1305 Evil Reborn: A New Chapter

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  • 5 This is an excellent episode! One of my personal favorites!

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  • 4 This episode was great! I will definitely tell others about it!

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  • 3 This episode was good. It was worth reading.

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  • 2 This episode was like the neutral zone. I am indifferent.

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  • Bellisario would be rolling in his grave if he had one.

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QL Damsel

Al's Place / TVS & QR & Radio Files Administrator
Staff member
Aug 26, 2002
Near Austin Texas
Evil Reborn 2: A New Chapter

Multiple Dates​
Project Alexander, In the British Isles
Bertram, Texas

Sometimes the big picture is even bigger than what you thought it was. This is just something that Sam Beckett is starting to learn… and fear.

Written by: M. J. Cogburn and C. E. Krawiec

The Virtual Season Team
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Our rating system this season consists of a possible of 10 raters ! We took the average of six raters and came up with an average for that episode. Based on ratings of 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, the average of this episode was: 9.2
The first six raters are the ones that will appear on the site here. Please be aware that some reviews may contain spoilers! Some of the comments given were:

Allie Cat:

Wow. That's about all I can say. This story was so well-done. The parts involving Lothos were an excellent recap of all that happened in QR (though it didn't mention what happened to the cyborgs but that's okay. They're gone. No loss. :) ) and leads us to another chapter in the Virtual Seasons. I really really am looking forward to the rest of this season.

Sam's leap was fabulous. The part with Alex really taking to Sam's learning tricks with multiplications (never knew that trick with multiplications of nine! That really IS cool!) was believable and heartwarming. Al's conversation with Ross, as a father to another father, was absolutely brilliantly written.

But the best was the very end. I truly believe that no one should ever forget what happened on that tragic day. The video was thought-provoking and emotional. Just the writing itself was enough to put you back to where you were on September 11, 2001, and to remind everyone that the real villian isn't Lothos, and the real heroes aren't Sam and Al but rather all those who died in those three horrible tragedies and those that are now fighting for freedom from terrorism on the other side of the world.

What an absolutely perfect and touching tribute for a Veteran's Day weekend.




:D A great second part! Even though Sam's reason for being there was Alex's, the rebirth of the "evil project" was very well done. And the reference to the September 11th disaster was very well done. I should have realized when you set the part of the episode that Sam was in in 2001. Bravo to you MJ and your co-author.



Dean Calavicci:

I thought that this was a perfect way to introduce Sam to the devistating tragedy that befell us all on September 11, 2001. In no way was I offended by this great read. I have to admit that I was a bit shocked when I saw the video clip at the end but nonetheless it served the story well. Kudos to MJ and Eleiece for this great episode!



Vince Beckett:

yeah nice touch with September 11. Sam wouldn't know about that, because he was leaping when it happened. What does Lothos have planned?



Ziggy's Soul:

I really enjoyed the leap and felt truly saddened for Sam to have experienced Sept 11 on the TV set. Even thugh he's been swiss cheesed, this may come back to him from time to time.

Also, the evil leaper situation is certainly poised for some negative aspects for Dr. Beckett and the project. Oh Boy!




MJ and Eleiece, this conclusion was great. I found myself getting a little lost with the Project Alexander stuff and got somewhat bored during some parts, but overall it was a good read. I expect we will be seeing more of this story during the season.

The leap itself had a sense of being from the original series, including the ending with the television coverage of the World Trade Center terrorist attack. I was almost expecting Sam to leap out just before or during, just so that he wouldn't have to experience the heartache that we all did during the attack.



Now, it's your opportunity to rate this particular story. Let the author(s) know how you rate this story. If you'd like to give feedback, please go ahead and leave a reply!

The Virtual Seasons Team

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