Editing Posts

Sam Beckett Fan

Re-Writing Life
Jun 3, 2005
Hey Brian, leapers

If no one minds, I have a concern I'd like to express.

So I've become uncomfortable with the limited window of time there is to edit a post, especially since I begun the thread for my screen capture collection. Double posting has always been something that unnerves me to have to do, I just find it sloppy and am quite the perfectionist when it comes to my writing both words and style.
In this case in particular, my screen capture thread, I would rather be updating the original post than to double and even triple post (which I did just now) to announce the addition of new episodes to my collection.

Perhaps there is a reason this was implemented (I am pretty sure it wasn't around when I was last active but I could have some swiss cheese holes in my memory HA! ;) ) and if so I don't wish to disrespect that but perhaps you could at least make an exception for the original posts of one's own threads.
I'm not sure really. But if you edit the original post, there will be no notification that there is anything new. No one would know unless that just go to your thread all the time looking for updates. On other boards, that is aggravating since don't you want people to know when there is something new? :)
The current time limit on editing posts is 24 hours.

The problem with an infinite time limit is, people can post something nasty and then after people respond to it in anger, go back and soften up their message, and we'd have no record of what they originally wrote. Also if someone ragequits the forums, they could go back and clear out their old posts which would be very disruptive to following a conversation. However I could see the time limit being extended to a few days? Thus far, we haven't had many of the type of folks I mention above.

And it's easy enough to post a reply to a sticky thread saying "I've updated the first post to include new details, links, etc."

But ultimately it's up to Brian. ;)
alsplacebartender said:
I'm not sure really. But if you edit the original post, there will be no notification that there is anything new. No one would know unless that just go to your thread all the time looking for updates. On other boards, that is aggravating since don't you want people to know when there is something new?

True, I see what you mean.
It's not simply the first post of a thread however, I also prefer to be free to edit my posts because I am simply picky about my wording. I might create a post one night before turning in and then the next morning come up with better wording for a sentence. When that happens it just bugs me hehe. So I'll desire to return and re-write the sentence. It's weird and unnecessary but it's me. XD

The problem with an infinite time limit is, people can post something nasty and then after people respond to it in anger, go back and soften up their message, and we'd have no record of what they originally wrote.

While I can see the desire for a record of a rude post honestly I have a small biased here because though I have initiated massive improvement over the past several years, I have been that person and personally never intend the rudeness. I just have a bad habit of somehow wording myself in a way that's received rudely. So perhaps they are genuinely correcting an error.
But I suppose that is what the window to edit is for.

Thank you Feldon and Brian.
the 4 day extension is fine.