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Howdy Y’all! I hope that everyone has been doing well and keeping themselves safe and happy since the last time that we "spoke".

With such a holiday around the corner… I just wanted to take the chance to give everyone a warm and Happy Thanksgiving!

With this holiday… it is common to hear the question: What are you thankful for?


It’s a question that makes you think. It’s something that we need to look deep inside of us and find the deep seated emotions and be grateful for everything that we have… and grateful for what we don’t have.

As I look back through my memories of Quantum Leap, I can see the Beckett family sitting around the table, giving thanks over the meal. And… again, unless my memory is magnafoozled like Sam’s – I remember Al telling Sam to just be thankful that he was home and to quit making the people he loves miserable.

Once Sam quit trying to fix things… and embraced his family… he realized the chance that he had. He had a chance to be with his family… a moment in time that he’ll never be able to have again. How many times have we wanted that… he had an opportunity that most would die for.

This holiday season we need to do the same thing. We need to be grateful for what we have around us.

Even at the same time…

I’m thinking about all of the information floating out there on the Internet highway about the Quantum Leap Movie and Series. We would be ecstatic if it were announced today… tonight that it was true and that on whatever date that it would be premiering…. And I could bet you that every Quantum Leap fan would be glued to that television watching to see if it was up to expectations for Leapers everywhere!!!

What if they said that the negotiations failed? Personally, I’d be upset. But at the same time, I would be thankful that I had the opportunity to watch the show. I’m thankful that Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell gave so much of themselves for the show… and portrayed the characters so well that we fell in love with them. If it hadn’t been for them… I sincerely doubt that Quantum Leap would have made such an impression on anyone.

True… they may not even see it… but…

For Scott & Dean:

Thank you for your warmth and charismatic acting abilities.

Without you… we would never have fallen in love with the show that touched our hearts.

Thank you for everything that you’ve done with Bellasario productions…

May your lives be full.


For Don: Thank you for your abilities and for the faith in these two wonderful actors!

Without you… and your team… we would have missed an opportunity that was worth a thousand lifetimes.

May your heart lead you always!


For all of the Quantum Leapers reading this – A poem:

Thanks for the beautiful sun and moon

For friends and family, who didn’t leave us too soon.

And let us pray for those not as lucky as we

May they find comfort and peace from the Heavenly King.

Give thanks for the waterfalls, stars and twilight,

And thanks for warm beds we sleep in at night.

Let’s give thanks for the beast as we gather ‘round –

And thank God for His blessings, as they abound.

And even give thanks for the day that is here.

Give thanks every second, every moment of the year.

Be thankful for the ones you hold in your soul.

Give thanks that they love you, and make you feel whole.

Let’s offer thanks for our country, may we still live in peace.

Let us pray as we laugh over this glorious feast.

Give thanks for your blessings, be they big or small –

Each one is special, and we should count them all.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, please remember what it means –

And let us pray for those who don’t have anything.

Please remember as you sit at your table tonight -

There are those in the cold, with no food in sight.

Let’s give thanks for those working in shelters all day -

Feeding families, feeding children – for them, let us pray.

Let’s give thanks for this nation – with its joys and its loss.

Give thanks for your freedom – for it came with a cost.

Give thanks as you gather the ones that you love -

To the Heavenly Father, residing above.

Through him we are here, celebrating today.

Give thanks for His Love, on this Thanksgiving Day.

~*~@ Ellen M. Dubois @~*~


Peace and love to all on this Holiday Season….

~*~@ Robyn X @~*~



Should you wish to email Robyn_X about this article

or ANY Quantum Leap related matter, you can do so by

contacting her at