Quantum Leap Mentioned In Cracked.com Article

QL Nut

Project QL Intern
Apr 4, 2004
Long Island, NY
Hey, guys! Been awhile since I posted, but I do still visit the site from time to time.

Quantum Leap was recently mentioned in an article on Cracked.com about pieces of science fiction technology making no sense (the handlink). Well, in our day and age of smartphones, the handlink does seem obsolete. But I don't think the author really understands that the handlink was supposed to be mysterious, futuristic and unidentifiable, not literally having no screen or buttons.

Also, I do believe they used my screen shot that I once posted here for the article!! They credited alsplace for the screen shot! Pretty cool.


Nah, not that important. I did get a kick out of it, though. :b

Anything plugging the show and alsplace is wonderful for the fandom. Looks like alsplace is the go-to authority for all things Quantum Leap! :hurray: Good job, Brian!

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, I'm not complaining they credited alsplace and not my screen name specifically. Was just pointing out that I believed it was mine because they mentioned this site as the reference.
Agreed that this article isn't well studied.
What this author appeared to have missed is that the two functions of the handlink which are demonstrated; to open the imagining chamber door and reposition Al's image are able to be witnessed by Sam whose perspective the show is presented from.
Though he can watch Al press buttons which obviously issue commands for information Sam can't actually see/hear the feed and his memory of the project is very limited. All he knows is that this super computer is supposed to always know what needs to be done in each leap.

There is however seemingly pieces of the concept that don't fit together. Al appears to be reading a screen on the gummi bear handlink at times when there are shots of it though scarce such as the one you presented here Chris which clearly show it not to have one. Then In The Leap Back the one time we do get more of the perspective of the observer, it being Sam, not only does he read the task off the non-existent screen but then switches to conversing with Ziggy directly for information. This doesn't add up for me. It's not meant to however.

As a whole the project is underdeveloped because it isn't the center of the plot. The idea Bellisario wanted to present with the show is a man with a huge heart who touches and changes people's lives for the better. Time travel was merely the basis. This is why the network frustrated him with the demands for season five story lines like the Evil Leapers and leaps revolving around famous or notorious (in the case of Oswald) figures.
Obviously the scene with Sam reading the handlink in The Leap Back was meant to show Sam using Al's signature move of whacking it. There was no aim to make more sense of the observer perspective.

Honestly however I would have liked to see more scenes at the project where they apply to the leap such as how they discussed the dilemma in Shock Theater and perhaps a brief scene or two of sixteen year old Sam in the waiting room in The Leap Home. Personally I would have liked in at least one case (though am unsure which would work) have seen Dr. Beeks at work. My best friend and are peeved that the very few times she is actually shown she doesn't have a single line(Actually she technically had one, a two second exchange with Sam in The Leap Back which was removed but it sets up Tina's line of "Gee he sounds just like Al").
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Dr Beeks

I interviewed Deborah Pratt for a online article about 20 years ago and she referred to Verbena Beeks as 'isn't she a GREAT character?" Yes, she's a GREAT character! It's sad we didn't see more of her and less of others at the project. How brilliant is it to have a psychiatrist at the level of PQL who would be there for the "leapees' and somehow maintain the sanity of all the people who work on this very stress-filled project. It was far-seeing on Sam and Al's part to have her on staff. Just the glimpse we have of her in Shock Theater is TERRIFIC!! I have a lot of experience reading lips as I am a silent film historian and trust me, when you watch a billion silent films you can read lips ok. "See you soon, Sam." she said. I had a lump in my throat.
And can I say, Brian thank God for you. Thank God for this site -- I am still writing QL and loving it, still love our Sam and Al and so happy there are really people out there that feel the same.
Samnal said:
I have a lot of experience reading lips as I am a silent film historian and trust me, when you watch a billion silent films you can read lips ok. "See you soon, Sam." she said.

Reading lips is an awesome skill. Though I myself do not possess it I was able to catch two of Verbeena's unheard lines in Shock Theater as well.
The first was when she stopped Al when he begun to snap at Kid Cody-Sam and though I can never make out the entire line she at the end tells Al to "tell him who he is."
The second is the same one you quote though I believe it's "Goodbye Sam, see you soon."
A very sweet line that shows her faith in the project and in Sam.