Quantum Leap Dreams


Project QL Intern
Oct 30, 2005
Okay, I'm going to share some summaries of dreams I've had over the years since (and before ?) I started watching QL. They are nothing special, but strange anyway. The third dream is like a premonition of QL..

Dream 1, mid-2003:

I'm back in time at high school, but for some reason I am outside of my body looking back at myself as I'm walking down some stairs near the entrance to the school. For some reason, someone else is in my body and I get the feeling it is Sam Beckett. When I think this, he says something like "Remember, I'm you" under his breath and I started to believe (during this dream) he was putting things right back in time at high school. When I woke up I had trouble getting the dream of my mind.

Dream 2: Summer 2005:

After watching some of the first season eps, I have this dream. Again, I'm not in my body, but for some reason I'm in Ziggy with all this white light around me looking out at Al as he stands near the control console. I tell him that "My brother did not mean to say that this is cr*p" and Al produces a smile afterwards. My brother never liked Quantum Leap for some reason so I guess this is my way of apologising for my brother saying that "this is cr*p" to the TV set and somehow in my dream my feelings were telling me that they heard it for some reason.

Dream 3: Pre-Quantum Leap, around mid-80's:

I was only around seven or eight when I had this and I've only remembered it recently after all these years. The dream starts with my viewpoint looking diagonally down at an angle in some strange room. There are some men with 70's hair-styles building a table made up of different coloured boxes of flashing lights. They all seem happy and excited, the brown haired guy looks right at me and smiles as if he can see me. When I think of this, it reminds me of the Control console at Project Quantum Leap because of the boxes of flashing lights. But I think its just a coincidence and the dream was about something else as I don't have any feelings as to what they were building anyway. I always had this nagging feeling, especially during Season 2, when Sam's hair is longer and I felt it looked 70's-ish, probably because of that dream - although I did not remember it at the time.

I know I could add more detail to these dreams, but I did not want to bore you. Feel free to comment, ask questions and add some of your own dreams - I guess that's the reason I posted this is the first place, I have an interest in dreams and I like reading about them.
No comments, huh ?

Now I'm feeling really :eek: for posting this topic in the first place, but then what's to say since now I re-read it its not particularly interesting. . .
Hey Blue Sovereign..I liked your dreams...I think they are really interesting :) I used to have QL dreams all the time when it was airing on tv..I wish I could remember some of them...I know they were cool...you are fortunate to be able to remember yours...If I ever have another one, I will write it down :) Thanks for sharing :)
Hey, your dreams are very interesting... Ive had many QL dreams myself useually Im Sam and it seems that in my dream I leaped into him useually while he was talking to Al and I start acting strange and wondering how I got there and Al starts yelling for Gooshie its very confusing, but then again what dreams arent? But sometimes I just dream up my own epesodies.. there really cool if only I could remember them and post them on here! Oh well, I guess God, Fate, or whatever has me typing this right now has something else instore for this Quantum Leap freak!

ecscuse my insanity,
QLEAP - I feel so much better now, thanks ! I only put that statement below my post because my topic had 40 views with 0 replies. I just thought I killed my own topic because something was wrong with it. If I had the time, I would have added more detail because they were great dreams that distracted my during the day for weeks. Dream 1 was very exciting as I was experiencing it because Sam Beckett was changing my history and on waking, even though I knew it was just a dream, it made me feel good. Dream 2 was so funny on waking that for a few days after I was laughing quite often. Dream 3 is the strange one because I had it a few years before QL was even made but the table of lights could have been anything, maybe a disco feature or something.

