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1x03 "Somebody Up There Likes Ben"

Leap Date:
October 2, 1977

Synopsis: Ben leaps to flashy 1970s Las Vegas and into the body of promising young boxer Danny Hill on the eve of a big title fight. Ben and Addison must help Danny win the fight or lose everything. Magic, Ian, and Jenn dig into Ben’s past to uncover the truth.

Audio from this episode:

Ian's Discovery
Ian's Sligshot Theory
Original QL Theme

Episode Menu

TV Guide Synopsis
Broadcast Date
Leap Date
Leap Location
Name of Leapee
Synopsis & Personal Review
Project Trivia
Ben Trivia
Addison Trivia

Al Trivia
Ian's Outfit Worn in the Episode
Kiss With History

Miscellaneous Trivia
Guest Cast
Guest Cast Notes
Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes
Characters who appeared in Classic Series episodes

Songs & Music
Say What?
Quotable Quotes

Production Photos
Production Videos
Production Credits

Poster by J.J. Lendl

Commercial for this episode:

TV Guide Synopsis:

Ben leaps to flashy 1970s Las Vegas and into the body of promising young boxer Danny Hill on the eve of a big title fight. Ben and Addison must help Danny win the fight or lose everything. Magic, Ian, and Jenn dig into Ben’s past to uncover the truth.

Broadcast Date:

Monday, October 3, 2022: 10pm on NBC

Leap Date:

October 2, 1977

Leap Location:

Las Vegas, Nevada

Name of Leapee:

Danny Hill


Ben leaps into Danny "Youngblood" Hill, a prizefighter in 1977, the day before his bout for the world middleweight championship.

Ben leaps in, he’s a boxer, sparring, and because he doesn’t know what's happening, he gets instantly pummeled.

His manager/brother comes to his aid… they are brothers, Ben is leaping into the younger brother, Danny, the older brother, is Daryl (played by Jon Chaffin). Daryl chalks up his brother getting knocked down to being distracted, an off used term throughout the episode.

Ben goes to the locker room, where he admires himself in the mirror, and it sounds like we hear the voice of the person he’s leaped into and not Ben’s. 

Addison comes in, and offers to leave the two of them alone… Ben says to her that she told him he would be going home.

Addison reveals information about who he is, most of which Ben already knows. He’s a boxer named Danny Hill on October 2nd, 1977. Ben realizes what that means, that he has a title bout the very next day. This is where Ben says that someone up there doesn’t like him.

Ziggy is running slow, but she discovers that Danny did in fact lose the fight. He was the odds on favorite to win, but fought sloppy like he was “distracted.”  His career never recovered.

Ben expresses skepticism that he leapt in there to help someone win a fight.

In comes a woman, who throws herself at Ben, kissing him. Addison seems to handle it okay.  The girls name is Angela. Actress is Danielle Larracuente.

Daryl comes in yelling for Angela to leave rather harshly, Ben tries to defend her a little, but Angela eventually leaves. We kind of think that Daryl is just a bit of a jerk, but there's more to it then that.

We learn in the next scene that, Daryl and Danny’s parents died in a fire, when they were just eight. Daryl was a top fighter before being drafted into Vietnam.  Daryl is married, with no kids.

Daryl offers him words of encouragement, that Danny will be champion tomorrow, Ben looks at Addison with a sort of terrified look.

They weigh in, and we meet the opponent, Gordon. Angela is shown at Gordon’s side. Addison says that the reason for his distraction is he’s in love with the champs girlfriend.

At the project, Addison seems almost maniacal, barking at Ian, telling them all the things she’s going to need to help Ben. Ian calmly says they know, and asks how Addison is doing.

All is not well… and it’s obvious that she’s not taking care of herself.  She’s not eating or sleeping.

Apparently Ben and Addison used to watch Real Housewives together on TV.

Ian in this scene says that going over the code, he might be leaping awhile.

We have a scene with Magic and company… the Pentagon is calling, and knows something is up. He can keep lying but needs to know how long they need to keep the lie going for.

