.

Ben tells Addison that he realized that he hasn't slept since he Leaped. Addison says that the hosts that he Leaped into have slept.

Ben Trivia:

Ben is a pacifist and has never fired a gun prior to the events of this episode.

Addison Trivia:

Addison disagrees with Ben's pacifist mentality as says that sometimes you have to meet force with force.

Addison and Ben's first date was at a Chinese restaurant. They stayed until it closed and went back to Ben's place. They were inseparable ever since.

Addison was the first woman selected to travel through time, according to the conversation with the Congresswoman.

Ian's Outfits Worn in the Episode:

Black top, silver necklace, gold necklace. Tattoos revealed on both arms. One tattoo on upper left clavicle reading "GENDER" with a slash through it.

Kiss With History:

None in this episode.

Miscellaneous Trivia:

The scene where Ben orders water at the bar is similar to the same scenario in Back to the Future: Part III where Marty asks for water at the McFly farm.

The wanted poster for Alexander Soto was likely named for Alex Soto of the production art department.

Not since the original series episode "Honeymoon Express" (the firefighter segment) have we seen an episode without a specific date. In this episode, it's simply 1879.

From the Quantum Leap Writers' Room:

Hey Leapers! @Wondermasons here taking the reins of the #QuantumLeap Writers Room account for a live-tweet of tonight's all-new episode, #SalvationOrBust!

Our hats go off to the amazing crew and to our "Salvation" cast, who braved wearing thick wool costumes in 100+ degree weather to make this episode happen! #QuantumLeap #Tminusonehour

#QuantumFact: Episode 5 was shot almost exclusively on an outdoor set. So naturally, we had to be in the middle of a heat weave when it happened.

Ben and Valentina arguing about leaving Salvation was a day scene... that we shot AT NIGHT.

The antagonist in this episode, played to perfection by William Mark McCullough was originally named Silas "Mad Dog" McDonough but we changed his name to Josiah to avoid any confusion with our amazing director @SilasHoward8 and the villain in Back To The Future III.

This scene between Ben and Addison features an ad-lib from #CaitlinBassett, who brilliantly suggested adding a flirty moment now that our hero couple both know what they mean to each other, and can finally starting acting like it. One of my fave moments of this episode!

Loved @YaaniKing's speech about why Salvation is so important to its citizens. There was a lot more to it in a previous cut, but as sometimes happens in TV, you have to edit it down to time. Suffice to say, she nailed it!

Actor Farah Merani was a welcome antagonist for the #QuantumLeap team as Congresswoman Kavita Adani and a pleasure to have on set. Turns out she's a huge #StarTrek fan IRL!

Actor Harry Yi, who plays former railroad worker and aspiring restauranteur Wei was both a stage actor and a hip-hop dancer in the '90s, and even appeared on sketch comedy show #InLivingColor!

#NanrisaLee and #FarahMerani struck up a fast friendship on set, which is so ironic given how antagonistic they are to each other in this interrogation scene!

In an earlier draft, Ben & Henry rode out to McDonough's camp to rescue Valentina, but as often happens before production, changes need to be made and scenes/plot points need to be simplified. This scene between Ben and McDonough was a leaner, meaner, better option.

Jim Cody Williams -- aka Salvation's curmudgeonly Old Joe -- famously appeared in the Pace Picante salsa commercials back in the day! #NewYorkCity???

Because the Universal Backlot tour grounds are paved, we had to bring in TONS of dirt in order to make the streets of Salvation look like they would've back in 1879.

When #QuantumLeap showrunners @martingero and @DeanGeorgaris told us that we'd be writing an Old West episode, @dblackanese and I couldn't have been more excited! Fun fact: the script that landed us the job as writers on the show was actually a Western!

Jason Ginsburg @Ginsburg Oct 17, 2022 posted:

For those who don’t know, tonight’s #QuantumLeap was filmed almost entirely at Six Points, Texas on the Universal lot. It’s part of the Studio Tour. The saloon is a practical set and allows for filming inside.

