407 The Wrong Stuff

The Wrong Stuff

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Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
Staff member
The Wrong Stuff
January 24, 1961

Cape Canaveral, Florida

Much controversy was caused by this leap as Bellisario leaps Sam into a chimp in the chimponaut corps. His job is to get the chimp into the space program?or he'll disappear forever due to unethical helmet testing methods. He also must avoid the advances of a female chimp in the next cage!

Written by: Paul Brown
Directed by: Joe Napolitano

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Sam in only a diaper...whats not to like? LOL :dreaming

But seriously, i really do like this episode. I love chimps anyways, so it was cool to watch them the whole way thru. It was good of Sam to go back and save the drowning man...he's a good guy. Good ep! :D

Samantha Beckett
Samantha Beckett said:
Sam in only a diaper...whats not to like? LOL :dreaming

But seriously, i really do like this episode. I love chimps anyways, so it was cool to watch them the whole way thru. It was good of Sam to go back and save the drowning man...he's a good guy. Good ep! :D

Samantha Beckett

agreed completely especially with the Sam in a diaper thing. SEXYNESS!!!!!:dreaming:dreaming:dreaming

it surpirsed me very much that he jumped in after the idiot that nearly killed him and Cory, but like you said, it's Sam the Minch, always doing the right thing, hehe.

i also loved the caterpiller thing.
"it's your favorite protien, caterpillers"
*Sam's spits disgustingly*
"what's wrong bobo?"
i also loved the one test thing when Sam did the little finger gesture and al was all
"ahh caterpillers agian!"

umm say more later college gatta go.
ok i am back, and i wanna say more about this episode, but i had to rush off to college like i said.

anyway, loved the whole caterpiller thing, and i loved Cory how she did that cool spit thing, haha. and Sam was cute when he was gesutering the message to the doctor that Cory had been taken, and all the "good boy bobo"s. lol.
plus it's funny when Sam went out of his part and karate chopped those guy, lol, a karate chopping chimp, i'd like to see that lol.
This has to be the funniest episode in the series. And i loved it. i mean Sam's a freaking chimp, and Scott gets to act in nothing but a daiper, *drools*.
Hehe, and apparently i am not the only one drooling in this episode. Sam's chimp compainion, Cory, has quite a fixation on Bobo, and an awsome IMO talent for exasperating. Even Sam had to agree.
Poor Sam, life as a chimp astronaut contestant is not easy. As if confusing light up bottons, chair that toss your about, and fast spinning machines, weren't bad enough, Sam also has to battle caterpillar protein drinks, and a Dr. thats gonna kill both him and Cory in a head impact expierement.
I loved how Sam and Cory got along so well for being a human and a Chimp, they made a great team. and Sam showed some adorable affection for Cory at curtian points, the way he held her as they hid behind some barrels, and kissed her. and Corys show of affection for Sam was just adorable, and shes an animal so she could see Sam for himself and still showed him affection. i loved how when Sam was talking to her behind the barrels and she rubbed her hands through his hair, awwww. and who could blame her, talk about sexyness! whoo hoo!

And you also gotta love how Sam, being his heart is pure gold, he just had to jump in the lake and save the bad guy. but as it turns out this showed him the error of his expierment, and turned sides.
This was a haralrious and adorable episode.

amyway this was an all around funny episode, and i loved it, althouth at first i did not think i would and was vry reluctant to watch it. but agian my best friend is the guilty party. she was on vacation at her grandma's house and they get cable unlike at her house and she saw the episode on tv and told me about it and hwo cute it was, so agian i was dragged in. lol.

so now i love this episode.
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Samantha Beckett said:
Sam in only a diaper...whats not to like? LOL :dreaming

But seriously, i really do like this episode. I love chimps anyways, so it was cool to watch them the whole way thru. It was good of Sam to go back and save the drowning man...he's a good guy. Good ep! :D

Samantha Beckett

Mmmm... I also kind of liked the collar, too, for some reason.

That aside, it's been awhile since I last saw this episode, but I remember it as being hilarious. Poor Sam...
THis is another episode that I have dubbed in German.
It is called Affenliebe, which I believe literally means Ape Love, and also 'devoted love'. All together now - awwww.
I like this episode, but I have to admit that it was a little weird - him being an animal and all. Seeing him almost naked through the show was .... you know.:dreaming Pure Goodness. Wow! Umm, well I like the part where the chimp in the next cage spat at the guy and Sam just looked at him almost surprised, but what came next was horrible.

Well, still a good episode.
For me, this episode is the absolute WORST episode in the entire series!

