512 Liberation


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Al's Place Bartender - Brian Greene
Staff member
October 16, 1968

Somewhere in Connecticut

In the age of women's lib, Sam finds himself as a bra-burning mother who must prevent his daughter from getting killed in a violent protest. At the same time, he has to keep the husband of the family from walking out on them when Sam and the daughter try to open his mind to the possibility that women are more than just housewives.

Written by: Chris Abbott and Deborah Pratt
Directed by: Bob Hulme

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loved it! not only was Sam a mother but now he was a WIFE! haha

"Mom just do it"
"huh?" *realizes then, that hes holding a bra* "Ah!" *tosses bra disgustingly into bon fire*

hehe and i loved Sam's tone when Suzie asks him
"are you sorry you threw your bra away now?"
"hehe...NO!" *takes her in a hug* "the last thing i ever wanna wear agian is a bra!"

and at the end when the husband goes to kiss him thats priceless. :ROFL
Sam Beckett Fan said:
and at the end when the husband goes to kiss him thats priceless. :ROFL
Yes priceless and for some reason i found it one of the funniest moments of this episode.:roflmao:

Anyway...I found this episode no more then average.The main reason for this is,that In a lot of ways you can say this episode was simileir to the episodes "black on white on fire","Justice" and one or two more that dealed with prejudiced,equel rights etc. during the show. But i also think it was expected from the show to deal with it.based on the past.
isz said:
Yes priceless and for some reason i found it one of the funniest moments of this episode.:roflmao:

Oh, it is! One of the funniest moments of the whole season, I think. Scott played it perfectly and Dean was clearly having way too much fun. I wonder how many takes it took to get it done because it looked like Max Gail was breaking up.

I was so happy to see Max Gail in this because I loved him in Barney Miller. He was terrific in this episode too as the bewildered husband. Overall I didn't think this episode was a standout, but it's pretty good.
I liked this episode much better the more recent time I watched it. As someone who works outside of the home and is raising a family, I really appreciated the approach this episode took regarding the dilemma women face. The upshot wasn't "oh, if you're a liberated woman, you have to reject home-and-values and go get a job to be worth something," but rather the point was that we all get to choose, and that choice has to be respected. Not many TV shows, especially in the early to mid-90s, took that point of view. It's not one of the episodes everyone remembers when they think of QL, but it's extremely well done all the same.

The kiss at the end is priceless - but I always get a kick out of the fact that Sam is wearing an engagement ring along with his wedding band. It looks so odd on his hand when he's driving.
I thought it was amazing that Sam didn't complain about leaping into a woman again. I guess Women's Lib was good for him - flats, no bra, lol.

Max Gail was awesome - I kept calling him "Wojo" and only my husband understood why.

All in all, the topic was handled well and the actors/actresses did a fine job with a good script. Still, there wasn't *that* much fun and humor in the episode to make it a real standout.
I thought it was amazing that Sam didn't complain about leaping into a woman again. I guess Women's Lib was good for him - flats, no bra, lol.

Max Gail was awesome - I kept calling him "Wojo" and only my husband understood why.

All in all, the topic was handled well and the actors/actresses did a fine job with a good script. Still, there wasn't *that* much fun and humor in the episode to make it a real standout.

Sam's been a woman before but never a wife and mother, that added another sense of weirdness to it.

P.S. Margaret's mirror image was that a guy in drag? :roflmao: