You are very welcome.
Episode Tidbit: We know the gummi bear handlink to have been introduced two episodes after this in The Great Spontini after Al kills the transparent one but if you watch closely during the Sam/Al conversation in this episode which takes place after Sam makes an idiot of poor Darlene by not being able to get his parasail open, Al is using the gummi bear link here. Just picked up on this by accident last time I watched but forgot to pay attention to the ones he uses in other scenes after. My guess is that he has the gummi bear handlink the entire episode.
Episode Tidbit: We know the gummi bear handlink to have been introduced two episodes after this in The Great Spontini after Al kills the transparent one but if you watch closely during the Sam/Al conversation in this episode which takes place after Sam makes an idiot of poor Darlene by not being able to get his parasail open, Al is using the gummi bear link here. Just picked up on this by accident last time I watched but forgot to pay attention to the ones he uses in other scenes after. My guess is that he has the gummi bear handlink the entire episode.