I managed to track down every issue, Mike. I would have to say that most of the issues followed the same format of the television series; it was kind of like a precursor to TVS; every issue was written by a different author... the main problem was the length of the stories. Since most of them can be read in about 5-10 minutes, it doesn't leave much room for character development. Other than that, the comic pretty much had the same "feel" as the TV series. That particular comic company (when they still existed) was known for being dead-on with the stuff they licensed.
On a side note, I too have the Thundercats comics. I would definitely recommend you read them, Mike. I really like how the story has been evolving: much darker and more serious in tone than the original series, and yet, still "feels" like Thundercats. (Mumm-Ra actually ruled over them for a time, until they rose from the ashes of defeat.)
And while we're on the subject of comics based on TV shows, were you aware that there were a small number of issues of a Sliders comic several years back? (I have all of them too, btw.

Although, I didn't find them as enjoyable as the QL comics.