QLWR responded: Six Points is also one of the oldest sets in Hollywood. Universal shot its first silent film here in 1915, and it was the backdrop for many of Hollywood’s most classic westerns. Can’t tell you how cool it was to shoot on such a historic backlot!


Dr. Ben Song
(Portrayed by Raymond Lee)
– Ben is a first-generation American, a world-renowned physicist, and a man of faith. He’s also working on Quantum Leap, a time travel project. But when he uses the project on himself, he’s transported back in time with a bout of amnesia – forgetting what made him time travel in the first place.

Addison Augustine (Portrayed by Caitlin Bassett) – Addison is a smart, witty, fearless ex-military operative who now serves as Project Observer at Quantum Leap HQ. She’s in charge of the technology they use to communicate with the past, and tries to rescue her fiancee, Ben, from his time-flung existence.

Ian Wright (Portrayed by Mason Alexander Park) – Quantum Leap’s nonbinary chief architect of the AI program.

Herbert “Magic” Williams (Portrayed by Ernie Hudson) – A Vietnam vet and current head of the time travel project at Quantum Leap. Herbert “Magic” Williams tries to keep the Pentagon at bay while the team tries to rescue Ben. Doctor Sam Beckett leaped into Magic during his Vietnam tour.

Jenn Chu (Portrayed by Nanrisa Lee) – Head of security at Quantum Leap HQ. Quirky but formidable, she makes it her mission to figure out why Ben erased all evidence of why he Leaped.

Guest Cast:

Walter Perez as Leaper X
William Mark McCullough as Josiah McDenough
Natalia del Riego as Valentina De La Cruz
Marquise Vilson as Henry
Yaani King Mondschein as Frankie
Eddie Park as Wei's son, Ving
Farah Marani as Congresswoman Kavita Adani
Harry Yi as Wei
Jim Cody Williams as Old Joe
Demetrius Butler as Reeves
Alberto Manquero as Diego De La Cruz (Mirror Image)
Ted Monte as Sheriff Bailey
Jason D. Avalos as Deputy #1
Ryan Sturz as Outlaw #1

Guest Cast Notes:

Walter Perez (Leaper X) was raised in South Gate, California, just 20 miles southeast of Hollywood. He was always eager to express himself artistically. In his earlier years, he often directed and played the lead character in several homemade movies where he mimicked his movie idols such as Charlie Chaplin. His working-class parents were unable to afford him the resources he needed to gain access to the industry. It wasn't until he heard about Colors United, a performing arts group aimed at inner-city high school students that he really got the chance to show others his talents. For three years he honed his acting, singing and dancing skills with the group. Since high school, Walter has juggled auditions and a full-time schedule at Cal State Fullerton. During college, he has booked several commercials and various guest star spots on prime time television shows. Most recently, Walter's guest appearances include "CSI: Miami", "The Closer" and "Free Radio" as well as a five episode arc on "Friday Night Lights". His feature film credits include HBO's "Walkout" and winner of the John Cassavetes award "August Evening". He just completed the title role in "Emilio" and worked on "Run For Your Life" alongside Dermot Mulroney and Diane Kruger.

Natalia del Riego (Valentina) is an actress of Salvadoran and Mexican descent. Her father sells furniture that he makes from scratch. Her mother is the owner of an income tax business and sells mattresses on the side. She has two younger sisters, and an older brother who graduated from Stanford University. She finished off her sophomore year at a public high school and then graduated from an online public school to focus on acting. Her first television role was on ABC's "American Crime."

Marquise Vilson (Henry) is known for Blindspot (2015), The Kitchen (2019) and Ben Is Back (2018).

