Never Seen the Virtual Seasons


Project QL Intern
Jun 20, 2006
Okay, I'm alittle embaresed, but I've never seen any of the virtual seasons.:eek: Since, I've never read any of them, which one should I start with first. Probably the first, but I'd rather start with the favorite. Please give me some opinions of which ones that you guys liked the most. :)
There's actually a recommendation list on a thread on this board somewhere, if you can find it. It's a good list that I tend to agree with. You might want to try to find that, and follow along with it.
The Virtual Seasons is all written episodes that you can't "see". You can read them all you want and "see" the characters in your mind's eye! :)

It's best if you start at the beginning. Things have progressed slowly through it, people added in and I'd hate for anyone to get off track.

But I do hope that you enjoy them.

Virtual Seasons

Yes...this is a very enjoyable fanfiction to read. When I started reading last year about this time, I found it took me about 5.5 months (e.g. July to mid-Nov) to finish TVS, Stardust, and Starbright. I don't know how your reading time will compare with mine though.

There are some really great writers here at Al's Place. I've been privileged to work with some of them on stories. In fact, my first piece of non-academic/non-business creative prose writing (as opposed to poetry which I've done for years) was a TVS story (#1211 It's a Wonderful Life?). I am so thankful for the inspiring stories of the TVS authors. Seven years and counting!:hurray:
Yes, it can take awhile; I started reading them back in January, and I'm still only on season eleven (work and college classes don't make for a lot of reading time!) Reading them all in order would be the best method, but if you're short on time, it could take quite awhile to get caught up! Good luck, and have fun.