AL'S CHICK - Thankyou for your comments :) Sounds like an interesting dream leaping into Sam etc. I have never had any like that, and its my instincts telling me that as I know there must be some QL dreams that I just can't remember anyhow. Dream 1 was strange for me because I am outside of my body looking back at myself (like an OBE) whilst someone else is in my body. I had the strange idea afterwards that maybe someone in the future has built a project like QL and is changing history for the better and that is what the dream was showing me. Maybe that's why my friends or family members can't remember some things from the past and vice-versa because of this - then I splash water over my face and tell myself to snap out of it before I get taken away :).
Cool. Its so weird I have Quantum Leap dreams every night its like there addicting and my mind goes back for more.. Last night I know I haad one.. I cant remember the details but it seemed actually frightning, I can remember it was dark and cold I was alone. and then from no were I saw Sam he looked scared to death! He couldnt see me its like I was just there whatching this scarey movie, all of a sudden I began to fall and that blue halo light of energy surronded me then after the tingiling of this intense "leap" stoped I was still falling and I could hear Sam screaming at the top of his lungs! and Al begging us both to come back telling us both we could make it through this.. but Sam gave up he told Al goodbye and fell into something it looked like black oil, but Al screamed for him but it was to late then the dream shattered and I awoke this morning covered in sweat and the first thing I thought of doing was telling yall. so here I am... still shaking.. what a dream!

Good dreams...

I haven't had a Quantum Leap dream for the past ten years or so. But I did have a funny Scott Bakula dream the other night....
For some reason, in the dream, I was discussing with him the relative merits of me moving to California, and which part of said state (not with him, just me moving).

So, fairly dull dream and I immediately forgot about it after waking up and thinking 'well, that was nice'.
Couple of days later I'm sitting at work trying to remember who I was talking with about moving to California (you know... when you can remember a conversation but can't remember who you were talking to) ... so I'm sitting there seriously trying to remember... thought process goes thusly:
"it was an American guy... so, who could that be? I haven't called any of my college buddies for ages... and it was definitely face to face so... oh, yes! I remember, it was Scott Ba.... oh, right, it was a dream."

I felt so dumb I laughed out loud. And now the people in my office think I'm nuts.

I have dreams now and again that involve famous actors from time to time. When I was at college in my teens I was a huge James Bond fan and was really into Pierce Brosnan's new Bond movies from Goldeneye onwards. I had a number of dreams around that time of meeting up with Pierce as himself and the conversations you have with people like that are amazing, just like they are taking place in real-life - which is the illusion that dreams give each night, that these are really taking place. Its only when we wake that we dismiss them as the mind exploring possibilities and releasing built up emotions during the day. I have also met actors like William Shatner, Arnold Swartzenegger and many others in my dreams and we always have long conversations about life, experiences and our interests - most of which you find out through magazines and TV shows etc. Its like you know them as friends and its always painful waking from them because you have to accept that it all took place in your head or in the astral or wherever it is your mind ends up each night. Its amazing how well the mind can re-construct famous people's true personalities (from your own observations of them) and let you interact with them and you can see why they are invited as guests on chat shows - they are fun to talk to.

*Al'sChick* - I'm pleased you told me about that dream. Its an interesting one. From how I see it, its like you are another leaper in the dream who is trying to find Sam somewhere in time. Maybe you are trying to find him after the episode of "Mirror Image" and your mind is searching for him to see where he is now and giving you a part as a leaper. Maybe you are part of the QL project trying to retrieve Sam or something - that's what I can imagine about Al getting you "both" through this - I just got a feeling that this could be your minds way of previewing "A Bold Leap Forward" or at least using the concept of it. Maybe you were Sammy Jo in that dream for instance.
Yes, I see were you are coming from.. now that I think about it it was almost like Al was both Sam and my observer, and I actually cant wait until that movie is out! I wasnt very pleased with the ending of "Mirror Image" I called my mom I was so angry! She had worned me that I was going to be VERY disappointed,,, she was right! The only thing about "A Bold Leap Forward" that seems to bother me is that Sammy Jo would be the main leaper, I will miss Sam very much! But at least *my Al* will be one of the main stars (as he always is)! YEA!

:wavey ,
Al'sChick....Holy crap! What a frightening dream!

I wish I had QL dreams. I don't think I've hit that stage in the fandom yet ;). You would think after all of my planning of a QL fanfic series, at least some part of my plan would come to life in my sleep, hehe.