First, the idea of him leaping into an animal is just ludicrous. Even though apes may or may not be related to human beings (even scientists say this issue is still an open subject), apes are not genetically similar enough for a human being to replace. And he'd leaped into a BABY chimp. Baby chimps don't even come close to the weight or mass of an adult human being.

Second, a lot of the female fans like this episode because Scott is in a diaper and collar. Sorry, gals, but that is the BIGGEST turnoff for me! Give me a tuxedo anyday over that!

Third, I'm all in favor of animal rights but this plotline was WEAK. It was plainly obvious that it was written just to find a way to get Scott shirtless. It might have worked better if he had leaped into one of the scientists on the project.

The only good part in this story is Scott making a fool of himself in the training. I won't watch this episode passed that point. I really just dislike it immensely.

'nough said. I'm off my soapbox.
I really enjoyed this episode, as it was fun to see Sam as an animal. I've always wondered what would happen if he leapt into an animal until this episode.
Cpt Jules said:
For me, this episode is the absolute WORST episode in the entire series!

First, the idea of him leaping into an animal is just ludicrous. Even though apes may or may not be related to human beings (even scientists say this issue is still an open subject), apes are not genetically similar enough for a human being to replace. And he'd leaped into a BABY chimp. Baby chimps don't even come close to the weight or mass of an adult human being.

Second, a lot of the female fans like this episode because Scott is in a diaper and collar. Sorry, gals, but that is the BIGGEST turnoff for me! Give me a tuxedo anyday over that!

Third, I'm all in favor of animal rights but this plotline was WEAK. It was plainly obvious that it was written just to find a way to get Scott shirtless. It might have worked better if he had leaped into one of the scientists on the project.

The only good part in this story is Scott making a fool of himself in the training. I won't watch this episode passed that point. I really just dislike it immensely.

'nough said. I'm off my soapbox.

I agree about the point you made that it would've been better if Sam had leaped into one of the scientists on the project, but the story wasn't weak in my opinion. I would've liked to have Sam leap into the woman scientist who cared for the chimps. Imagine the comments Al would make. :lol

Cpt Jules said:
For me, this episode is the absolute WORST episode in the entire series!

First, the idea of him leaping into an animal is just ludicrous. Even though apes may or may not be related to human beings (even scientists say this issue is still an open subject), apes are not genetically similar enough for a human being to replace. And he'd leaped into a BABY chimp. Baby chimps don't even come close to the weight or mass of an adult human being.

Second, a lot of the female fans like this episode because Scott is in a diaper and collar. Sorry, gals, but that is the BIGGEST turnoff for me! Give me a tuxedo anyday over that!

Third, I'm all in favor of animal rights but this plotline was WEAK. It was plainly obvious that it was written just to find a way to get Scott shirtless. It might have worked better if he had leaped into one of the scientists on the project.

The only good part in this story is Scott making a fool of himself in the training. I won't watch this episode passed that point. I really just dislike it immensely.

'nough said. I'm off my soapbox.
I think the reason that Sam was able to fit in the chimp was that sometimes when he leaps into a smaller person, he is compressed ti fit a similar size. I quite liked this episode, but each to their, own, I guess.
Wrong WRONG stuff

I suppose the reason I find this episode silly is because I know that Paul Brown got a HUGE kick out of putting Scott in silly clothes. Diapers--wow. I cringe thinking about it. I'm not someone that drools every time Scott's legs or chest are exposed. NICE but not necessary.
The body mass issue has to be a "willing suspension of disbelief" - clearly, he wouldn't fit into say, the girl's clothes in "Song for the Soul;" clearly, he wouldn't fit in Butchie's clothes, either. And, besides, bobo's mirror image was not a baby chimp - looked like an adult to me. Corey was a baby, certainly.

Chimps are 98 to 99 percent human.

If you're going to leap Sam into an animal, a primate is ideal, because they have hands that he can use. There was talk of him being a dog or a baby - how could that make an even vaguely interesting show, given the built in limits in dexterity?
SamBeckett94 said:
I think the reason that Sam was able to fit in the chimp was that sometimes when he leaps into a smaller person, he is compressed ti fit a similar size. I quite liked this episode, but each to their, own, I guess.

Sam doesn't fit into anyone, its his body and the host's aura is covering him like a halloween costume or so many episodes enforce. Your idea here is more enforced by the novels.

cookiemom6067 said:
If you're going to leap Sam into an animal, a primate is ideal, because they have hands that he can use. There was talk of him being a dog or a baby - how could that make an even vaguely interesting show, given the built in limits in dexterity?

