Gushman, Irving "Gooshie"

QL Damsel

Al's Place / TVS & QR & Radio Files Administrator
Staff member
Aug 26, 2002
Near Austin Texas
Gushman, Irving "Gooshie"


Played by: Dennis Wolfberg

Job:*Head Programmer*

First appearance: Pilot Episode, ?Genesis? (original series)

Full Name: Dr. Irving Gushman (name taken from the non-canon Q. L. novel, ?Song and Dance?)

Date of Birth: August 29, 1950 (as established in The Starbright Project)

Current Status: Deceased (working with the Bartender; died in VS Episode 724, ?Fallen Hero, Part I?)

Gooshie was the head programmer at Project Quantum Leap.*

He also works the control for the Imaging Chamber. He made a frantic call to Al when Sam Leaped the first time.
He is described as a short guy with curly brown hair, a mustache, baby blue eyes and bad halitosis.

He and Tina once had an affair, and when Sam briefly changed history, they were married. While playing poker, Sam covered up an exclamation about Gooshie by saying "Gooshie" was Navajo for "I'll see it."*

Gooshie was a bit absentminded. When Leon Styles escorted Al into the hallway at gunpoint, Gooshie just looked up and acknowledged "Dr. Beckett." He drove a blue Ford Probe, which he got after his car had been stolen the year before. At Al's suggestion, he had a tracking device installed in his new car and was able to redirect it's signal so Ziggy could track it after Styles took the vehicle.