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August 7th, 2004
By Georgia


Nuclear Family Oct 26 1962

I was really nervous about writing my first piece for Rodettevision after reading how talented M.J Cogburn and Helen are at writing. I don’t claim to be a good writer like them, but I do share their enthusiasm and passion for Quantum Leap, so I hope you’ll excuse me if I my style of writing is completely different to theirs.

As you may have read in my Guest vision debut, I told you that when I was a child/teenager I used to write in my diary just after I had watched QL and write down what had happened in that episode – not quite sure why I did it, maybe it was because I was so full of emotion after watching QL (and from my teenage hormones) that I wouldn’t have been able to sleep without writing it all down!

So anyway I plan on doing a similar project – writing/typing an episode that I’ve just watched. It may not be one of my favourites as it depends what Sci-Fi have shown that day, but lets face it they’re all superb in their own way. Here goes then, welcome to my first solo Rodettevision!

Sam has leaped in to a young lad who lives with his big brother in the 60’s. He’s leapt smack bang in the middle of the Cuban missile crisis. Now I wasn’t born until the late 70’s but I hear it was a pretty scary time. My dad remembers exactly where he was when he heard about it, as I’m sure a lot of people do.

His brother sells Bomb shelters and Sam has to help out. He has a cute niece and nephew. The little girl looks just like Drew Barrymore in E.T! His brother however, reminds me of Frank, the adorable Jimmy’s brother – I think it’s his arrogance and insistent shouting that reminds me of him.

When Sam has to give a tour round the shelter he acts like he’s never read before. He stumbles over his words, which I find really surprising because Sam is an intelligent man and has leapt in to so many different kinds of situations. He’s mastered the trapeze, he’s played a convincing blind pianist, he’s even been able to act like a chimpanzee, hell, he’s even mastered high heels, but he struggles to read a simple manual. So maybe Sam’s not a salesman – he can’t be good at everything, bless him!

When Al makes his entrance his image enters half underground – I remember him doing that quite often, but I’ve never understood why and what the significance was! I noticed the front of the handlink too – it’s just lots of flashy lights with no words, so what is Al reading from? Another question that baffles me. Let me know if you know the answers!

One of the many things I admire about Sam’s character is how quickly and easily he bonds with his leaping family. He’s so good with kids too, which is ironic considering he never gets to have any of his own. But having said that Sam got jiggy with the leading lady so many times - are we to assume he always wore protection? There could be lots of mini leapers out there! Anyway I digress…

Kennedy comes on the TV screen – now I wasn’t around when Kennedy was in power but I’ve heard lots of good things about him, so I find it so hard to understand why he was murdered (or why anyone is murdered for that matter). So someone doesn’t agree with certain things you say, you don’t kill them because they don’t think the same as you. What ever happened to freedom of speech? My god this world would be a boring place if everyone thought the same wouldn’t it?! He had a family and was loved by millions of people and that one person (whoever it was) decided to take this influential man’s life. I just don’t get it.

But back to QL… there’s a blackout and the scary music comes on, the eerie siren sounds. Can you imagine in WW2 sleeping in your bed and waking to that awful sound, it must have been terrifying to know that within seconds your home and surroundings could be blown to smithereens within seconds.

While I’m talking about war I’m tempted to discuss the events of September 11th but I realise that this is a very sensitive subject, especially for our American friends and it’s not why I’m here – I can’t even begin to comprehend the reasons behind such a nightmare, so I wont.

So back to 1962 - they dive to the shelter, all acting hysterically. I can’t believe arrogant brother man (I forget his name) doesn’t let the neighbour in the shelter, how selfish. I can understand wanting to protect his family, but I personally couldn’t live with myself knowing someone was dying outside, of radiation.

The kid gets hold of a revolver – how he knows how to use it I don’t know. Sam saves the day and no one gets hurt (this time anyway). Whoever invented the gun has a lot to answer for. Billions of people have been killed since the guns invention and billions more will be in the future, unless someone does something about it.

Hmm, gone off track a bit I’m afraid – I did warn you that my style of writing was a little … ka ka!

Thanks for reading, Georgia.x

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