New Episode Coming soon!


Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
Staff member
We are trying to air an episode once a month on the third Tuesday of the month.

We have one lined up for you which takes place just after the pilot episode in the timeline!

"One Man's Dream" by Sue Johnson airs Tuesday the 19th!

Check out the calender at Al's Place or the schedule page at Phoenix Virtual Television for more info!
Yay! Way to go, Sue. ^_^ I can't wait to read it.

Oh, and Brian, I've got a plotline or two floating around in my head... if I can get a start on either of them :lol , I'll give you a teaser. <G>

... Mike. ^_^
Thanks for the complement Mike. I can't wait to hear your comments (well everyone's). You'll have to wait for my VS stories though, one is finished and won't be airing 'til the end of the season and I'm waiting for MJ on the second one, but it is half-way finished.