advertising boycotts?!



I was reading an interview in SciFi with Scott Bakula and he mentioned in it several episodes where certain advertisers pulled out because of the content of the show.

Interview is here

Now I've always thought that many episodes dealt with real life problems, some of which were very close to the surface, but it never occurred to me that advertisers would actually pull out of a show because of it. I think every issue was given the respect and gravity it was due.

In the interview, it looks like they're talking about Running For Honor. Does anyone know what other episodes causes such hubub? Does anyone remember any specific controversy over any particular episode?
re advertising boycotts

Was the problem with the Wrong Stuff the animal rights?

I would think that PETA and co would LIKE that episode because it definately takes a pro-animal stance.

On the same note, the site
is a very good place to check out.

Also don't forget Black on White On Fire.

That show didn't even air in some parts of the south
Re: -

PETA and other organizations boycott stuff based on what they THINK it shows rather than actual content. Yes the Sam-as-monkey episode was "pro-animal-rights" but I doubt PETA ever bothered to watch it. They just assumed.

Which is why they have that old saying about "ass" "u" and "me".... PETA just made themselves look like idiots.
Re: -

Actually, PETA did take a look even during the production of that episode. The episode won the Genesis award for raising awareness about animal research. Many other advicates from both sides tried to get their voice heard including those from animal research companies. However, Don Bellisario did not give in to either side. He told his story and it came out the way HE wanted it to.
what's with the "advertising" here, Brian

I get all kinds of pop ups here, especially about your translators wanted... when I log on, it actually kicks me off

Note: I'm using McAfee's Secure IE now, thanks to all the virii out there...

Re: what's with the "advertising" here, Brian

You are getting pop-ups besides the Al's Place one offering the newsletter, translators wanted, and poll?

We aren't supposed to have any other pop-ups with the paid board. Please let me know exactly what you are getting and I'll address it with ezboard.

I utilize the one pop-up (which should only appear once per day) to get more people interested in the newsletter and to provide me with feedback on the site.

McAfee should toss out the pop-up but not interfere with the log in process itself. If there is a setting that will allow that one pop-up, I would suggest allowing it if it's giving you an issue.
Re: what's with the "advertising" here, Brian

Actually, PETA did take a look even during the production of that episode.

So it appears that they aren't the ones doing the assuming, huh. :\