Yaani King (Frankie) began her career off-Broadway in "The Alchemist" at The Classic Stage Company. She segued into film and television with The Prince and Me (2004) with Julia Stiles, and Sex and the City (1998). After studying at The Actors Centre in London, Ms. King moved to Los Angeles and almost immediately landed a series regular role on the hit TNT show Saving Grace (2007) with Holly Hunter. In addition to having appeared in numerous guest starring roles on shows like Criminal Minds (2005), Major Crimes (2012), Extant (2014), CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2000) and the new SyFy drama The Magicians (2015), she now has had a number of recurring roles on shows like ABC's Blood & Oil (2015), The Haves and the Have Nots (2013) and NBC's Aquarius (2015). Yaani has since entered the exciting world of Video Game voice-over and motion-capture when she was cast as Riley in the award-winning The Last of Us: Left Behind (2014). Born and raised in Brooklyn and Queens, of Guyanese West Indian descent, Yaani spent her childhood watching her mother in theatre performing on stage. While attending LaGuardia High School of Performing Arts at Lincoln Center in NYC as a teen, Yaani recognized acting as her calling. In recent years, Yaani has combined her love for acting with her humanitarian work as a founding member of a group called Charitable Living with 10 other friends, with the mission to support foundations and charities in every way from fund-raising to cooking meals. King is also an active volunteer at Aviva Family and Children's Services, mentoring young actors. In Yaani's free time she enjoys spending quality time with her husband, actor Adam Mondschein.

Eddie Park (character name) is known for The Opening Act (2020), Dr. Ken (2015) and Eyecatcher (2018).

William Mark McCullough (
McDenough) was born and raised in Savannah, Georgia. He earned a political science and theater degree from Mercer University followed by a law degree from American University. Prior to his career in entertainment, Mark had worked in politics and law on Capitol Hill. A serious car accident while on a trip to Nicaragua prompted him to change his career path. His most notable film roles include a tough Southern cop alongside Glenn Close and Amy Adams in the Ron Howard drama, Hillbilly Elegy (2020) (2020); the gun and drug smuggling co-pilot to Tom Cruise's Barry Seal in the Doug Liman thriller, American Made (2017) (2017); the violent enforcer for Nicolas Cage's mob boss character in the Steven C. Miller crime drama, Arsenal (2017) (2017); the redneck co-worker opposite Channing Tatum in the Steven Soderbergh comedy, Logan Lucky (2017) (2017); a violent protector of a small town opposite Will Patton and Adan Canto in the Bradley Parker horror film, The Devil Below (2021) (2021) and a racist cop opposing school integration alongside Justin Chatwin in the period drama, The Walk (2022) (2022). Some of Mark's most powerful television appearances include a recurring role on the Netflix series, Sweet Magnolias (2020) (2020), playing a tough, blue-collar dad; a recurring guest star role on the Bad Boys (1995) television spin-off, L.A.'s Finest (2019) (2019), playing a menacing drug cartel enforcer opposite Gabrielle Union; a heroin manufacturer in the AMC series, The Walking Dead (2010) (2022); a conniving backwoods redneck opposite Jennifer Beals in the DC Universe series, Swamp Thing (2019) (2019) and a recurring role on the Marvel series, The Gifted (2017) (2018) playing a former special forces soldier with mutant powers. Mark is a passionate world traveler, having backpacked through multiple countries including Russia, Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria, Cuba and Nicaragua.

Farah Marani (Congresswoman Kavita Adani) is a Muslim actor and creator. She is a graduate of the Drama Centre London and trained at the Vakhtangov Theatre in Moscow.
In addition to being an actor, she started producing in 2013 and has worked on dozens of films with her company, Lifeguard Productions. She is one of the co-founders of Women on Screen and also served as the Actra Toronto Diversity Committee co-chair.

Demetrius Butler (Reeves) is known for Criminal Minds (2005), 9-1-1 (2018) and Come Across Love: Bu Qi Er Yu (2017).

From Twitter:
Jason Avalos @JasonAvalos Oct 17, 2022
Ever seen a Latine cowboy in the 1800’s ?? Me either..tune in tonight and ya might just see one fella’ 🤠 @nbc @quantumwriters @chrismcquarrie thanks for writing and making space for us! 🙏🙏🙏

Jim Cody Williams (Old Joe) is known for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006), Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989). Graduated The University of Arizona with a BFA Theatre. Grandson of Cozy McSparron. In the film Chump Change, 8x10 black and white resume photo is clearly visible on the wall in scenes taking place in the casting director's office. Is featured on the rear cover of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure DVD. In a photograph from the film's "old west" scene, at the poker table with Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter. Was cast in the feature film Norbit, however his character was written out, and scenes never filmed. Nominated for Best Actor for his role as Percival Dixon in "Times Like Dying" at the 2015 Hill Country Film Festival.

