All the graphics that I've done are getting a new home. They can now be found at I'll be pulling down the old website ( at the end of the month. There are some wallpapers on it as well as all of the avatars that haven't been moved to the new gallery so if anything interests'll need to save it quickly.
The new gallery is set up so that anyone can see the thumbails. In order to see the full-sized versions, however, registration will be required. I've seen wallpapers that I've done either end up on other websites (with or without attribution) as well as on stuff being sold on eBay and I'd like to prevent that from happening again. I'm hoping requiring the registration will be a good deterrent.
The new gallery is set up so that anyone can see the thumbails. In order to see the full-sized versions, however, registration will be required. I've seen wallpapers that I've done either end up on other websites (with or without attribution) as well as on stuff being sold on eBay and I'd like to prevent that from happening again. I'm hoping requiring the registration will be a good deterrent.