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  • Hey AmethystLainey here long time no talk but I would love to chat with you again if you ever have the time to get on messenger
    Hi Ang here.

    I am currently apologizing to everyone with what happened to my account 2 years ago.

    Someone emailed me asking me for my password saying there was a tech problem with als place and I not knowingly went off off and gave it to them like the fool I am.

    In the last year I have been studying internet security so I am alot smarter now than back then.

    Hope my apology is accepted..

    Kind regards


    Hello tina_als_girl. My posts continually get deleted; I don't know why. Here is the answer to your question regarding my problem. The user's name is NeuroMason. He is listed as Technician here. The PayPal address is Running_out_of_daylight with Hotmail domain. Thank you for all your help.
    Hi :)

    You know how you said you are going to have a separate account on Youtube for fanvids?

    I'm just wandering if you would be interested in contributing a fanvid to my documentary :)

    Sorry for the silly question here :)
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