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October 16, 2003
Rodette Vision
- 1st Anniversary Edition

A Tribute

Yes, they have moved on to more roles after Quantum Leap was pushed to the side, but they have stayed in the main place where they need to be and keeping that in mind, I have decided that a tribute is necessary for the duo that we have come to know and love as Dr. Sam Beckett and Ex-Rear Admiral Albert Calavicci.

When I think back on the years that I’ve been able to watch Quantum Leap, I’m glad that I had the opportunity to be blessed by the people who wrote it, who produced it, and who starred in this wonderful series. They have truly blessed us with something that can’t be redone.

Looking back on these days in which I have seen some wonderful acting ability on the smallest of small television screens, we can look in it and see the faces of the people who portrayed the characters so lovingly, so adamantly and so full of emotion. You can actually see that they were there… for us.

*Smile* It’s funny, but in a dream I did see it once… and it’s been blazed in my mind. Forever, I’ll see Sam soaring across the sky, his buddy Al in the cockpit, helping him go to Mach 3. And, I’ll always remember that. Since it’s a part of my memory, they will always be with me… no matter what I do or where I go. All the different places that Dr. Beckett has been… all the different people that he touched… all the different consequences that he stirred up and brought back down… they are all there with me… and helped in some way to form the person that I am.

Am I saying that a TV show raised me? No. But the things in life that you put around yourself can change the person that you are. The show gave a strength and a power that was totally awesome and entertaining and worthwhile. It had a purpose and a plan and showed everyone that one person CAN make the difference… one life at a time.

As in a poem I once read and keep reading about a man who is throwing Starfish back into the ocean and an onlooker says, "Why are you doing that when there are so many out here that will die? What will it matter?" The man answers even as he’s throwing the next one in, "It mattered to that one."

So… ladies and gentlemen who made the show what it is… was… and forever will be… thank you for your generous, loving, and honorable reasons for writing and acting in a show that meant more to us than anything else. If it wasn’t worth it… why are we still celebrating it?


A Small Song….

(You may laugh… but… I heard it and it made sense to me!)

((In the tune of the country western song: "Unbelievable"))

They’re so kissable, huggable, lovable, unbelievable,

They’re a mouthful of anything and everything a woman could want.

It ain’t typical, it’s unpredictable, it’s available, it’s a miracle

How my heart stumbled onto something so

Kissable, huggable, lovable, unbelievable.

Oh, up till then my life had been so lonely and boring

Never thought I would find something so

Elegant, intelligent, heaven sent, all my money spent

I put a big down payment on a very big TV screen!

It’s so beautiful, it’s undisputable,

It’s undeniable, they’ve got to have a ball…

It’s music to my ears and makes my heart sing so

Kissable, huggable, lovable, unbelievable.

There’s so many things I want to tell them

Like I love them…..

But every time I talk I start to st st st stutter!

It’s so elegant, intelligent, heaven sent, all my money spent

I put a big down payment on a very big TV screen!

It’s so beautiful, it’s undisputable,

It’s undeniable, and they’ve got to have a ball…

It’s music to my ears and makes my heart sing so

Kissable, huggable, lovable, unbelievable.

Kissable, huggable, lovable, unbelievable.

They’re kissable, huggable, lovable; they’re unbelievable!



((Okay… maybe I was reaching… but it was FUN!))

Reaching that unreachable star…



If you’d like to e-mail MJ about any Quantum Leap information regarding QL: The Virtual Seasons or any Rodette-Vision Column, please do so at

In my soul, this hope burns free – oh, please let there be one final leap!

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