Memoirs of an Invisible Man


Project QL Intern
Nov 6, 2003
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Hello, me again with a comment on something I like...

Well, I found out about the movie about a year ago, and found it very compelling... The storyline, even if it was a little shallow, treated with issues that had me compelled to watch it another four times in the month that followed my original discovery. Also, the special effects were breathtaking, especially considering since they weren't CGI created, it being one of the last movies of this kind before computers took the whole market over and made crappy SE instead of those (more costly, I admit)...

About six months ago, I found out the movie was actually adapted from a book, and searched for it on Amazon, but not having a credit card ended up being an big issue, and I decided to wait to buy it...

Just a few times weeks ago, I finally ordered from Amazon (for the first time) two DVD sets (LOTR: ROTK Extended edition, and QL Season 2, of course, lol :p ) and decided to order this book at the same time. It arrived a week ago, and I actually started reading four days ago. I have already finished it, even if the book is 458 pages long in rather small print (and in english which is almost always a slowing down factor for me). I found myself compelled to finish it, and could not put the book now until it was over.

The book was quite different from the movie, and even though I hadn't seen the movie in quite some time, I could point out crucial plot differences. However, I found that I kind of liked the movie's plot better, maybe because there was more humor in it than the book.

Anyways, I was wondering if any of you remembered the movie, and/or had read the book, so I may discuss it over here. If you haven't done anyone of those two things, I strongly suggest that you do (even though I cannot guarantee you will like it, lol)

A great movie, Clara! I have this one on tape and have watched it so many times growing up. In comparison to the other movie I can think of in recent memory dealing with invisibility, Hollow Man, this movie is so much better. Even though it is about a man becoming invisible, I found the storyline actually kind of realistic. More in terms of Chevy Chase's social relationships and friends and what a working person would do if this happened to them.

It seems to me that if this were to actually happen in real life, the government would investigate and try to capture this man and make a cover up (Area 51 comes to mind, hmmm). Sadly, I think this film is very underrated and not really known amongst the mainstream. One thing the movie definately is not is a comedy, however. It is typically labeled in the comedy category because Chevy Chase is the star but the movie is definately not a comedy. It does have humor in it, but it is Chevy Chase's dry sarcasm that brings laughs. Overall I would classfiy this movie as drama-action. Nonetheless I always loved it!