LoNigro and Barrenger (spoilers for "Foreknowledge&quot


Project QL Intern
Dec 20, 2002
LoNigro and Barrenger (spoilers for "Foreknowledge&quot

Brian, I love the fact that you used this aspect from the novel "Foreknowledge". ^_^ I thought that was a really cool side-effect of Sam's leap in the episode "Her Charm", and it should prove interesting when we get around to writing for SBP!

... Mike. ^_^
Re: LoNigro and Barrenger (spoilers for "Foreknowledge&

Oh, man, Brian... that's just too weird!! <LOL>

Oh, BTW, I'm currently watching "The Leap Home"... Sibby LoNigro is one of Sam's best friends. Apparently this is the name of somebody that Don Bellisario knows in real life, but why would he re-use the name as Sam's professor at M.I.T.? They certainly aren't the same person... Help?

... Mike. o_O