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Project QL Intern
I wanted to post this in the part of the forum for QR but there doesn't seem to be a place for it. QR for each of it's season's on every episode has loads of hits for view count but no reviews for the episodes. I plan on reading QR after having done some other reading and plan on writing a review for each episode I read. IS ANYONE READING THIS SERIES? Thing is writing for a virtual series isn't an easy task. Lots of time has to be put into one for it to be a good series. Al's Place with it's virtual series has a lot of people doing a lot of good work for it. When people don't post what they think of an episode writers don't know what people think of their work. To show you ( any one who reads this ) like or have read some one's writing work post! This is very welcomed by ones working on the series.
I wanted to post this in the part of the forum for QR but there doesn't seem to be a place for it....

Actually, there is, systemcat. :) The "Ground Zero" forum is for general topics of Quantum Retribution discussion.

I'm one of the co-authors of Quantum Retribution (MJ Cogburn being the other). I hope you enjoy it when do begin reading and, as you say, as writers, MJ and I do appreciate a bit of constructive feedback.

Eleiece K. :)