Matt Dale's Funeral Friday, January 19th at 6:15am EST


Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
Staff member
Wanted to send out a reminder that Matt Dale's funeral is Friday at 6:15 a.m. in the morning on the East Coast of the US. That is 11:15 a.m. UK time. You can watch it live or it will be recorded for later viewing. Our hearts go out to Matt's family, his partner, and his son. He is deeply missed.

Enter 984 7088 as the webcast code to join.

It was a beautiful ceremony and I think Matt would have appreciated it very much. Christopher DeFilippis said a nice piece among others, and everything said and done suited Matt as I remember him. The Quantum Leap theme was played at the end for everyone as the service ended. Matt, I'll miss you in our lives so much.

The GoFundMe is still available if anyone would like to donate for a good cause. RIP Matt Dale - Partner, Father, Son & Friend., organized by Ian Holmes

We love you, Matt.