Carolyn Seymour Question


Project QL Intern
Aug 21, 2008
Hello. I have one final question before the convention starts. It is hard to believe that we are down to the last week already. When I bought my ticket a year ago, it felt as though I'd be waiting forever for this to come up but it has really gone quickly. Anyway, do you have any idea how much Carolyn is charging for her autograph as she is not taking part in the autograph pass?
I never got around to Carolyn Seymour in the dealer's room. She did have one amusing picture of her and Dean together with their handlinks.

I did however chum with Richard Herd a bit in the dealer room. He charged $15 an autograph. So I had him sign my script of Mirror Image and I got a picture of him as Ziggy the miner.

I also asked him a few questions when his panel was on stage.