Ben is leaping to get to a specific point in time, but they don’t know the path he’s taking to get there. Ben apparently leaped beyond his own life time, which they all know to be impossible. Ian chalks it up to getting rid of all the safety protocols before Ben leaped. Ian thinks it could take anywhere from 10 to 20 leaps to get where he’s going.

In the past, Ben tries to get Daryl to postpone the fight. Daryl isn’t having it, saying that his opponent will just move on if they postpone, and it’ll be years – or worse never -  before he gets another shot. Ben thinks that’s better then losing, but Daryl suggests he will lose the gym if Ben doesn’t win.

Daryl goes and gets the car, Ben tries to get Addison to come back… he’s confronted by Gordon about Angela. Daryl drives in the middle of this. Gordon insults Daryl, and Daryl leaps out of the car, starting a fight before Danny gets him out of there.

At the gym, Ben tries to get information about losing the gym. Daryl doesn’t want to give it, but Ben manages to get him to talk. They went broke awhile ago, and Daryl bought some money from some loan sharks. Daryl says it doesn’t matter if he wins, but Ben angrily asks, “What if he loses?” Daryl doesn’t want to accept that possibility.

Daryl leaves without really answering. Ben says to Addison he doesn’t think this is just about a fight. Addison consults Ziggy and is shocked to see something she missed. Danny loses, Daryl sells the gym, his debts mount, he ends up killing himself.

Back in the present, Ian says they have figured out what Ben was trying to do. Basically leaping enough to gain enough momentum to leap beyond his own life time to a point where theoretically it should be impossible.

Addison comes in yelling at Ian, telling him that something is wrong with Ziggy for having missed the reason for Ben’s leap. They quickly figure out something is wrong, and that there’s an outside influence, but they don’t know what yet. Addison apologizes to Ian, saying that she feels powerless being a hologram unable to help Ben, which is when Ian suggests shadow boxing.

Back at the gym, Addison appears, and suggests she needs a bike bell - something to warn him - that she’s there.  Daryl’s wife comes in and says he’s there to talk to Ben. She expresses concern about Daryl. Ben reassures her, she leaves food, and Ben reveals that he’s emotionally invested in what’s going on here and they need to win.

Addison tells Ben that he has all of Danny’s strength, as he is entwined with the leapee's body. Ben points out something that was problematic in the original series… He may have Danny’s strength but not his experience.

We learn that Ben has a photographic memory.

We cut to Jenn and Magic in the present. The code that Ben was working on... he was working for at least six months.

In the past, Addison is using the holographic technology to show Ben the original fight. Ben is right handed, where his host is actually left handed. He has to play out every move exactly as it did in the original history to get an opening that will win him the fight.

Ben and Addison fight, until Addison faints and disappears.

Addison wakes up in the project's hospital. Magic says the Doc reports shes suffering from exhaustion and dehydration. Magic suggests now that Ben is going to be leaping for awhile, they need to treat this like a marathon; not a sprint.

Ian figures out that someone has opened up a remote link to the system causing Ziggy to be slow.  They believe this to be Janis Calavicci. Ian doesn’t think she can do more then get information from Ziggy.

We see Janis arrive at Beth’s house. Janis and Beth share some wine. We find out that the reason Janis was not allowed to join the project was because of Beth. Beth didn’t want her daughter chasing shadows and disappearing down the same rabbit hole Al went down, trying to find Sam. 

Georgina Reilly continues to play the character like an evil villain, even though her goals don’t seem evil. Beth ends up falling over. Janis has drugged her mother.

Addison reappears to Ben, and explains how he felt helpless when Addison collapsed. Daryl comes in and wonders why he’s fighting right handed.

Daryl notices the food, and notices his wife came by, and seems paranoid. Daryl has PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The National Institute of Mental Health says PTSD is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary or dangerous event. Daryl’s behavior throughout the episode is related to his PTSD. The cops arrive to arrest him for the earlier fight. Ben keeps Daryl calm, because he looks like he wants to fight the cops.

