How I might help


Project QL Intern
Mar 19, 2007
Lawrence, KS
I'm not too sure how I'll be able to help in this capacity, though I'm sure pieces will fall into place more as we get closer to 2009. In addition to being a big Quantum Leap fan, I am also a professional magician. If need be, I could maybe entertain on the mainstage before Q&A sessions begin, or in the lobby. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :)

Josh, that sounds like it would be a lot of fun. We're having some evening parties and events where something like this might fit in.

At the venue we're negotiating with, there's no lobby outside the ballroom -- it's a free-standing building that you enter from outdoors. If the weather's good, we certainly could have some entertainment out on the lawn.

We're in the very beginning part of setting up the programming, but we'll definitely get back to you on this. Thanks for volunteering!
The convention got shifted to the back of my mind, then I got the broadcast email regarding Scott's involvement. I would still be interested with volunteering in this regard. You could call me Spontini, but I'm not doing the table of death ;)

Give me enough time, and I could try to come up with something themed, though I'd probably just end up doing what's won me awards so far. :)