Matt Dale has passed away


Al's Place Bartender
Staff member
It is with great sadness that we must announce the passing of our friend, Matt Dale, from complications after a seizure. Matt was the author of the "Beyond the Mirror Image" book series and a host of The Quantum Leap Podcast. He was an amazing friend and father, and will be deeply missed by the Quantum Leap community and other fandoms.

Our hearts go out to his family. Please consider donating to his family in this time of need and grief: GoFundMe for Matt.
Last time I conversed with Matt over social media was early November to discuss possible ideas for his third book. The main idea I came up with he said he wasn't sure he could make it work due to space but it wasn't out of the question. I also notified him about a blu-ray mistake he forgot to add to the book and he was very nice about it. He said he was going to add the blu-ray mistake into the third book. I was quite excited about this. 😊

Matt always made the time to talk to people about the show or his book. He did so much for the fandom so it really is horrible this happened, especially at Christmas. Rest in peace Matt. 😥