Daryl is going to be in the slammer for 72 hours, missing the fight. Ben tries to change that by calling the cops a pig and getting arrested himself. He figures by getting arrested that they will both be released. And the gambit works.

They are released, Daryl is ready to go, but Danny stays seated to confront his brother. He says he won’t fight unless Daryl will get help. Daryl doesn’t think the doctors can fix him because every time he closes his eyes, he sees the bodies of those he served with. Ben says he would rather have his brother than a title, and convinces his brother to get help. They walk out of jail as Angela has bailed them out.

Addison’s and Ben’s strategy doesn’t quite end up working, but Ben ends up winning in the end anyway. Ben at one point, gets knocked down and has a flash of a memory, which I think is probably about Addison, but we don’t see her.

Daryl is saved, he’s got his family, and he opens up the first veteran support group for PTSD. A very original series kind of ending.  Ben is told that he isn’t going home any time soon. He takes the news in stride, as long as Addison is there, and as long as Addison promises to take better care of herself.

Addison is at home, preparing to watch Real Housewives, when there's a knock at the door. All of her co-workers come over to watch with her and support her. Magic gets a call from Beth... she’s not dead.

Janice confiscated AL’s old things while Beth was out cold, including Al’s old handlink, which we see! Magic tells the team that he’s getting some really bad news.

Ben leaps into a bar, where he’s getting hit on, and it turns out he’s leaped into a woman for the first time this series.  This will be the episode where actor Justin Hartley guest stars, and that’s his actual wife as Ben’s mirror image!

Synopsis by Dave Korman. Edited with additions by Brian Greene.

Personal Review by Earl Bonovich:

So here we go, week three, and this by far in my opinion was the best episode of the series so far.

We see Ben leap into the body of a young boxer, and then immediately get clocked with two punches before he even knew where he was and what was going on.

The panic in Ben's face, as the second punch on it's way really came through the screen, as called back many memories of the original series and the panic that Sam must have felt on most leaps.

As we progressed through into the episode, we got our first dose of the new dynamic between the leaper and Leapee being a couple, and not just friends. You could FEEL through the TV the discomfort of Addison seeing her fiance kissing another woman, even though Ben didn't initiate, you could feel that dynamic and the discomfort.

This story dove a lot deeper into topics of today, that were not handled well in the late 70's. And why it took so long for society to address, and handle. What first started as a boxing match, and possibly a love triangle, turned into a mental health discussion and our vets.

We also saw a big step forward of what Project QL can do in 2022 that they could do in the early 90's with advancement in technology. The VR/Imaging was more then just the person, they now could project full imagery of scenarios and video, this can play big roles in future episodes and solving the leap.

We also saw some genuine humor, between the two... when Ben was commenting on Addison sneaking up on him, and needing a bell. A reference to the silent hologram, and just a fun humor moment.

You also saw that Ben in his sub conscious has a close bond with Addison, as he reached for her collapsing hologram, and felt remorse that he couldn't help her. And the snap memory, of the room with the stained glass, with presumably Addison there with him.

We then get to a big resolution in the Leap, and how Ben's role in saving these people, have MASSIVE impacts to not just their lives, but so many more. The reason why QL is there.

Also should note, that this is Ben's longest leap so far. Covering about 36 hours or so. Let's see if week 4 goes longer, and relates to Ian's slingshot theory.

Now for the sub-story line... with just a few minutes of screen time, we got a lot further in this. We now have a pretty good idea of what is going on, and that Janice is head deep on all of this. She has compromised Ziggy to a degree, and seems to be living out her Dad's final wishes. To get Sam home. Unconventional, way about going about it... but it seems she was blocked out of conventional mechanisms.

And of course the BIG Easter egg... the classic hand-held unit. What is she going to do with that, and the new setup she has in that basement? We will see.