Actually Bobo was orginally a dog yes but I guess they came to their senses and realized how impossible that was. Same with the baby although I think they could have pulled that off if they wrote it correctly cuz at least a baby is a human. Although I must admit I am not very appealed by the idea so I am glad they scrapped it. Although If I were actually to see such an episode my view might change as I thought the same thing of Bobo before Kristen made me see it. I despised the Idea of him leaping into a chimp and was refusing to see the episode but then Kristen saw it while on vacation at her aunts house and told me it was actually pretty cute so I decided to give it a try and now I am absolutly in love with his ep,and Cory. She's so adorable. And I like Caroline Goodall the woman who plays the doctor, I have seen her in a few other things such as Hook and Princess Diaries. She's a very good actress. Speaking of which her role in this ep is quite a coincidence to her real name, Goodall lol the same last name as famous Chimp researcher Jane Goodall. :)
RossBeckett said:
I agree about the point you made that it would've been better if Sam had leaped into one of the scientists on the project, but the story wasn't weak in my opinion. I would've liked to have Sam leap into the woman scientist who cared for the chimps. Imagine the comments Al would make. :lol

I love this episode (kind of a guilty pleasure) not just because Bakula and Stockwell pull off the verbal and non-verbal comedy really well (including the diaper thing - one of my favorite lines in the whole series is Sam grumping about being a Nobel Prize winning scientist and he's fighting to keep his diaper on), but also because both doctors are right and wrong. The vet isn't interested in any kind of animal testing, even though it's true that many medical advances need that interim step, and the neurologist isn't listening when the vet says that the shape of the chimp's skull makes the impact test worthless to human helmet development.

I think that leaping into the chimp was the only answer, since the two doctors weren't convincing each other, and it took Sam doing something that Bobo couldn't do (swimming to save the doctor's life), which got the doctor's attention long enough to see the intelligence in Bobo/Sam's eyes and rethink his attitude. Remember, he thought the chimps were all interchangeable (Corey, Cathy, Bobo, what's the difference?) and dispensible. Once he was faced with their innate value, he had a profound change of heart and found another way to do his research successfully. I don't think that would have occurred if Sam had leaped into either scientist.
Sam Beckett Fan said:
Sam doesn't fit into anyone, its his body and the host's aura is covering him like a halloween costume or so many episodes enforce.

It's not a question of the host's aura--it's the host's clothing. Sam often changes outfits during the leap, and he somehow fits into the host's clothing, even if it's a woman or a boy. Either something happens to the clothes, or something happens to Sam. This is the thing that confused me the most when I started watching this show, and I'm still not sure what the answer is.
When we see Sam in a dress, it's sized and proportioned to fit 6-foot Scott Bakula--wide in the shoulders and flat in the chest. This can't be what the dress would really look like, because it belongs to a woman. "The Wrong Stuff" is a prime example too--not just the diaper, but all the test equipment would be sized for a chimpanzee, and Sam wouldn't fit into it. But he does.

The best I could come up with is a comparison to the notion that things may be different depending on how you observe them. From Sam's own point of view (and also how Al sees him), he's full-size Sam, and he does retain his physical strength, as a number of eps. show. But from the point of view of the people around him (maybe of the world around him), he's the size of the person he leaped into.

It was mentioned somewhere that if he leaped into a baby, it would have been a very expensive episode, because they would have to build special sets and props very large. So Sam would actually be the size of a baby--yet he would still be Sam. I think you can make up an elaborate explanation for it, or you can have a simple suspension of disbelief--this is how it is in the world of QL.
bluedana said:
it took Sam doing something that Bobo couldn't do (swimming to save the doctor's life), which got the doctor's attention long enough to see the intelligence in Bobo/Sam's eyes and rethink his attitude. Remember, he thought the chimps were all interchangeable (Corey, Cathy, Bobo, what's the difference?) and dispensible. Once he was faced with their innate value, he had a profound change of heart and found another way to do his research successfully. I don't think that would have occurred if Sam had leaped into either scientist.
I agree. While your idea is very amusing Steve and yes I can just imagine the comments Al would make, like when he was Samantha, Dana is right. Sam could not properly complete his task as anyone except Bobo. He needed to show Dr. Wingler how Bobo and Cory felt being treated the way they were and how he (Bobo) was a living creature(nearly human) with feelings and that they can feel pain as well to properly get the required message through. He was fighting for Winger's respect which is something he needs to do as the needy party. And while Sam is not actually Bobo he was in Bobo's position so thats close enough. Respect is something that can not be handed to you or won for you by another. You must fight for it yourself. So Sam would not have been in a very good position to earn the chimps their respect if he had been Dr. Ashton even with her love for the them. If you remember she couldn't stop Winger from taking Bobo in the first place, two secerity guards grabbed her and yanked her away from the scene. So a lot of help Sam could have done in that position. It just would not have worked.