I have, however, had a dream where I am in the same hotel as Ewan McGregor (whom I swoon over as well) and was in the room next door to him. For some reason, we started hanging out like we were both teenage friends, it was bizarre. He gave me an autograph and I woke up.

It's been mention before (on the DragonCon and the BLF threads) the new movie either never was happening in the first place or the idea for it has been scrapped and they're starting from square one. I like the whole Sammy Jo theory, but I have one that has Sammy Jo as the new "Gooshie" like person, Al being the Observer, and Sam's daughter from "The Leap Back" (that we're supposed to assume happened after Sam and Donna's nght together) being the new leaper.

But I digress...In conclusion, I want a QL dream! LOL:lol

Samantha Beckett
Oh, boy, these Dreams!

Hey, BlueSovereign, I've had some Quantum Leap dreams too. Not like I am leaping or being Sam or any of the characters, but back in 1999, they were airing reruns on TV (another channel that wasn't the sci-fi), and when those reruns reached the "GHOST SHIP" episode, they cancelled them and put another show instead, so I was angry and desperated. I just wanted to see more of QL that I started dreaming constantly they aired it again at 4 PM and I watched some episodes. I could clearly see the Sam and Al faces and other guys, the handlink, etc., but they were unexistant episodes. Episodes that were never really produced.

They don't air reruns of QL anymore. I've only been able to see the episodes on DVD, but I'm still having these dreams once in a while. They're so weird sometimes, the image quality of the TV in the dream is too dark, and I know that 4 PM is the time when they air the episode on TV in the dream, but I always catch it late, almost when it's going to end, and I tell my family not to forget the next day it's going to be at 4 PM again, so I can catch it again completely. When I wake up, I'm more dissapointed than anything (More back in 1999. Now with the DVD's being released, that's almost forgotten). I really didn't want it to be just a dream.

"Mirror Image" was a downer for me because right from seeing the pilot episode I really wanted to see Sam get home at the end of the series. There were some episodes where he is very upset at not being able to return home and to me its just depressing to see it end with "Sam never did return home." Quite different from what I was expecting for the final episode and I was expecting to see him home and having a huge party getting drunk with Al and co. They could have even bought one of them cakes for the episode where the iceing reads "Welcome Home Sam !" or something. At the very end of the episode it could still be left open for a continuation by having a, "Well we've proved that QL works, got Sam back and we have Ziggy idle, what shall we do now ?"


If you want a QL dream, you could try what a lot of people practice, by saying affirmations to yourself (in your head if at work) during the day every hour like - "Tonight I'm going to dream about Quantum Leap" and let that sink in. When you go to bed at night your mind will pick that up as something to work on in your dreams and will usually give you the goods. It may take some practice though and if you find it does work, you can try other things. Whatever you do, keep the sentence short and simple, otherwise it may not work properly. Its worked for me in the past and I learned it from a book in a section about lucid dreams and stuff.


I have dreams about other favourite TV shows that aren't shown anymore and I find that although I know its a story I am usually a part of it. I think when you want to see something again your mind will give you what you want through dreams. Its like part of the dream process is to release built-up emotions over time and a lot of these center around what we want or need in life. So I can understand fully what you're saying about having dreams of TV shows whether you are a part of the show or not.

A tip to recall dreams:

If you want to increase your recall on dreams, have a pen and pad of paper next to your bed. When you awake, write as much as you can remember about what you dreamed about. Over time, you will build dream recall as it continues to be excercised each morning and you may reach a point where you will recall all if not most of your dreams. You have to keep at it though, like anything it takes practice.
BlueSovereign said:

If you want a QL dream, you could try what a lot of people practice, by saying affirmations to yourself (in your head if at work) during the day every hour like - "Tonight I'm going to dream about Quantum Leap" and let that sink in. When you go to bed at night your mind will pick that up as something to work on in your dreams and will usually give you the goods. It may take some practice though and if you find it does work, you can try other things. Whatever you do, keep the sentence short and simple, otherwise it may not work properly. Its worked for me in the past and I learned it from a book in a section about lucid dreams and stuff.