Ted Monte (Sheriff Bailey
) In 1991, Ted was cast in his first feature film as an FBI agent in Jonathan Demme's Silence of the Lambs. After this, Ted was cast in David Marnet's Homicide which led to numerous television shows. Tiring of the New York writers, Ted moved to Los Angeles in 1995. Over the course of his L.A. career. Ted has been in a string of films working with Christian Slater, Roddy McDowall, Joe Mantegna, Jane Kean, Russ Tamblyn, Michael Pane, Luke Perry, Paul Sorvino, William Atherton, and Tom Berringer. He's peppered his work with television appearances in Melrose Place, The Lair, Homicide:Life in the Streets, Lifetime's A Christmas Wedding Date, and let us not forget SyFy Channel's World Premiere of Curse of the Komodo and several ridiculously large monster movies.

Guests Who Appeared in Other Quantum Leap Episodes:

Walter Perez, who plays Richard Martinez, also appears in later episodes "S.O.S.", "Ben, Interrupted", and "Judgement Day."

Characters who appeared in Classic Series episodes:

None - but who is Leaper X?

Songs & Music:

Score by Daniel James Chan

Daniel James Chan @djc242 posted on Twitter Oct 18, 2022: Last night’s #QuantumLeap western score featured two of my favorite musicians: Camille Miller (fiddle) & George Doering (guitars, bass dulcimer). I love writing this stuff!

Say What?

At the beginning of the episode, Ben walks through a single door, but when it cuts to the exterior, it's a double door.

With the type of gun Ben is using, he should have had to pull the hammer back first before shooting.

While we do see some hologram usage here, we are still not seeing Addison fade in as frequently. Perhaps a budget issue? It's very noticable the lack of hologram effects at this point in the series.

The phrase, "get out of dodge" used by McDonough was not used until the 1950's on the TV series, "Gunsmoke."

The term used by Frankie, "busted my ass" was also not used in the 1800's.

Quotable Quotes:

"Resist me at your own peril."

Valentina: "Here's the good news: Salvation's salvation has already arrived."
Ben: ""

"There will be blood."

"I'm sorry it took me so long to remember you."
-Ben to Addison

Addison: "The whole cowboy thing works."
Ben: "You think? Well, this whole hologram thing's also working."
Addison: "Okay."
Ben: "Okay."

"Trust me, violence only begets more violence."

"Okay, so who's trouble in a power suit?"
-Ian to Jenn

"I believe there are non-violent solutions to every problem."
-Ben to Addison

"Sometimes you have to meet force with force."
-Addison to Ben

"Let me guess. you're wondering how a former cyber criminal goes from hacking bitcoin accounts on the dark webs to being chief of security of a top-secret multi-billion dollar government-sanctioned time-travel project?"
-Jenn to Kavita

"Why would I do this to us?"
-Ben to Addison

"Tomorrow then. High noon."
-Ben to McDenough

Ben: "I'm dead."
Addison: "That's the spirit."

Addison: "It looks like your little gamble paid off, cowboy."
Ben: "I couldn't have done it without you, pardner."

"Is it possible to kiss a hologram, because I really want to right now."

Leaper X: "You made a serious miscalculation coming here, Ben."
Addison: "Did he just call you Ben?"
Ben: "How did you know my name?"
Leaper X: "I know everything about you, Dr. Ben Song from the year 2022. I know what you're doing, but if you value your life, you need to stop following me. Do you understand?

