Episode Haitus again.

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Project QL Assistant
Nov 16, 2021
QL returned from its mid season break on 2nd January yet 2 episodes in it's having another 3 week break till episode 11 hits the screens.

Why is Quantum Leap breaking again when ratings released after EP 10 Paging Dr Song aired it had lost at over 1 million viewers.


You need to give the series a chance to build up momentum and a fan base already disillusioned by its heavy plot lined arcs.

As much as original fans will always tune in it's becoming very annoying but also surprising it has been given a 2nd season. Let's hope this loss of viewers will not change that decision.
I want to hope its because they are working Scott/Sam in officially - or if not Sam then some other important person from the original series on a slower path to Sam.

I am getting annoyed by the constant doomsaying by various parties about this series and a lot of us are watching on peacock but another break is still poorly timed. Guessing it has something to do with the number of eps changing ?
I want to hope its because they are working Scott/Sam in officially - or if not Sam then some other important person from the original series on a slower path to Sam.

I am getting annoyed by the constant doomsaying by various parties about this series and a lot of us are watching on peacock but another break is still poorly timed. Guessing it has something to do with the number of eps changing ?

Yes I'd like to think that too inorder to bring in a storyline involving Sam but there has been no indications of that just yet, its all been about saving Addison or finding Janis ( which I hope involves Sam).

I can see a season cliffhanger of Ben and the team saving Addison but involving help unwittingly by Sam during one of his leaps. I'm hoping with that knowledge and sighting of Sam to be used and fleshed out throughout season 2.
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You realize that site is highly questionable. I have heard of it for things that have no connection to this new Quantum Leap. Long before that it’s been known for spreading fake rumors. Bad mouthing shows they do not like. It’s all click bait to get be to visits to their site.

The reason they are having a break already - there are only 18 episodes in the season! If there where no more breaks the season would be done way too early. Also next episode is very special effects heavy. They need to finish before it can air. In fact they are still filming episodes.

I am going to be really blunt - I am a huge fan of the original show and like this show too. More important I am knowable how television works. Do not go spreading ridiculous information from sites with a hateful agenda. The show has already been renewed. NBC is fully committed to its future. Television has changed. It’s just as important now the viewers a shows gets streaming. Which in this case is Peacock. This has been their highest viewed show on that service.

That is how tv ratings work now. The streaming numbers, not just one time to view/ but now available all the time, are added to the live tv ratings. What viewers are for first airings are not the full picture. Anyone aware of how things work now know that. Rumors of this new show first started when Peacock launched a few years ago. The NBC broadcast is a way of promoting the Peacock streaming. The old Broadcast networks have been struggling for years. So they have been adjusting to match streaming services. Which means shorter seasons with fewer episodes. NBC wants to give the show a presence their whole season which leads to a couple of breaks.

Also Quantum Leap as a premise is a much more complicated show to make. Most shows just reuse the same sets every week. QL can not do that. For every new Leap, new sets and costumes have to be created each week, which means more time and money.
You realize that site is highly questionable. I have heard of it for things that have no connection to this new Quantum Leap. Long before that it’s been known for spreading fake rumors. Bad mouthing shows they do not like. It’s all click bait to get be to visits to their site.

I imagine many links are questionable yes, however I could have posted this link also https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/quantum-leap-ratings-plummet.html and many others, are they all negative click bait? The ratings accusation has been thrown at it before in Oct 2022. The general feeling is it isn't holding the attention of the viewers. It could be the bad direction of the show, its wokeness or just the regular interuption to its run on streaming and TV.

I am going to be really blunt - I am a huge fan of the original show and like this show too. More important I am knowable how television works. Do not go spreading ridiculous information from sites with a hateful agenda. The show has already been renewed.

I am also a MASSIVE fan of the original and there was nobody better in the show than Scott and Dean but I have to say it's never a good sign when you reboot/sequel and never have its original stars return, I can give you countless TV or movies where it just hasn't worked out. However, I watch with anticipation every week purely for nostalgic and original callbacks. The show is plodding along and has been renewed for a 2nd season, which has to be a major highlight but it doesn't help when you read its losing its audience but also sporadically being broadcast therefore subdueing viewers enthusiasm and interest.

With only 10 / 18 episodes shown i expect it to improve and it will.
Giant Freaking Robot!? LOL they are even more notorious than the first site. The fact that you just labeled this show WOKE says everything about the types of sites you visit and your ridiculous point of view.

Did you actually pay attention to the issues the original show presented at all? IT WAS WOKE Before that term even existed. I am done with this conversation.
The show was woke of course for the issues it covered but not for its casting, are you honestly telling me you cannot tell the difference? Your triggered response tells me everything I need to know.

On the issue of ratings, if it's a legit site or otherwise the fact is being mentioned every so often doesnt stand it in good stead but more so (and the point of the thread) it could be the regular interuptions to its scheduling is definitely not helping in garnering interest for it.

Comprende ese or do you need it explained to you before having another nervous breakdown?
I'm going to close this thread as it seems to have run its course and is devolving into politics.
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