The other characters are starting to fill out their roles, and their purpose. Ian is more then just the tech person, they are a key friend to Addison and Ben, that is going to keep that glue in that relationship and help keep Addison in the game. Magic is not just the lead, but almost a father figure to many of them, and also has some serious roles in navigating the implications of everything that is going on.
As we continue on to Episode 4... If we keep this 35/10 minute balance in the episode between the Leap and the Sub-Plot, it will keep things at a good pace, and keep a a balanced story telling.

8 out of 10 on a first viewing...

Project Trivia:

Ziggy is running slowly and misses information about saving Daryl.

The Quantum Leap rule of only leaping within your own lifetime can be changed by removing security protocols with new code, which Ben uploaded.

Ian believes Ben is leaping towards a specific point in time, and using each subsequent Leap to slingshot himself closer to the target.

Addison explains that when Ben hits Gordon, Gordon will feel Danny's fist, not Ben's. They exist together. This is why there is now no Waiting Room.

A reboot of the Quantum Leap Project system could mean losing contact with Ben for a week.

Beth asked Magic to keep Janis out of the QL program.

Ben Trivia:

Ben is an only child.

Ben has a brief memory of someone with him back at home.

Ben has a photographic memory.

Ben has been working on the new code for at least 6 months prior to his first leap.

Addison Trivia:

On Wednesdays, Ben and Addison traditionally got Thai food and watched "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills."

Al Trivia:

Al kept some things from the original Project Quantum Leap that he wasn't supposed to have, such as an original handlink!

Ian's Outfits Worn in the Episode:

1. Off-white suit jacket and pants with white dress shirt and multi-colored striped tie
2. Black full length skirt with gold buttons, blue and white striped shirt

Kiss With History:

None this episode.

Miscellaneous Trivia:

The episode title refers to the movie "Somebody Up There Likes Me", a boxing movie from 1956 with Paul Newman.

When the handlink is shown at the end of the episode, listen for the original Quantum Leap theme notes!
Original QL Theme

What appears to be a home-made Imaging Chamber can be seen in the background just after the handlink is revealed.

The Universal Sheraton Hotel was used as the frontage for the Casino.

This is the third episode of tis new series. In the original series, the third episode was also a boxing story titled "The Right Hand of God."

A gummy bear handlink used as the stand-in during the original series is shown in an instagram from Martin Gero:

From the Quantum Leap Writers' Room:

Counting down the mere MINUTES until episode 3 premieres on @NBC with another #QuantumFact!

Did you know that Marcus Stokes, our brilliant director for episode 3 of #QuantumLeap, is also an avid boxer and martial artist?

CUTIEZ #QuantumLeap

Dean Georgaris @DeanGeorgaris Oct 6, 2022

From script to screen.

Here is scene 22 of "Somebody up there likes Ben"


Click image to view a PDF of Scene 22.


Dr. Ben Song
(Portrayed by Raymond Lee)
– Ben is a first-generation American, a world-renowned physicist, and a man of faith. He’s also working on Quantum Leap, a time travel project. But when he uses the project on himself, he’s transported back in time with a bout of amnesia – forgetting what made him time travel in the first place.

Addison Augustine (Portrayed by Caitlin Bassett) – Addison is a smart, witty, fearless ex-military operative who now serves as Project Observer at Quantum Leap HQ. She’s in charge of the technology they use to communicate with the past, and tries to rescue Ben from his time-flung existence.

Ian Wright (Portrayed by Mason Alexander Park) – Quantum Leap’s non binary chief architect of the AI program.

Herbert “Magic” Williams (Portrayed by Ernie Hudson) – A Vietnam vet and current head of the time travel project at Quantum Leap. Herbert “Magic” Williams uses his no-nonsense personality and aura of control to keep the Pentagon at bay while the team tries to rescue Ben.

Jenn Chu (Portrayed by Nanrisa Lee) – Head of security at Quantum Leap HQ. Quirky but formidable, she makes it her mission to figure out why Ben erased all evidence of why he Leaped.

