Dr. Beeks


Project QL Intern
May 6, 2004

In your bio for Dr. Beeks, why did you list her as chief physician instead of as chief psychiatrist? I'm not saying she's not an MD as well, but in the 'A to Z' book, she's only mentioned as a psychiatrist. And if she's chief physician for Starbright, when is the government going to allow her time to focus on studying to become a psychiatrist?

Just a few thoughts to chew on. :)

Not to step on any toes - just popping in to add my two cents ;)

I too always thought that Dr. Beeks was a psychiatrist rather than a physician... Like Eleiece said, there's no reason she couldn't be both, but in the show she was always portrayed as a psychologist/psychiatrist (Shock Theater, What Price Gloria, etc.)

As for the MD issue: she would need to be an MD in order to be a psychiatrist anyway - that degree (and the consequent ability to prescribe drugs) is what separates psychiatrists from psychologists. (This difference in definition is quite a touchy topic among psychology professors - oy! ;) )

Hope this helps!
Very good, Gelf! Remember, this is BEFORE Quantum Leap. I made her a physician (and a young one at that) near the beginning of the series. Over time, I'm sure one of you wonderful writers will write her in as getting her psychiatrist degree and maybe even the reason WHY she went into that field. Hint hint...
hey, I had already touched on that in my short story "Guilty Until Proven Innocent"! I know it's not part of the Prequel-verse, but I thought it was related!
Guilty Until Proven Innocent

...And we're still waiting patiently for the conclusion Matt ;) When are you gonna finish it? I've run out of nails to chew, I'll be starting on the elbows next.