Round Robin: Last Letter Of Previous Word

Sam's Crow

Project QL Intern
Jun 12, 2008
Liverpool, England
I didn't know where to put this so... Basically just a word game where the next word begins with the last letter of the previous word. It can be QL based, but if you want you can go off topic.

There are going to be quite a fair few word/number games dotted around the forum.:rolleyes

I don't know who's a bigger nerd; me or ohboy (that's a compliment by the way ohboy:angel Please don't be offended.)

I'll start.

Don't worry, Crow, I'm certainly not insulted. 8o I actually enjoy the word games you put up. Between the traditional "round robin" and the two that you have put up, I'm being intellectually challanged every time I come on. :lol


One day, it'll have to be put to a vote who the biggest nerd in this forum is... :eek
Just a suggestion. Shoot it down if you'd like... maybe for some added difficulty we could make the last two letters of the previous word be our starting letters?

Retro............................................................................................Maybe we can do a theme thing...? What do you all think?
Sorry got a wierd proxy thing going on.

They're the opera glasses. How you see in the movies of these people holding up these glasses that are attached to a handle.