Guest Cast:

Jon Chaffin as Daryl
Danielle Larracuente as Angela
Georgina Reilly as Janis Calavicci
Susan Diol as Beth Calavicci
Thomas Taylor as Boxing Referee

Jermaine Alverez Martin as Danny Hill (Mirror Image)
Bayardo De Murguia as Roy Gordon
Alex Gonzalez as Marco
Roy Abramsohn as Announcer
Bradan Toigo as Gordon's Crony
Jess Nurse as Penny
Brian Oblak as Commanding Officer
Bryce J. Ramos as Security Officer
Tyson Turrou as Sleazy Guy
Anastasia Antonia as Young Woman/Eva
Devin McGee as Loan Shark
Mark Sipka as Bartender

Guest Cast Notes:

Jon Chaffin (Daryl) began performing in High School, when he took Drama as an elective course. Jon was a fixture in school plays, having played leading roles in "Oedipus Rex", "A Midsummer's Night" and "Romeo and Juliet." Upon graduation, Jon went on to attend Fort Valley State University, where he later received his B.A. in Mass Communications. He began his professional career, working as a production assistant, camera operator and associate producer. He worked on numerous live-action shows, before going back to his first love, acting. He made his on-screen debut on the long-running Lifetime series, Army Wives.

Danielle Larracuente (Angela) was born on February 25th, 1992 in Cortlandt Manor, New York. She is the daughter of Carmen D. Sabater and Israel Larracuente Jr. Both her parents are of Puerto Rican descent and retired NYPD officers. Danielle is a sister to three brothers. One of her idols growing up in the New York area was Jennifer Lopez and Rosie Perez. At a very young age, Danielle started in print work and secured her first major commercial at only four years of age. For the next few years, Danielle continued as a child actress doing more commercials, advertisements, and plays. An important milestone in Danielle's young career at the age of nine years old was landing the starring role of Young Nala in Lion King on Broadway (2001). After her run, she was cast in a role for a skit on Saturday Night Live with Jimmy Fallon (2002) & hosted a season of commercial breaks for the Women's National Basketball Association (2003). At fifteen years old she along with her mother moved to Los Angeles, California to further pursue her goals and aspirations as an actress. As she continued on with more roles she moved into television Guest Starring in an episode of "ER " (2006). Her next role was in "Without a Trace" (2009). Later Danielle took a monumental hiatus to be a mother to her young son Benson, complete her Cosmetology License and also B.S in Psychology. After a few years of focusing on her schooling and a profession in Psychology/Cosmetology, she decided to return to her first passion. Danielle returned to television with a recurring role on "Vida" Starz (2020), Guest spots on NCIS, Home Economics, and Good Trouble. A great achievement of hers is costarring along side Melissa Joan Hart in the hit Christmas Movie " Mistletoe In Montana (2021)." Danielle at this time is taking on the role of Paulina Calderon on the Bosch spin off " Bosch Legacy" in a recurring role (2022). A driving factor for Danielle's aspirations for the future and beyond is to continue to bring a rising presence in TV & Film for the Latino community.

Georgina Reilly (Janis) is a British Canadian actress born February 12, 1986, in Guildford, United Kingdom, to songwriter/composer David Reilly and business administrator Frances Reilly. She comes from a long line of performers, her grandfather being Tommy Reilly, the world's first classical harmonica player. Growing up in an artistic household, she soon took to the family business, performing in musical theatre productions throughout her schooling. She met Philip Bateman (musical director of Billy Elliot, London production), who became a great mentor and supporter of her singing and acting. At the age of 16, she and her family made the move to Toronto, Canada, where Georgina finished her formal education. While attending Havergal College, she took a break from performing to focus on school. She was soon discovered by celebrated independent filmmaker Bruce McDonald, who cast her in the critically acclaimed 'Pontypool', which premiered at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival. It wasn't very long before Georgina became a household name in Canada. She is best known for her role as the feisty young coroner Dr. Emily Grace on Canada's acclaimed Victorian series Murdoch Mysteries and as the cynical Sabrina Reynolds on The CW's The L.A Complex. She married actor and filmmaker Mark O'Brien January 6, 2013, after meeting him on set. They reside in Los Angeles.