Production Photos:


From Nanrissa Lee's Instagram October 17, 2022:
Another episode drops at 10pm!🤠 But can we take a minute to appreciate some of the GORGEOUS faces in our guest cast tonight?!! 🤩💫✨ Thank you @rbatz44 and #chrishaston for the beautiful shots 📸 #QuantumLeap @nbc #albertomanquero


Ana Amortegui on Instagram: Quantum Leap Ep 105 Salvation or Bust

This episode was beautiful to shoot, the story, the historical Universal  western town made it all very special. Thanks Silas for this collaboration so happy with the team that we made. Very grateful as always to the cast and crew for the hard work, for standing under the sun for hours for always being there! To the camera and G&E department my heart  and all my respect always From Phili to Boxing in Vegas to The western town of salvation…what a joy to shoot a different story every time.


Production Videos:

Coming Soon

Production Credits:

Consulting Producer: Moira Kirland
Tim Scanlan
Meg Fister
Co-Executive Producer:
Deric Hughes
Co-Executive Producer: Benjamin Raab
Co-Executive Producer: Drew Lindo
Co-Executive Producer: Aadrita Mukerji
Produced by:
Marc Beinstock
Executive Producer:
Robert Hull
Executive Producer: Steven Lilien
Executive Producer: Bryan Wyndrandt
Executive Producer: Chris Grismer
Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt
Executive Producer: Donald P. Bellisario
Executive Producer: Dean Georgaris
Executive Producer:
Martin Gero
Created by:
Donald P. Bellisario

Written by: Steven Lilien
Written by:
Benjamin Raab and Deric A. Hughes
Directed by: Silas Howard

Associate Producer: Ethan Henderson
Story Editor:
Margarita Matthews
Casting by: Jennifer Cooper, CSA
Original Casting by: Kamala A. Thomas
Director of Photography: Ana M. Amortegui, ADFC
Production Designer: Mayling Cheng
Edited by: Ian Mayberry
Music by: Daniel James Chan
Unit Production Manager:
Melanie J. Elin
Unit Production Manager: Marc Bienstock
First Assistant Director: M. Ryan Traylor
Second Assistant Director: Athena Pesante
Costume Designer:
Genevieve Tyrrell

A Camera Operator: Dave Hirschman
B Camera/Steadycam Operator: Michael Walsh
B Camera/Steadycam Operator: Josh Harrison
Production Sound Mixer: Beau Hodges
Chief Lighting Technician: Donna Vega
Key Grip: Peter Chrimes
Art Director: Danny Cistone
Art Director: Liz Kloczkowski
Set Director: Tim Stepeck
Costume Supervisor: Heather Sladinski
Property Master: Erik Grasteit
Construction Coordinator: Matt Sazzman
Department Head Hair: Amy Marie Wilson
Department Head Makeup: Julia Lallas
Leadman: David Napoli
Stunt Coordinator: Jeff Barnett
Location Manager: Dan Milner
Transportation Coordinator: Sandra Ninham-Gallardo
Production Office Coordinator: Sofie Johanna "Bubbles" Dejus
Assistant Production Office Coordinator: Will Potenberg
Production Accountant: Natalie Chiengkul
Script Supervisor: Eszter Zakarias
Script Coordinator: Sue Palmer
Casting Associate: Lindsay Jameyson
Casting Associate: Mia Cascio
Post Production Coordinator: Gabriella Scudieri
Music Supervisor: Season Kent
Music Co-Supervisor: Leah Harrison
Music Editor: Zed Starkovich
Assistant Editor: Clinton Steeds
Online Editor: Richard Wells
Colorist: Paul Allia
Visual Effects Supervisor: Trent Smith
Visual Effects Assistant Editor: Michael Defilio
Supervising Sound Editor: Kelly Cabral
Re-Recording Mixer: Yuri Reese
Re-Recording Mixer: Sean Madsen
Key Costumer: Dana Axelrad
Key BG Costumer: Donnetta McCloud
Costume Coordinator: Ayumi Moore
Set Costumer: Sarah Wallner
Set Costumer: Omar Berumen
Boom Operator: Matt Brodnick

Promotional Consideration Furnished by APPLE.

The State of California and the California Film Commision, California Soundstage Filming Tax Credit Program

Copyright 2022 Universal Television LLC All Right Reserved

Dean Georgaris Entertainment
Quinn's House
Universal Content Productions
Universal Television


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