As Angelita in "It's A Wonderful Leap"
As herself
Played by: Liz Torrez
Job: Angel
First Appearance: VS Episode 831, ?Poo to You?
When Sam leaped into a New York cabdriver in 1958, he ran right over Angela in the middle of 34th Street. Angela didn't suffer a scratch, and told Sam she was his guardian angel. Angela was dressed as a flapper, and it was later discovered that a woman of her name was known in the 1920's Spanish Harlem as "The Puerto Rican Fanny Brice." She died while singing at an audition after she hit the high note and fell fifteen feet into the pits. Angela explained that they told her in Heaven that she was too vain in life and had a big ego, so she had to learn humility by helping others. Every time she helps someone, she said, she moves on to her next assignment. No one remembers she was there, she claimed.
Angel or not, Angela could see Al. Al chalked that up to her being loco.
After Angela took a bullet during a robbery, she stood up and showed no sign of a wound. Sam found entry and exit holes in her coat, but no evidence of injury. After Sam accomplished his mission, Angela told him it was t8ime for her to go, and called him by his true name rather than the name of the man she had leaped into. Sam forgot her, but Al didn't because he was in the future.*
She has appeared several times in The Virtual Seasons helping Sam and Al in several situations.