Susan Diol (Beth Calavicci) is of Scandinavian and East Indian Descent. She was born in Marquette, Michigan. Raised in Palatine, Illinois and Worthington Ohio. Her parents, Christine and Peter Balwant Singh Diol owned C & P Coffee, which is where Susan used her acting skills and accents while working in the office. The Diols also hosted many foreign exchange students and visitors, often having someone living in their basement or on their couch. It was a very lively upbringing. She received her BFA from Otterbein College, and she interned, her senior year at Pat McCorkle Casting in New York. That connection led her to moving to NYC, where she worked as a reader for Pat, was a perfume spritzer at Macy's and cleaned apartments. Pat cast her in her first Equity acting job, playing Viola in "Twelfth Night" at The Alaska Repertory Theatre, directed by her dear friend, Roy Brocksmith. She then got her big break in "You Never Can Tell" on Broadway at Circle in the Square, acting with Uta Hagan, Victor Garber, John and JD Cullum. Then she did "Opera Comique" at the Kennedy Center, with Eli Wallach, Anne Jackson, Charlotte Moore and Brian Bedford. She was a series regular on TV, in ABC's "Hothouse" in New York, with Michael Learned, Michael Jeter, Art Malik, Katherine Borowitz and Josef Sommer.

Jermaine Alverez Martin (Danny - Mirror Image) is known for 1/2 New Year (2019), Magpie Funeral and One Heart.

Bayardo De Murguia (Roy Gordon) is a Mexican-American actor making waves on the brand new Netflix series "Tiny Pretty Things" (Fall 2020) as series regular 'Ramon,' bad boy dancer turned visionary choreographer who uses non-traditional methods for teaching. Based on the hit YA novel of the same name, the story follows the world of an elite ballet academy and charts the rise and fall of young adults, each standing on the verge of greatness or ruin, with the novel best described as Black Swan meets Pretty Little Liars. Bayardo's rising career has spanned across both English and Spanish in international markets.

Bayardo has worked in television, film, commercials, and voiceover. He made his network television debut guest starring on "CSI" as 'Agent Silva,' and appeared in USA's "Shooter," CBS' "NCIS," and Hulu's "Chance." He is in demand for voice over and has upcoming projects for Dreamworks animation, WB animation, and Disney animation.

Bayardo first fell in love with acting while attending the University of San Diego as a football player. He enrolled in theater and continued on his journey performing several Shakespeare shows at the Old Globe Theater in Balboa Park. While there, he participated in an outreach program to perform for inner city schools while teaching acting classes at high schools with mostly Spanish speaking students. He moved to Madrid, Spain to continue his acting studies and after to Los Angeles where he immersed himself in improv at UCB. He broadened his horizons by also studying stunts and fighting.

Much of his childhood was spent splitting his time between Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, CA. Coming to the US as an immigrant, Bayardo paved his own way within Hollywood, having no guidance. He is driven to tell stories that represents Latinx culture across the US in honest material, eventually hoping to be behind the camera as well as in front. He enjoys telling great stories and the collaborative effort of production. He is an avid motorcycle rider, lover of food, and stays active with contact sports such as boxing.

Susan Vanita Diol (Beth Calavicci) is of Scandinavian and East Indian Descent. She was born in Marquette, Michigan. Raised in Palatine, Illinois and Worthington Ohio. Her parents, Christine and Peter Balwant Singh Diol owned C & P Coffee, which is where Susan used her acting skills and accents while working in the office. The Diols also hosted many foreign exchange students and visitors, often having someone living in their basement or on their couch. It was a very lively upbringing. She received her BFA from Otterbein College, and she interned, her senior year at Pat McCorkle Casting in New York. That connection led her to moving to NYC, where she worked as a reader for Pat, was a perfume spritzer at Macy's and cleaned apartments. Pat cast her in her first Equity acting job, playing Viola in "Twelfth Night" at The Alaska Repertory Theatre, directed by her dear friend, Roy Brocksmith. She then got her big break in "You Never Can Tell" on Broadway at Circle in the Square, acting with Uta Hagan, Victor Garber, John and JD Cullum. Then she did "Opera Comique" at the Kennedy Center, with Eli Wallach, Anne Jackson, Charlotte Moore and Brian Bedford. She was a series regular on TV, in ABC's "Hothouse" in New York, with Michael Learned, Michael Jeter, Art Malik, Katherine Borowitz and Josef Sommer.

