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May 6, 2003



The Rodternet's a Dangerous Place Sam.......

"Rumour has it, the buzz is, sources say". It is easy to be confused, whenever you type into a search engine: "Quantum Leap News".

There are lots of different sites, some official news sites, some unofficial fan sites, who are putting their own different spin onto the QL movie. Some sites say that Scott Bakula will NOT appear, some say he will appear, others claim The Rod will be the star of this show.

Strangely enough, there has been very little OFFICIAL news. The Rod was wondering why this is. Is it a public relations tactic, inciting anticipation by releasing virtually no information? At first The Rod was irritated, even annoyed by this assumption. He assumed that perhaps Sci Fi were playing on the nostalgic feelings of the country, counting on these feelings to guarantee ratings. The Rod hates being played in this manner!

However, He reconsidered. He drew a parallel with the imminent release of The Matrix Reloaded.

There has been next to nothing (well, apart from casting information) released regarding details of this film, right until now. Now that its about to become a box office smash.

The Rod isn’t going to lie to you folks, He was already awaiting, eagerly, the release of this film, so having no info on it didn’t really make all that much difference.

Its the same story with Star Wars Ep3. The Rod hasnt really heard anything about it (perhaps there is nothing to tell yet) apart from Chewbacca will be in it, but He still awaits this film as eagerly, if not more, than The Matrix Reloaded.

The same is true of Quantum Leap. The Rod was discussing this on Al's Place message board, His Hot Rodettes and Hot Rodders convinced The Rod that patience is required.

Moral of RodVision……….. If you don’t hear anything for a while, don’t assume the worst!!!

For those of you who wish to read all the latest information on the QL film, check out Tina_Als_Girls threads here, courtesy Al's Place message boards, and of course Tina_als_girl herself, (Hot Rodette of the week!!) she has all the scoops as they are released!!


Official Statement:

Sci Fi Channel Announcement

With the tenth anniversary of Mirror Image gone, some leapers are despondent. Despondent because they had hoped an official announcment would follow, outlining the future.

To them, The Rod says this: The anniversary may be gone, but the month aint over yet!!!

He’s THE Hot Rod Baby!!

Hey Yo, El Prez. The Rod has NOTHING but love for ya dude!!!!


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Hot Rod.


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Hot Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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