Awesome! Thanks BlueSovereign! I hope it works for me...:D
Samantha_Beckett said:
Awesome! Thanks BlueSovereign! I hope it works for me...:D

I hope so, please let me know if it does BTW. I wish I could become lucid in dreams so that I can be in control of them and do what I want instead of being an observer in them. That's the next step. Imagine, you could do anything in your dreams and go where you wish - but that could take some years to master according to a book I own. Its never happened to me yet though.
Funnily enough, I had a dream the other night where I got Season 4 on DVD and was watching the "Leap Back" episode.
Samantha_Beckett said:
BlueSovereign, I had one last night!!!!! It was about a storyline I have been creating in my head for a fanfiction, but I had one! Your thing worked!!

Samantha Beckett

Great ! I'm really glad it worked for you !

It does not always work for me, its more of a 50/50 situation. Mostly because during the week I'm too busy to remember to give myself them affirmations throughout the day. They work best on weekends and I find that what you ask for you usually get with some added suprises sprinkled in here and there. Dreams can be very entertaining and I like to write about them on occasion but its important to ask yourself each morning about the dreams you've had and you should remember most of them. Many films have been inspired by writers dreams and some musicians claim to have heard their music in a dream which prompts them to write what parts they can remember down and turn them into a song. I think because we spend around 8 hours each night asleep its good to explore your dreams, but everyones different and I know of some who either don't remember them full-stop or are just not interested.
When I posted last, I had basically no time for any details, so I'm here to do just that.

Mine was pretty much to the letter to what my story idea is. I was Samantha Beckett (my screen name comes from this story idea), Sam and Donna's daughter after their night together in "The Leap Back". Gooshie was no longer at the project, so I had replaced him as Ziggy's main programmer, having added some programs to enhance her abilities. In the dream, Al (my godfather in my dream) and I are in front of the government people trying to convince them to keep our funding. They deny us, saying that its a permanent denial, that we are shut down for good. I yell "no! You can't do that! That's my father back there and you can't just leave him there! I've never had a chance to meet him!" and then a congressman looks at me and says "well, you haven't missed much then, have you?", and then they all leave. Then, it just kinda jumped to where I was in some sort of closet (like a janitor's closet in the building), holding my knees, rocking back and forth and crying. Al comes in and tells me that we were gonna fight this, and not to worry. Then I woke up.

I had just pre-written that part of my story just like 3 hours before I went to bed, after doing that "I will dream about Quantum Leap" recitation thing al day. It was awesome!

Samantha Beckett
Dear Sam;
Don't dismiss your dreams. They happen for a reason. You may not understand why, but they do mean something. Here's a good example, from April 1, 2004:
I had been in communication with some pretty high-up people at NASA since a missive I'd written on a space-related site caught the attention of now-former NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe. I dreamt that I and two work buddies were working on the outside of the International Space Station. One of my buddies and I were not wearing the proper EVA suits and gloves, and as I tried to reach for a hand hold my right glove separated from the sleeve joint, exposing about three inches of my wrist to space! The sunlit side instantly became unbearably hot, while the shadow side became incredibly cold and painful. I pulled up my sleeve and began rotating my wrist to even out the heat/cold. The same thing happened to my buddy with the same suit. We got back inside just fine. I expected to wake up laying on my arm, but I was lying on my back with my arm over my stomach. My hand was numb, and my arm was cold from my elbow to my wrist.
When I read that the ISS astronauts were going to perform an EVA with the wrong suits and gloves in the first weeks of June, a little bell went off, and I remembered this dream. I asked my contacts if this had ever been tested, and I was reassured that it couldn't happen.
Imagine how I felt when I read the paper the morning of the EVA and read that NASA had instituted additional safety procedures to verify the integrity of the glove/sleeve joint.
Samantha_Beckett said:
I yell "no! You can't do that! That's my father back there and you can't just leave him there! I've never had a chance to meet him!" and then a congressman looks at me and says "well, you haven't missed much then, have you?", and then they all leave.
Samantha Beckett

