Our rating system this season consists of five raters and three back-up raters! We took the average of six raters and came up with an average for that episode. Based on ratings of 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, the average of this episode was:
Please be aware that some reviews may contain spoilers! Some of the comments given were:
Valery S. Gemini said:
I LOVED EVERYTHING in this story, but I can't give much more comments before reading the rest... because I feel that MUCH MORE is to come. When I encounter a story such as this one which refers to past VS episodes, it urges me to read them again, and thus I get a second thrill! Now, can someone make me leap to next Thursday please?
Sporty said:
Great beginning to the trilogy, a great job! Can hardly wait for the next installment.
Morris J. Finkle said:
Being a superhero fan myself, I've really been looking forward to this one. "Guinea Pig" was one of the best QL stories I've read in a long time, and this sequel is looking to be another story that will not disappoint. I said it to myself almost a year ago that the General Hawkins character could prove to be a major obstacle for Project Quantum Leap, and I have a feeling this is only the start of more trouble to come. Looking forward to finding out more about the mysterious leaper that showed up at the end, replacing the "Kingpin" character, Darius Dreck. I have another feeling it's someone we've seen before.
I also loved the reference to the Friday night "death slot" in primetime TV; reminds me of a similar show that struggled to survive in that time slot!

The New Coke reference also brought back some memories (God, what were they thinking?) Also, having the leapees of the past returning should prove to be very interesting indeed. This is something that has caused tons of speculation within the QL community over what exactly they all remember of their experiences. FINALLY, this issue is being addressed, even though it might not be "official" canon. Can't wait for the continuation!
Keep up the great writing, Greg!
Seeker said:
When I read your story the first time, it was in the wee small hours of Monday morning and I was rushing to read it. Later Monday evening, I had a chance to re-read it...
This is a well thought out and well written and entertaining story, though even as a child, super heroes just weren't my cup of tea.
Nicely done, Greg.
Xanadu said:
It was one of those stories that you read and even as you read and you get wrapped around the words in it -- you wonder exactly what's going to happen. Very nicely done... oh... and I loved the references in the story. They were great!
Tom Jarret said:
Greg, this is a wonderful story that leaves you wanting more. The pace is extremely good in that the story tells us what we need to know when we need to know it. I loved the idea as Sam as a beatup superhero, it provides a nice symbolism for his entire leaping existence. I was thrilled to see so many charaters from previous stories come back into this arc. It provides the story a rich interwoven texture to it. It is really hard to make further comments since 2/3 of this story I have not read. Yet I certainly look forward to reading it and seeing where are the strands of your story lead. Looking very forward to Part 2.
Now, it's your opportunity to rate this particular story. Let the author(s) know how you rate this story. If you'd like to give feedback, please go ahead and leave a reply!
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