snish said:
It's not a question of the host's aura--it's the host's clothing. Sam often changes outfits during the leap, and he somehow fits into the host's clothing, even if it's a woman or a boy. Either something happens to the clothes, or something happens to Sam. This is the thing that confused me the most when I started watching this show, and I'm still not sure what the answer is.
Oh I see you were talking about the clothing. Yeah that is a ogod question, which I think is discussed in one of the novels. One I have not myself read yet mind you but I have read the backs of every single one of them here on Al's before reading any. And I believe I remember there being one where Sam leaped into some hermet guy in the middle of the desert but there was something up with Ziggy or something so all he could do was wait and while they waited, he and Al discussed Sam fitting into his host's clothing. Maybe it was one of the comic books but I could swear I did read about some book that discussed it. Not that it's a cannon idea eaither way since its not in the show but it might be an interesting take on it.
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Snish said:
It's not a question of the host's aura--it's the host's clothing. Sam often changes outfits during the leap, and he somehow fits into the host's clothing, even if it's a woman or a boy. Either something happens to the clothes, or something happens to Sam. This is the thing that confused me the most when I started watching this show, and I'm still not sure what the answer is.
When we see Sam in a dress, it's sized and proportioned to fit 6-foot Scott Bakula--wide in the shoulders and flat in the chest. This can't be what the dress would really look like, because it belongs to a woman. "The Wrong Stuff" is a prime example too--not just the diaper, but all the test equipment would be sized for a chimpanzee, and Sam wouldn't fit into it. But he does.

.... I think you can make up an elaborate explanation for it, or you can have a simple suspension of disbelief--this is how it is in the world of QL.

Yes - that's what I meant. I understand about the aura. Where I have to pretty much shrug and suspend my disbelief (not examine the illogic too closely) is when there are clothing changes. Check out Samantha's pink dress (second costume change - or really third if you consider that he was naked in the tub when he leaped in) for an excellent example of the tailoring point that snish makes above. I hadn't considered the size of the test equipment in this ep, but that's a good point.
Brilliant idea by Paul Brown,A very funny and amusing episode and an interesting topic,But that the only good things i found in this episode,the rest were too Surreal and ludicrous.A very hard to believe plot and...
well it the bottom line i thought this episode was too ridiculous.i really struggled with myself,whether to vote "Average" or "fair",and i went with "fair",because i think the potential of this episode was very high,but Paul Brown just didn't get the best(Well not even Average) out of his Idea.
It was a good fun episode, I like those more than the dramatic eposides. But i have to beleive that Sam himself changes in some way to fit into the aura of the people in order to be able to fit into clothes etc. Otherwise the whole series just sucks. The concept of the series is awesome, but unless questions like that are given some type of plausible answer then I don't believe you can go on enjoying it as science fiction. The thing about science fiction is you have to believe that it is in some way possible, even if the technology is not available now, in order to be able to enjoy it. Well for me anyway.
Good morning everyone. I like this episode too. It made me have such compassion for the way that animals have to be used in experiments.
When Sam was bobo and he had to spin around in that machine and test a crash helmet it was heartbreaking.
I also felt that Sam really did an excellent job in helping those chimps.
The season where the female chimp and Sam escape the lab and the chimp looks into Sam's trusting eyes I saw how much that the chimp trusted him completely.
So touching and loving.
This was an episode that had a variety of reaction emotions for me. Part of it was funny, when Sam experienced caterpillars, and when Sam had received advances from the chimp next door. However, it was also maddening to see what those two security guards hurting the poor chimps. I think my favorite part was at the end, when the security guard got pinned in the behind with a tranqulizer dart. :roflmao::drool I personally think a great bonus feature for season 4 would have been to somehow show Sam as the chimp the whole time, and do voiceovers.
The one part of that episode that is hard for me to watch is when Sam is spining in that machine and with Scott's motion sickness he must of been suffering.
What a brave human being to do that.
Also the compassion for cory the other chimp was so touching. I cheered when Corey gave those military assistants a taste of that tazaer gun.
They learned what it felt like. I also was so scared as Sam was unconcious and that heavy impact machine was going to crush his skull if he did not wake up.
Oh I could not look
it's a very interesting episode because the QL crew deal dealt with animals but they managed tj keep the spirit of the serial, though the screenplay may be controversial.
it was very nice to me to see that Scott show true emotions to the chimp-mate as she was a real girl-friend. And at the end she gave her "love" back to him streching the lips to the "fience". And Scott lightly replies.
This leaves a nice atmosphere on my heart that one life can understand another, doesn't it?
The running caterpillar joke was pretty funny because I wasn't expecting it at all.

