My Handlink Replica

I'm terribly sorry about that. In the process of trying to get usernames associated with old EZBoard posts, another 2-3 posts were lost.

I believe all the bugs are worked out in the EZBoard->vB Post Associator script!
feldon29 said:
I'm terribly sorry about that. In the process of trying to get usernames associated with old EZBoard posts, another 2-3 posts were lost.

I believe all the bugs are worked out in the EZBoard->vB Post Associator script!

Oh, OK. No big deal. I was just wondering.
I was watching "The Boogiem@n" again last night and happened to notice that the slightly different handlink from "The Great Spontini" is in this episode as well. Interestingly enough, both this version and the regular "gummi bear" one are in the episode.

You can catch a glimpse or two near the middle of the episode when Al is still the Devil, and then at the end when he is his normal self, he has the normal handlink. This episode was filmed after "The Great Spontini" and was probably still filmed at a point where they needed a "dummy" version that didn't light up. Or, if you want to get creative about it, maybe the Devil couldn't exactly replicate Al's handlink and that's why His is slightly different. :b
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Ohh, cool. It could be the Devil not being able to replicte the handlink exactly, but this poses a question, In "The Great Spontini" why did he have the "Devil" handlink????

How did I know you would ask that? :lol OK, I guess we could go back to the "prototype" theory. The Devil replicated the prototype, but He couldn't make it actually work. ;)
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Jeddie, Ian's main home page is still up. He has his e-mail address listed there. He's a real sweet guy (I believe he even still posts regularly at rastql on Usenet). Just give him an e-mail....if the pages are irreparably down, I guarantee you he still has the information.

Good luck!
I am just posting an new thread for my final handlink replica. I am verry happy with this one. Please see the thread called "My New/Final Handlink Replica" to see it. :D Happy viewing!