(Originally posted by MikeKraken at: 4/6/05 7:21 am)
I've been delayed in responding to this post for a few reasons... I've been busy lately, but also I've been trying to come up with the precise words to respond to the above comment.
I can't say that I'm not disappointed by the "5" ranking from one rater, a constrast to the rest. They say you can't please all of the people all of the time, but I felt that Erin and I wrote a better story than that. Having said that, I think I speak for Erin and most people when I say that I much prefer a review written with blunt honesty rather than any false praise.
I'll start off with saying to Damon what I already wrote him in an e-mail: the involvement of Connors is no regret for this story. Even though you created the Connors character, he essentially is free for anybody writing a QL:TVS episode to use, I assume. I approached Damon and asked him to view over Connors's lines to make sure they sounded true to the character and followed the story arc laid out for the rogue leaper. I know some of the raters said that they "don't like him", but I wasn't sure if that was a dislike for the idea of him or just simply a guy "you love to hate".
I also think that the fact that this trilogy was lifted from an RPG might have influenced the evaluation of the two raters (who are apparently lurkers on the RPG), consciously or not. Erin and I tried to keep the general idea alive but tailored it to the QL:TVS universe. We were both happy with how it turned out, and I guess that's important firstly.
Seeker said:
However, when I got to the conclusion, the story felt not quite complete, which left me with an unsettled feeling and wondering...what's missing?
Well, like Erin mentioned, we were deliberately leaving the episode "open ended" since it was a heavy burden on Sam to have failed a mission. Like Helen said, I guess it was "a brave move": I know I am no alone in the school of thought that not every episode must have a happy ending or a silver lining. Once in a while, Sam and Al need to encounter something tragic (it has happened before on QL:TVS), something that can't be undone. I think Tom Jarrett said something along these lines with:
I have no problem with a more gray story as apposed to black and white. Our real world as we all know is full of gray. I loved the conflict that Sam had to go through.
Allie Cat said:
I found the characterizations of the Mulhill family offensive, giving a bad name to farmers in general.... I see Tom as being more like two different people than one. I don?t see how his brothers could be so na?ve to believe his lies, especially when he is so mean to them.
I'm not sure how this gives a bad name to farmers, exactly. Sam encounters low-lifes in his travels very often, and they come from all walks of life. Why not some strange family of farmers? Tom is obviously an unstable individual, and Paddy and Mick didn't seem like the brightest of people, did they?
Allie Cat said:
Paddy's accident was a little unbelievable to me. Having been raised by a former farmer, I know that they take great care with their crop and would never get any ol' pesticide; they'd make sure that they got exactly what they needed and that it was treated properly.
It was Tom who got the pesticide, and at the time, he was more worried about Sam than the crop. I can see where you're coming from having been raised by a farming background, but we're not saying that all farmers are like this. We were not trying to propel any "stereotypes" or anything like that. The whole reason there are stereotypes is because there are a certain number of people who fit the description. Again, Sam runs into all kinds of people, and we certainly saw a lot of stereotypes in the original series.
As for Paddy's accident, that had nothing to do with the kind of pesticide. It was a mishap with the machinery, although I don't believe we specified how he was injured in the story.
In addition, Connors seemed more like he was written in for the sake of giving Sam trouble instead of being an important part of the story.
I know that I already touched on this, but we wrote Connors in to be trouble. He is Sam's self-declared enemy: what else would he be doing? Max was there trying to set things back to the way they were, which went completely against Sam's mission... I'd say that is an important part of the story.
Small towns have a dispatch officer. The call Sam made would have been known by at least 2 people. A good sheriff would never tell a possible suspect about that call.
In 1960 in Carlisle, given any time of day, do you know that this is true? Isn't it possible that the sheriff was the only one in the office at the time? Not only that, but we made it clear that Billy and Tom were very good friends. Regardless of whether or not he is a "good sheriff", a man may go ahead and tell his closest friend.
And lastly, if I were a police deputy, there is no way in the world that I would believe that a person, who supposedly was well known to the community, jumped into a furnace to commit suicide.
We never established any kind of history between the deputies and Hank, nor what kind of person Hank was. Suicide could be a very resonable excuse for his death.
Overall, I think that Allie Cat gave very little liberty to the story, and thus why we received such a grade from him/her. We all have our opinions, and I am grateful for the honest review, don't get me wrong. I just wanted to post my responses to his/her comments.
Seeker said:
No, what I meant was that the last one-quarter to one-third of the story felt rushed and almost glossed over.
All right... I'm not sure, but I guess this wasn't just you who felt this way. When we read it, it seemed good to us. Was there too much dialogue, perhaps? Was it just too fast paced toward the end? You know, after working on something for so long, one tends to become accustomed to the writing and may not see "glossings over" such as Seeker experienced with the end of the story.
Anyway, I just wanted to make some comments on the comments about our story. Once again, I thank the raters for being honest with their evaluations and giving us feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
... Mike. ^_^
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