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  • Hi!

    Today I have decided to go to QLConvention.
    I write to you from CANARY ISLANDS (Europe).
    I speak English very badly.
    I try to find seat to go "Tour MBL Bowling Adventure".
    I read the rented cars they are full.
    But maybe I could rent another car more, joining to another person.
    I cannot drive in USA.
    Do You know some people that wants to go to "Bowling Adventure", who has license to drive in USA and that wants to join me to rent a car?

    I don´t want to write to Marc because he is very busy with his job.
    I would like e-mail with people that they go to "Tour Bowling Adventure" and help me to find a seat...

    Thank you.

    ::::::::::::: Marianela :::::::::::::
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