I still don't understand why Sam didn't just steal the jeep in front of the lab building instead of running away. That just seemed like a bad idea and sure enough, the creepy doctor took the jeep to catch them.

The whole "chimps parietal bone structure" sounded like a legitimate way to discredit that head impact study completely. I'd think the higher ups would have listened to the vet and held off. *shrugs*

I hope Scott was well-paid this season since he had to kiss a chimp on the lips! Gak.
One thing that I noticed that should not happen that did in this leap. That is Al communicated with Sam!

As you know, Al sees Sam as the person he leaps in to, and not himself. He also, does not hear Sam's own voice, but the host of the person Sam leaps into as well. So, therefore, being Sam's host is an animal that cannot talk, then when Sam was talking, Al should of heard the natural chimp sound when Sam spoke and not at all understood him. So what happened here that changed all of this?

Also, how can the female chimp in the next cage be attracted to the male chimp Sam was leaped into? If you remember animals can see Sam as his true form and also able to see Al's holographic image as well. Chimps are animals and therefore the rule applies. The female chimp should of not fallen in love with her male mate if she can not see him.

The writers screwed up big time here. I thought the story was dumb. If he wanted to save the chimp's life, he could of leaped into a human at the facility.
Al saw Sam as the person he'd leaped into up to the time he leaped into Samantha Stormer. That experience of him 'fancying' his best friend in a knockout woman's body let them to have Ziggy tweak the link, so that after that Al saw Sam as Sam. And heard as well presumably.
As for Cory, yes, she should have seen Sam as Sam. There is no suggestion that she was seeking mating rituals with him, though. She just developed a close affection for him. Any pet owner will tell you that can happen.
Sam as a Chimp....

Very funny, touching episode in a lot of ways....Interesting concept. The scene at the end where the jerky security guard got it with the tranquilizer dart was great. Served him right.:roflmao:

Of course, I was okay with Scott running around in practically nothing too. ;)
I think this episode was a gamble that paid off. It was risky but well worth it after the very dramatic episode that preceded it (Raped). I can understand how a lot of fans would protest the idea and think they went too far with this one, but I enjoyed it thoroughly as a one-off.

I think the reason it works for me is that by this point in the series, I've bought into the viability of Leaping so thoroughly that I can totally accept that Sam is a chimp. His body language, his head movements, his facial expressions - all perfect. I loved the part where he realized the doctor wasn't going to put the thermometer in his mouth. :roflmao:

There's a scene where that nasty security guard comes in in the morning and taunts Cory and she backs away from the bars, then very hesitatingly reaches for the food only to have the guard bang on the bars and scare her, and I really felt for her. I cannot abide cruelty to animals in any way, shape or form and that scene really got to me. (Yes, I am one of those crazy animal lovers that gets more upset at animal mistreatment than human mistreatment.) And the scene towards the end where Sam is holding her in his arms while hiding behind some barrels waiting for Al to rescue them was so touching you forget how absurd the entire situation is.

Without question, one of the funniest episodes of the series.
Dear god, I adore Mr Bakula even more as he had to stay in that diaper for the entire episode :roflmao:
At least he didn't have to be worried over being seen as talking to himself that much.
First time I saw this episode, I didn't like it, the whole leaping into a chimp thing, but I've warmed up to it. My favorite thing about it is the moral ambiguity. In many episodes there is no clear right and wrong. Dr. Winger actually brings up some very valid points in his argument with Leslie. It's well done without making a political statement.
Well...what can I say about The Wrong Stuff? Utterly bonkers? Yes. Jumping the shark? Maybe. Absolutely hilarious? Yes. Haha.

One of the funniest episodes of them all (maybe the funniest). Sam leaping into a chimpanzee sounds like bad fan fic when you say it aloud, but I actually think the episode works really, really well. The stakes feel so high because Sam can't properly communicate with anyone except Al throughout this leap, and we know that because of it the odds are really stacked against him. I adore Caroline Goodhall in this episode. One of my favourite female characters of the fourth season. And of course, who can forget Cory. Her and Scott were just so cute together.

And yes, as mentioned before, I do find this episode very funny. The whole running gag with the caterpillar juice gets me every time, as do nearly all the things Sam is put through in this episode.

The ending is also great, with Dr. Winger finally seeing the error of his ways when Sam saves his life as Bobo. Beautiful moment when we get a close up of both their eyes.

This is a gentler episode than some others in season 4, and I think it comes at the perfect time before the next episode (which, as you all know, is very, very heavy and dark). So yeah, an all around great episode.

My rating. Excellent. A really underrated episode, in my opinion.