How Advanced Would Ziggy Be Today?

QL Nut

Project QL Intern
Apr 4, 2004
Long Island, NY
It's been a long time since I created a new thread with a topic that hasn't been covered 100 times before. So, I thought I'd ask about something that I've thought about on and off over the last few years. While I'm not exactly sure how to word it properly, or even the exact question to ask, here it is...

Given that the Internet is now such a common tool that's available in so many homes, much of the tasks Ziggy took on (researching data through national archives) could be accomplished by anyone surfing the Web. Since the series was always a few years ahead of "our" present, perhaps this accessibility to information was predicted by Don Bellisario by the time 1995 would roll around.

Obviously, there is no computer that can connect brainwaves across time or help accelerate particles for a time machine. However, it seems a lot more realistic to be able to create a computer with a one million gigabyte capacity. Realistically speaking, do you think Ziggy is as advanced anymore as we all thought she was during the show's original run? And if not, do you think we're close?
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Interesting question....I'll have to think on that one a while before responding properly.

And, on another interestingly somewhat related...I'm "reading" Michael Crichton's PREY on audiobook. Nanoparticles / micro-machines...that have learned to evolve and are self-aware. Kind of like a dark version of Ziggy...on a different scale.
An interesting question indeed, but don't forget Ziggy wouldn't stand still.
She had technicians of all sorts looking after her, and you can bet she'd have had all the latest upgrades and more.
I think it is a safe bet that she would remain 'cutting edge'.
Enjoyed the topic! I always thought Ziggy did use the internet and other advanced interfaces to get his/her data. Show talks about interfacing with old pentagon records and such from time to time and modems in one episode (Ptah Hotep?). Also, since the last season took place in 1999 for the "present time", during the show's run Ziggy was very ahead of it's time!

Today though? I think Ziggy would be hooked up with the latest and greatest. :D
How advanced would Ziggy be today? Well it's really only 7 years on from when Sam disappeared ;)

I believe that after Sam disappeared from Project Quantum Leap, the Government would have had no option, but to shut down the project. Therefore Ziggy would not have got anymore funding and would not have advanced any futher.

But for arguements sake, lets say 'she' was ;)

How advanced would Ziggy be today?

I honestly don't know. It is one I have going to have to think down and dream about tonight.

Sorry for the long run out answer. I'm tired and I thought, hey why not end today on a humourous note. Was it humourous? Too tired to tell anymore? lol
Tonight on the news I saw a segment on a female marine who had lost an arm in Iraq. She is now considered to be the world's first "bionic woman" thanks to a new mechanical arm that she can control with her mind. Of course I was immediately reminded of Ziggy and her biomechanics linking Sam and Al's brainwaves. So I would say we're definitely close. Also, while Ziggy would have technicians performing regular maintenance on her, Sam, and Sam alone, was the initial creator. Ziggy seemed to be a one-of-a-kind computer created from a one-of-a-kind mind, so I'm not sure if any of her upgrades would be as revolutionary without Sam being there to create them.
alsplacebartender said:
Enjoyed the topic! I always thought Ziggy did use the internet and other advanced interfaces to get his/her data. Show talks about interfacing with old pentagon records and such from time to time and modems in one episode (Ptah Hotep?). Also, since the last season took place in 1999 for the "present time", during the show's run Ziggy was very ahead of it's time!

Today though? I think Ziggy would be hooked up with the latest and greatest. :D

It was Moments To Live. "...modem of the floppy disk" was the phrase that Scott and Dean kept laughing about. :lol
