Vince Beckett said:
I love this episode. Sam falls in love with a woman who sees him as he really is. And this woman can sense Al.
i agree completely with Vince. this has to be one of my top favorite episodes, its so deep how this psychic woman sees him and keeps dropping hints that she sense's something different about Dylan Powel. especially after Sam and Ross had spyed on Tamlyn holding Janines Pillow and telling the story she saw. Sam asks to walk her home and she notes that she seems to know him from somewhere. Sam suggests from the tv since his host is a reporter, but she rebutts
"no, somewhere else".
i remember the first few times i did not understand this line and wondered what she could have meant, but then as i watched it for i believe a thrid or forth time with my best friend and her little sister it all of a sudden hit me.
i also love the dramatic scene where they pan in on Tamlyns sad face and then back out to reveal Sam's face in the mirror as she looks up and gasps
"who are you".
i remember being so happy when this happened becasue when she had asked him the previous night
"do you like orange spice Sam" in reference to the tea, my heart beat faster, i wanted her to see him, but then the scene ended with her aologizing to Dylan.
"The dark water, meant death in my dream. but i didn't see it, all i saw was you".
"That's why you didn't know that you were gonna die?"
"My vision gets blurred if i am not centered or calm. an intense emotion like fear would throw me off"
"Love?.....i know the feeling"
What i enjoyed the most though, being that i am a romantic, was the romantic moments between Sam and Tamlyn to the beautiful song "I Wanna Know What Love Is" by Forigener. i found it quite charming and mysterious that Tamlyn has loved Sam all along from her dream, and that love for him blinded her to everything else, even death, which is something that Sam can easily relate to. i could imagine that Sam must have felt good being able to be with someone who knows who he really is and whom he does not have to pretend around. Plus there is mild Al humor when he finds Sam in bed with Tamlyn wearing boxers with hearts and bears on them. i laugh every time.
I loved how the msytery of the serial killer was unfolded, as tamlyn was due to be his next victum and the affection Sam showed for Tamlyn as he catches another killer and gets him arrested. the anger he expressed when shouting that he wasn;t going to let him kill Tamlyn. All that, only to have Tamyln's fate, remain the same.
Another thing was the ending, when Sam and Tamlyn share one last hug and Sam's expression as he embraces her shows how much he really doesn't want to leave her. it saddened me. i think it would have been great to bring Tamlyn back in a later episode or two even. I enjoyed her charactor a lot and her psychic ablilites, and i think they would have been a good touch to a few other episodes for example perhaps the evil leapers even.
i also thought the whole Vantentines day and full moon thing in connection with Tamlyns fated death, i found it very mysterious and deep. and also how clever it was that she felt sick every time she was near Ross as a signal that he was the real killer, i swear i was baffled the whole time i did not guess until the end when Ross Joined them on the hunt in China Town, and even then i was taking a wild and random, for now reason Guess.
oh and i also loved Al's joke after the "I Wanna Know What Love is" mantage, when Sam sits up in bed
"boxer shorts, you're wearing boxer shorts in bed!"
"no i..."
"oh and they got heart on em, and little bearsies how cute!"
literally i could not pry my eyes away from this episode the whole first time i saw it, it was breath taking and very deep and dramatic, just my kind of show