Rose Bowl Parade

Samantha Beckett

Project QL Intern
Oct 31, 2005
Vestavia, Alabama
Haha, yeah I know it's already been on TV, but I know the Travel Channel (there may be others) is replying it now and again later this afternoon. For any and all who are interested, my high school marching band performed in the parade, so if you happen to catch the repeat of it today look for the Hoover High School Marching Band from Hoover, Alabama! That's who I played with! :D:D:D:D

Samantha Beckett

P.S. If anyone saw it on HGTV this morning where they had it with no commercial breaks...the close up of the trombone player from the group is my best friend...he was on TV!!:hurray::hurray::hurray:
Did you get yourself on the TV Claire? That has got to be cool seeing your band on TV playing at something as big as the Rose Bowl. And did you get to see any of the singers. If I see it rerun, I'll keep an eye out
Al's Handlink said:
Did you get yourself on the TV Claire? That has got to be cool seeing your band on TV playing at something as big as the Rose Bowl. And did you get to see any of the singers. If I see it rerun, I'll keep an eye out

I wasn't with them because I graduated last year. My best friends are a year younger than me and are still there. It was REALLY sweet to see them on there. It was raining like crap and they had to wear the horrible black ponchos I was so glad to be rid of. It's sad tho because they got brand new uniforms for the parade and didnt get to show them off. They come home in a couple days

Samantha Beckett
Oh cool!!!

Man, I forgot to TiVo it---I wanted to see the Disney float!
Hey..that's awesome! If they show a rerun of it, I will look for your friend! :)
I watched part of the parade, but I got kind of upset after hearing about 50 times from the announcers(HGTV) how the rain was ruining everything...too much!
Oh, Jennie, I wish you coulda seen it. You would have *loved* it! I saw it first on HGTV, and loved it so much I made sure I caught it on NBC and later on Travel Channel.

If I'd thought to tape it, I woulda transferred to a video to post online.

QLEAP said:
Hey..that's awesome! If they show a rerun of it, I will look for your friend! :)
I watched part of the parade, but I got kind of upset after hearing about 50 times from the announcers(HGTV) how the rain was ruining everything...too much!

Well they did talk about that too much, but the fact that they were playing the parade with no commercial interruptions was the thing that kept me there. There wouldn't have been a chance to miss any of my band going by!

The Disney float was awesome!

Samantha Beckett
I figured it would be. I saw the conceptual sketches on my Disney Insider.

Guess I'll just have to do a Google search to see if I can find any footage.

As Donald would say, "Aw, PHOOEY!"
Oh gorgeous!!!

I forgot you played VMK too. I haven't logged in in a very long time. And I was so discombobulated when I was at WDW due to my extended stay in Florida during Katrina I didn't even think about going into the Main Street Cinema to get a scavenger hunt to do. Would've made being there alone more palatable, I think. I don't know how people who do Disney solo do it! I don't know if it was the circumstances or what, but it just wasn't as much fun by myself.