Played by: Mimi Kuzyk
Job:*Sam's Wife; Project Head*
First Appearance:
As a college student: Episode 102, ?Star-Crossed? (original series, portrayed by Teri Hatcher)
Present-day: Episode 401, ?The Leap Back? (original series, portrayed by Mimi Kuzyk)
Date of Birth: March 7, 1954 (as established in The Starbright Project)
Is she or isn't she married to Sam? Only God or Time or Whoever knows. In the history as Sam remembered it when he met her as a student in Lawrence College in 1972, Donna was just turning thirty and leaving the Star Bright Project when they first met around 1982. The wedding was on the fifth of June at Old Mission Chapel, and Sam remembers it didn't happen. Al told Sam she didn't show up for the wedding, and Sam then recalled it had something to do with her father. He had abandoned her when she was eight and had no more contact with her. Donna was so upset she blocked out her dad's name, Wojohowitz. She left another man at the altar before Sam.
Sam arranged for Donna to meet her father at the Watergate Hotel the morning he shipped out to Vietnam. Al gave no clue that Sam may have changed history; in fact, he speculated that maybe she married the first guy after all.
When Sam and Al changed places and he ended up back at the Project, all of his memories came flooding back and Donna was there - as his wife. Donna explained to Sam that she begged Al not to tell him he was married, for she felt he couldn't act freely with that knowledge. When Sam asked if he did anything to hurt her, her reply was no. When Sam hat to Leap again in order to save Al, she begged him not to leave, but realized in the end she had to let Sam go.