That is supposed to be Scott Bakula/Sam Beckett. It won't let me save the one I did of Dean/Al.
Of course I did one of myself as well.
EDIT Here they both are finally!
Ok I changed both posts. I think it looks better with both having same background. With the hat it covers the eye brows and hair. Here are both to compare. Turn out very well I think! Did not even look at a picture of them, just did it from memory. Luckily there were features that look like them. Not sure what to put in Sam's had from the choices...Al's was easy!
I love this style! I could cut and past the characters together. Heck I could cut these designs out of pieces of colored paper! I have been looking for a cartoon simplified style to use to draw something for Quantum Leap. THis is perfect.
By the way, Avilos, the show has piqued my interest. Is the channel, amc, available on cable, or is it one of those channels only avaible through satellite or those fancy packages. Thank you.
Mad Men takes place in the early 1960s. Its about a fictional Madison Avenue Advertising firm. The real Ad guys coined the term "Mad Men" for themselves.
The show is about the culture of that time and how it was beginning to change. This is just an overview of course. The new season starts August 16th. The first 2 are available on DVD.