I've got a couple of Ideas for the VS...


Project QL Intern
Mar 3, 2006
Newcastle, UK
Feel free to use these any writers reading this!

>>> Sam leaps into a control room technician at PQL only one minute behind Al and the team! He get's to witness himself on his next leap and learn about how to sort it quickly, especially given the fact that Ziggy is giving a 97.6% possibility that Sam's next leap will be the leap home! Meanwhile the Sam from this leap has to convince Al and Gooshie it is him and also stop a critical power failure from destroying the entire www network and lose touch of Sam forever!

>>> Sam leaps into a Bank Robber in a dangerous car chase through NYC in 1990, he has to convince his fellow robbers to give themselves up otherwise they'll all die in an horrific freeway pileup that they cause!

>>> Sam leaps into a the commander of an elite tactical squad in the Gulf War 1993, who has to save his squad from a detonator malfunction on a sabotage mission on the Iraqui oilfields!

Hope these are original.....
Yeah, but i'm working on another story at the moment and won't have the chance to write out all these. They're just for any writers pressed for ideas.
Since we're tossing out ideas, I've been thinking for awhile that it'd be cool if Sam Leaped into Lothos (before the events of Fallen Heroes). Why do I think it'd be cool? Because I'm just odd that way. :)
You know, that could be a funny backstory....

Sam and Al don sumo suits (you know those inflatable bodysuits) to work out their differences over something....

Either that or I'm too twisted for color TV.... ;)
LadyKayoss said:
Since we're tossing out ideas, I've been thinking for awhile that it'd be cool if Sam Leaped into Lothos (before the events of Fallen Heroes). Why do I think it'd be cool? Because I'm just odd that way. :)

You're not far off from an episode that was recently aired this season. Sam leaped into the brother of Nathaniel Lothoman. CORBIN BERNSEN as Duke Lothoman. :D
