The Sci-Fi Channel's 2000 investigation of Quantum Leap on their program "Sciography"
Download in parts below, or stream all 14 videos plus the commercial intros & credits on Al's Place YouTube Channel above! |
![]() Commercial Intro 28 seconds |
![]() Introduction: Bellisario Beginnings The intro details Don's youth and life in Cokeburg. Don talks about meeting Lee Harvey Oswald in the Marines and moving to Hollywood at the age of 41. 3 minutes 17 seconds
![]() Part 1: The 5 Rules of Leaping It's the late 80's and Don read "Coming of Age in the Milky Way" which dealt with time-travel and something called a Quantum Leap. 3 minutes 47 seconds |
![]() Part 2: Casting Sam Beckett An interview with Warren Littlefield (former President of NBC) and details of casting Scott Bakula. 3 minutes 22 seconds |
![]() Part 3: Casting Al Calavicci A history of Dean Stockwell leading up to his casting as Al Calavicci in Quantum Leap. Also has comments from Sally Smith (super fan). Tells about how by the 5th episode, QL had been moved from it's time slot two times. 3 minutes 10 seconds |
![]() Part 4: Creating Project Quantum Leap Don combats the low ratings with controversy by leaping Sam into a black man in the 1950's south. Don says that his idea for The Waiting Room was from a book called "The Magus." Sketches of ptototype handlinks can be seen in this clip. 3 minutes 23 seconds
![]() Part 5: Fans save the show NBC moves to show to a permanent spot on Wednesdays at 10pm. Scott talks about the different people he has portrayed. Jean-Pierre Dorleac and Don talk about Sam as a woman. Chris Ruppenthal (writer/producer) also appears. 2 minutes 59 seconds |
![]() Part 6: Creating Controversy Deborah Pratt talks about the interracial relationship in the episode "Black On White On Fire" and the gay theme in "Running For Honor." Ruppenthal also says that the house where they filmed "The Boogiem*n" was haunted and a real goat appeared in the back yard! NBC moves the show yet again to Friday nights at 8pm. 4 minutes 23 seconds
![]() Part 7: Unleashing the Fans Don, Dean, Scott, and fans of the show including Sally Smith talk about how they forced NBC into bring the show back to it's Wednesday night time slot. 3 minutes 34 seconds |
![]() Part 8: The Mania Talk about the newsletter "Quantum Quarterly," Dean's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and the first Quantum Leap convention. Also mentions the merchandise such as books, the calendar, and the QL comic books. When Brandon T. leaves NBC, Warren Little field becomes the new President of NBC amd moves QL for a 7th time to Tuesday nights at 8pm opposite the huge hit "Full House." 4 minutes 16 seconds
![]() Part 9: Challenging Oliver Stone and Breaking Rule #5 Don breaks rule #5 by leaping Sam into Lee Harvey Oswald. Next there is discussion about the Evil Leaper and Dr. Ruth, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis. Despite this change, "Full House" is still dominating the TV ratings. 3 minutes 11 seconds |
![]() Part 10: Creating Al's Place For the final episode, Don talks about recreating the bar that his Dad owned in his hometown of Cokeburg, Pennsylvania. During the season, Don and Deborah are also getting a divorce. Don tries to answer the question of who is really leaping Sam. 2 minutes 39 seconds |
![]() Part 11: The Last Days of Quantum Leap Scott talks about the last day on the set and how it felt. Harriet Margulles (exeutive coordinator to Don Bellisario) tells us that the last wrap day for filming was March 3rd, 1993... the day before Dean's birthday. They got him a cake and you'll cry when you find out what he wished for after blowing out the candles. 1 minute 42 seconds |
![]() Part 12: Warren's Apology Various people talk about how Quantum Leap could have gone on for a much longer time. Don blames Warren Littlefield for moving it around the time slots and destroying the fan base. In an interview, Warren apologizes for taking the show off the air and does state that Quantum Leap could have gone on longer much like "The X-Files." 2 minutes 16 seconds
![]() Part 13: Reflecting Back Scott talks about how the issues dealt with on the show effect how he feels about things in his own life, Deborah and others talk about their feeling on the show, and Don & Scott mention that they want to do a QL movie. 2 minutes 19 seconds |
![]() Part 14: Where are they now? A montage of quotes and photos of Don, Scott, Dean, Warren, and Deborah with test on where they are now and what they have been doing. 2 minutes 24 seconds |
![]() Credits 53 seconds |
Interview Transcript with Scott Bakula |
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