Guests Who Appeared in Other Quantum Leap Episodes:

Susan Diol once again reprises her role as Beth Calavicci.

Characters who appeared in Classic Series episodes:

Beth Calavicci
Ziggy's "Gummi Bear" Handlink

Songs & Music:

"Got To Give It Up" by Marvin Gaye - plays just prior to the fighter weigh-in.

"Starchild" by Baby plays as we see that Angela is the girlfriend of Gordon.

"I Know You Got Soul" by Bobby Byrd - plays as the Championship match is about to begin.

"Your Brother's Room" by Dear Boy plays as Addison sits at home after the Leap.

"Forever Sometimes" by Dear Boy - plays when the gang drop by to watch "Real Housewives."

Say What?

A perfect opportunity to utilize hologram special effects during Ben and Addison's sparring match was completely ignored. The series seems to shy away from the hologram effects so far.

A 1981 musical is advertised on a billboard from some stock footage used.

Ben speaks reely to Addison on the way in to the Casino but Danny doesn't seem to notice.

In the boxing ring, when Addison fades out from exhaustion, why doesn't the holographic projection of the fighters in the background disappear?

Quotable Quotes:

"I am jacked."
-Ben, talking to his mirror image

"Someone up there does not like me."
-Ben to Addison when he realizes the fight is the next day

"Ziggy's running slow."
-Addison to Ben

Ben: "Shoelaces..."
Addison: "They're for your gloves, loverboy."

Addison: "I'm not going to lie, Ben, he looks pretty mad. He looks like we wants to kill you."
Ben: "Not helping."
Addison: "Sorry."

"I've been going over the code that Ben uploaded before he left. Addison, he might be stuck out there a while."

Ian: "Ben is trying to get to a specific moment in space-time."
Jenn: "We just can't tell where or when."
Ian: "If we take the first moment that he left and use it as his center, then I think that each leap is a stopping point on the way to this endpoint. What's not clear is the path he's taking to get there."
Magic: "Why not?"
Ian: "For starters, Ben just lept into a past that's beyond his own lifetime."
Jenn: "That's supposed to be impossible."
Ian: "Yeah, it was, but Ben got rid of almost all our safety protocols before he got into the machine, so nothing's impossible now."
Addison: "How many leaps to get where he's going in?"
Ian: "I would say no less than 10. But probably closer to 20."

"I'm your older brother. My job is to shelter you from all the ugliness in this world."
-Daryl to Ben

Ian: "He's moving from point to point in order to build up enough momentum so that he could leap further than would otherwise be possible."
Magic: "If you're right it means Ben could leap as far back in time as he wanted."

"Okay, we have got to work on your entrances. Maybe get you a bike bell?"
-Ben to Addison

Addison: "When you hit, it's not Ben's fist Roy Gordan is going to feel. It's Danny's."
Ben: "So physically, I have Danny's conditioning. I have his strength and his speed. I just have to harness it."

"It's looking more and more like Ben is being used and doesn't know it."
-Jenn to Magic

Beth: "Sam Beckett was lost forever. Your Dad never got over it. Is it so wrong for me to want to protect you from that same fate?"
Janis: "Did it ever occur to you that maybe I wouldn't fail?"

Addison: "That should have worked."
Ben: "It did not."

"I need you, Addison."

Production Photos:

From Ana Amortegui on Instagram: Private rehearsal at Quantum Leap!

