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September 22, 2003
Rodette Vision

Quantum Leap or Star Trek?
(Part II)

Yes, it’s another QL or ST comment/thought from me. Can you believe it? Me being a trekkie? Ohhhh boy! But aside from the obvious gaffaw that is going around, I want to point out something that was told to me yesterday in a chat outside of Al’s Place.

Yesterday, I went to thinking that maybe I could hop on at the end of the Scott Chat again, but… yet again, it was a flop. I wasn’t able to make the meeting. (Gosh… having a job sucks, sometimes, huh?) Anyway, when I went there, I was just yakking with a few people and one of those people went under the name Xindi.

Talking with him, I asked him, (for he seemed to be the "one" to talk to about Scott being at the chat… and it made me think that he was the "speaker" that you send the message to and he sends it on to Scott) … we got to talking albeit sporadically… but I asked if it would be best to not ask Scott anything about Quantum Leap. I was told that Scott initiated the chats so that he could talk to the fans of Enterprise about the new upcoming episodes. So, if Scott is initiating the chats and taking his time to go to to talk with them, then by all means… let’s talk Enterprise.

Talk about the mind spinning into a different sphere and realm. It was about that time that none other than the sweet gal, SueJBakula showed up at the chat as well. We told Xindi and the others how we were Quantum Leap fans and adored / worshipped him and how we were both Webmistress of Quantum Leap sites.

Interestingly enough, he congratulated us that we kept up the websites and asked if we would send him our URL’s for him to look at the websites. Knowing that we are the giddy girls that we are, I’m sure that SueJBakula sent him her URL… hehehe… I know that I did and if SueJBakula didn’t send in hers, well, it’s now sent off. (Sorry Sue.) However, Xindi did tell us that he wanted to promote more of our favorite actor – Scott Bakula more on For us, I think that we are already doing that to the best of our ability. Giving our all for the show and the men that we adore / worship.

Well, it was only after we finished talking with him that one of the other people in the chat asked Xindi who he really was. What he told us was this: I am Marc Wade, Supervising Producer, Talk about a smile spreading from ear to ear and bigger than the Cheshire Cat! If this is Marc Wade, a Supervising Producer of the website, then why not have a grin and know that you had a decent – true life chat with him knowing that you both want the same thing?

What might that be?

To show to the world that Scott Bakula is a person who acts well… Correction… To show to the world that Scott Bakula can act with his mind, his heart and his whole being – you can see it when he’s on the big screen, the television screen and I’m sure that you can most definitely see it in on stage.

Sooooooooooo… what exactly am I getting at here?

Uhm… let me see… what was I getting at here?

Ohhh… yeah!

Look, Scott has moved on to Enterprise. No biggie. That’s okay. We (the Quantum Leap fans of the world) can be okay with that. We have the memories of Quantum Leap that lead us on. However, we can’t just leave him out on a limb and forget that Scott and Dean are still out there.

So… let’s promote them in whatever endeavors that they continue to do! Let the Leapers of the world unite and remember that even though they have moved on, that we must follow our favorite actors and let them know just how much we do appreciate their acting abilities!

Remember… Enterprise comes on Wednesday night on UPN at 8 PM Eastern / 7 PM Central Standard Time. Don’t miss out on the Scott Trek… *rolls eyes* Sorry… typo… Star Trek….


You really don’t want to miss it!

I’d hate to see Scott go from this:


And turn into something like this:


Until next time… keep the Leap!

Reaching that unreachable star…



If you’d like to e-mail MJ about any Quantum Leap information regarding QL: The Virtual Seasons or any Rodette-Vision Column, please do so at

In my soul, this hope burns free – oh, please let there be one final leap!

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