Ok, there is no way it took me this long to submit a review for this episode.
Let me just say this, after I finished seeing everything through season three, Kristen and I were so desperate for this episode that I downloaded it off limewire in my desktop before it's hiatis. It was hell too, because the download keot dying and I had to keep back clicking it and tell it to find more hosts. It must have taken about a week.
This epiosde was a ball of fun though, so the wait and hassle was worth it one million percent. The beginning was especially funny, I loved Sam as a happy hologram, he was so cute the way he was having fun with it, and shoving his head through the tree stump like
"yay, look at me, I go through stuff!" He looked like a child on a playground, so that made me smile and want to hug him, pat him on the head and give him a cookie hehe. In
Another Time, Another Place, there is a quote from Dean saying that he was actually kind of jealous that Scott was playing his role now hehe. But I also loved Al's role as the leaper, I loved how he was being the serious one for once with the struggle of getting Sam to focus hehe. One of my favorite lines from the opening sequence is
"Al what?"
"What you think I've forgotten my last name!?"
"I'm about to bet on it"
"Well you'd loose....it's Beckett, Al Beckett! HA!"
Kristen and I burst into tearful laughter at that one, it's priceless. Although Sam has some priceless lines himself basically everything his says in the whole resturant scene about the women with Big Cazums and the Dairy farm, we just love how the dairy farm line makes Al drop the sugar shaker and it makes a clunk on his plate. I also love how adorablw Sam is when he catchs himself using a Al line and feels so terrible like after the dairy farm line
"Stop that!"
"Oh my god I am so sorry, thats a horrible thing to say I don't know why I would...yes I do, yes I do, this is all your fault!"
"My fault!?"
"I must have gotten part of your letherous mind during the leap...oh, you've got a filthy mind!"
But I have to say my very favorite of Sam's lines in the restaruant is when Cliffard barges in to see Al and Suzanne kissing:
"Suzanne Alsinga, what are you doing!"
"Sucking face pal with my buddy here, it was real big in the 40 and 50's..."
"Will you shut up!"
"sucka sucka sucka!"
(I'd like to sucka sucka your face Scott grrrr:heybaby )
I also really liked how they so happened to end where they did with Al as the leaper in connection to what happened to himself and Beth and how he wanted to kick cliffords butt in Beth's honor. It was also fun seeing Al do Sam's flying noodle kick, and be the one confused now as he was hitching a ride home with Mike the Milkman. And then another one of my favorite Sam lines in the episode comes up when he opens the door to his house and Sam shocks him into a stumble backwards.
"Don't do that!"
"Revenge is mine this saith the hologram, wha wha wha!"
and I love his cute little motion where he pretends to swim in the air right through Al.
Ahhh, and then we have Donna. I love Donna, I think she absolutly belongs with Sam and that they were truely meant to be. I loved seeing her return in this episode, and Sam being granted a well deserved break to let himself out on the one person that loved him and married him for him. I think that She's his one and only as far as a sex life goes which makes me made when he asks her if hes ever done anything to hurt her ad she answers that she's never felt that their love has been betrayed. This is one of the reasons I hate Abigale, and the fact they he even made love to her let alone had a daughter with her. She's annoying and obnoxious as a kid and a real ditz in the second one. She's terrible for Sam, and I hate that Pratt wanted to pretend that Donna never came back in this ep(I was told this by CarolD anyway). I believe that Sammy Jo and Abigale never exsisted and that Donna is Sam's one and only true love.
I loved seeing Sam and his beloved Donna back together, you can tell by his desperation to get her together with her father in Star Crossed, that Sam truely charishes her, and that his heart always remembers and holds what his mind may forget.That in his heart is has and always will love Donna, and his heart is always searching for her in every other woman he kisses. Plus the novel prelude stresses a real good concept that Sam often pondered what would have happened if Donna had not stood him up, where would he be with this project if she were there too as his wife? So he stressed early on that he wanted to redo that day, to somehow win her back.
So I think that bringing her back in this episode is an excellent follow up on the story of Sam's heart. In fact I think they should have shown her at the project more when they did eps like Killin' Time, LHO, and other eps where they showed the leaper in the waiting room, and most definatly in Mirror Image. Sam and Donna were made for eachother, and that brings me to a subject already brought up here regarding Donna's attitude towards Sam leaving. Yes, I must admit that I was a little irritated, like one percent by the way she was so unwilling to let him save his best friend's life and finish doing God's good deeds, but you have to look at the situation with a bit more of an open heart. Imagine your husband has been gone for five long years and has now finally returned to you, made love to you and then has to leave again. Wouldn't that hurt you as well? Wouldn't you want to beg him to stay because you love him so much and don't want lose him again. Donna has been without Sam for five years and now that he's finally come back to her he has to turn around and take off again. But she's missed him and waited his safe return for five years already, she doesn't want to do it again. She doesn't want to lose him. So basically what I am saying is, yes its a little on the irritating side but if you really consiter it, her behavior is justified. She just wants her hubby back:cry
Poor Donna. I cried at the end scene where she says "I love you Sam" to the stars, like five times. And I mean I REALLY cried, I had t keep a roll of tissues on my lap. It was such a joy to see Sam back together with his true love, in the place where he belongs, but It's also good to see him back as the good ole leaper for the contiunation of the series.
The Leap Back is a Wonderful episode.It was adorable and funny to see Sam and Al switch places and a joy to see Sam back with his heart's treasure.
ook, its almost 2am here, I need to hit the hay.