#directorofphotography #cinematographer #dp #dop #behindthescenes #bts #onlocation #onsetlife #setlife #privaterehearsal #ilovemyjob #grateful #blessed #difuntacorrea

From Ana Amortegui on Instagram (with 10 photos below): Quantum Leap Ep 103 “Somebody up there likes Ben” Directed by @themarcusstokes and written by @quelindofilms

This episode was amazing to shoot, lots of fun, so special! I Loved collaborating with Marcus, loved the magic we created and the story we told! Infinite thanks to the cast, this was a very physical episode and take after take they gave it all, all the time, Thanks to crew for their hard work, the hours, for their talent, to the camera department thanks for always being there for me and the biggest thanks to the G&E department, that just on the boxing ring they hanged more than 300 par cans all geled one by one…this episode and how good it was is the product of the work of so many people…I am beyond lucky I make part of the QL team.

Production Videos:

Coming Soon

Production Credits:

Consulting Producer: Moira Kirland
Tim Scanlan
Meg Fister
Co-Executive Producer:
Deric A. Hughes
Co-Executive Producer: Benjamin Raab
Co-Executive Producer: Drew Lindo
Co-Executive Producer: Aadrita Mukerji
Produced by:
Tracey Baird
Executive Producer:
Robert Hull
Executive Producer: Steven Lilien
Executive Producer: Bryan Wyndrandt
Executive Producer: Chris Grismer
Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt
Executive Producer: Donald P. Bellisario
Executive Producer: Dean Georgaris
Executive Producer:
Martin Gero
Created by:
Donald P. Bellisario

Written by: Drew Lindo
Directed by: Marcus Stokes

Associate Producer: Ethan Henderson
Story Editor:
Margarita Matthews
Casting by:
Jennifer Cooper, CSA
Original Casting by: Kamala A. Thomas

Director of Photography: Ana M. Amortegui, ADFC
Production Designer: Mayling Cheng
Edited by: Piper Kroeze
Music by: Daniel James Chan
Unit Production Manager:
Melanie J. Elin
First Assistant Director: M. Ryan Traylor
Second Assistant Director: Matthew D. Smith
Costume Designer:
Genevieve Tyrrell

A Camera Operator: Dave Hirschman
B Camera/Steadycam Operator: Michael Walsh
Production Sound Mixer: Akash Singh
Chief Lighting Technician: Donna Vega
Key Grip: Peter Chrimes
Art Directors: Danny Cistone & Liz Kloczkowski

Set Director: Tim Stepeck
Costume Supervisor: Heather Sladinski
Property Master: Erik Grasteit
Construction Coordinator: Matt Sazzman
Department Head Hair: Amy Marie Wilson
Department Head Makeup: Julia Lallas
Leadman: David Napoli
Stunt Coordinator: Jeff Barnett
Location Manager: Dan Milner
Transportation Coordinator: Sandra Ninham-Gallardo
Production Office Coordinator: Sofie Johanna "Bubbles" Dejus
Assistant Production Office Coordinator: Will Potenberg
Production Accountant: Natalie Chiengkul
Script Supervisor: Heather Pollock
Script Coordinator: Sue Palmer
Casting Associates: Lindsay Jameyson & Mia Cascio
Post Production Coordinator:
Gabriella Scudieri
Music Supervisor: Season Kent
Music Co-Supervisor: Leah Harrison
Music Editor: Zed Starkovich
Assistant Editor: Catherine Goohs
Online Editor: Richard Wells
Colorist: Paul Allia
Visual Effects Supervisor: Trent Smith
Visual Effects Assistant Editor: Michael Defilio
Supervising Sound Editor: Kelly Cabral
Re-Recording Mixer: Yuri Reese
Re-Recording Mixer: Sean Madsen
In-House VFX Artist: Matt Collorafice
In-House VFX Artist: Marko Post
Video Playback Supervisor: Todd Marks
Key Assistant Location Managers: S
teve Curley, Kevin Kinskey, and Brandey Nicols

The State of California and the California Film Commision, California Soundstage Filming Tax Credit Program

Copyright 2022 Universal Television LLC All Right Reserved

Dean Georgaris Entertainment
Quinn's House
Universal Content Productions
Universal Television

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