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August 19, 2003
Rodette Vision



What constitutes a hero?

Ok, let’s look at the definition of a hero first and foremost:

Hero: (noun) A person revered especially for noble courage. Example: Sergeant York was one of the heroes of World War I. Hmmm…

How about this:

Heroic: (adjective) Having or showing courage. – brave.

Example: It was very heroic of that fire fighter to go into a burning building and save the live of that baby!

Here’s another:

Heroism: (noun) the quality or state of being heroic

Example: a rescue that was an act of heroism.

Keeping these things in mind along with all the other words that help define what a hero is: a brave man, a model, a conqueror, a victorious general, a god, a martyr, a champion, a prize athlete, a master, a warrior, a saint, a man of courage, a star, a popular figure, a great man, a knight-errant, a man among men, a man of the hour or day --- valiant, valor and fearless, and having a rare fortitude.


Keeping this in mind…


Is Sam really a "hero"?

I know that keeping in with the definitions that I’ve given above, that one should come to the conclusion that yes, Sam Beckett is a hero. He is the Boy Scout… the Don Quixote who has the sidekick – Sancho who actually lusts after all the women around even if he is married. We have all labeled Sam at one point – a knight-errant. You can look at any episode and see how Sam has saved the life of someone, braved some kind of oddity, he’s brave; he’s a model for everyone.

But what do you think? Is this who you think of as a hero? Or are we talking about something even more adamant and out there? You tell me.

Reaching that unreachable star…



If you’d like to e-mail MJ about any Quantum Leap information regarding QL: The Virtual Seasons or any Rodette-Vision Column, please do so at

In my soul, this hope burns free – oh, please let there be one final leap!

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