I like the humour there. As a person who likes humour, I like comedies in both movies and TV series, its great to have it in dreams. I can't tell you how often I have woken up and laughed at some of my dreams and I think in some ways they would only be funny to me because of how personal they are. Its a great way to stop nightmares if you become slightly lucid in one - you can make a nightmare turn into something funny by replacing the nasty elements with funny ones but it isn't always possible.
BlueSovereign said:
I like the humour there. As a person who likes humour, I like comedies in both movies and TV series, its great to have it in dreams. I can't tell you how often I have woken up and laughed at some of my dreams and I think in some ways they would only be funny to me because of how personal they are. Its a great way to stop nightmares if you become slightly lucid in one - you can make a nightmare turn into something funny by replacing the nasty elements with funny ones but it isn't always possible.

Well, I live and breathe sarcasm so it's inevitable that ir would entre my dreams, hehe :lol. I hope I have another one soon, I've been trying.

Samantha Beckett
well most of my dreams have been more Scott Bakula than QL but i did have one QL dsream in particular that i would like to share. it was about the leap back, and it occured before i even saw it. what happened was that i was in it, i was Sam's younger sister in place of katie (Yay) and i was suppose to be some kind of assistant observer alsong with Al, only now it was with Sam. now i had no idea that thier thoughts were going to be switched before i saw it so my idea that just so happened to appear in this dream was that Al would try to impress the young WWII man's girlfriend in the Al sort of way. so i was in the chamber by myself, i have no idea what Sam was doing, and i was watching Al actually doing a BAD job with this girl. he had been trying to give her a small boquet of flowers, and i don't know exactlly what had happened but they ended up on the floor, petels everywhere, and i moaned "Al, for goodness sake, you're making such a mess" or somehting along the lines as i actually bent down with a dustpan and was able to sweep the petels up despite that i was years away. then i opened the imaging chamber door and Al was able to simply step through back to the present world. before that however i remember Sam sorting out stuff that he had brought back from his leaps, things he had been given, and i distinctly remember Danna's gold braclet thing from her charm. i had said something to him but i forget what, i think it was about leaping agian. but skipping back ahead, once Al was back in the present world, i was happy and said "hey Sam, you're both bakc and ok, so i won't lose you agian Sam" but for some strange reason probably connecting to mirror image Sam wanted to go back out there despite there being no reason to. almost like he felt that he was not done. i got sad and ran off crying behind a couch, and eiather Sam or AL said something that i can not recall, and Sam followed me behind the couch which was quite narrow so he had to squeeze, ah and i remember he said "hey, it's me" and he touched my back but i did not acknowledge him. i turned away and he said "What, now you don't wanna talk to me" this made me turn to him, and i said a line about leaping bakc to the past was more important than me, and by this time he had gotten me out form the couch and he said "look at me, nothing is more important than you" the scene had not time to finish however becasue i awoke, but i found it interesting that depsite that Al was home leaving no appearnt reason for Sam to leap agian, he still wanted to.

you guys have much better dreams though. |I
Ok...I finally had a QL dream last night...the first one I've had in alot of years..a really strange one...but kind of cool...

I was in someone's basement watching a big screen tv when the new QL telefilm, A Bold Leap Forward came on...

I was trying my hardest to find a tape for my VCR to tape it on and the movie was already started....I could see Sam and Al discussing something from the past...like a flashback scene and then they went to another scene of Sam alone in his leaps and we find Dr. Sam Beckett performing in a musical:sing ...and I was like wow! He looks awesome in that musical and he was singing and dancing..lol!! But I was so darned distracted by trying to tape it that I was missing parts of the movie...

About that time, my daughter comes in and tells me, it's ok mom, they're going to show it again and you can catch it next time, but something in my brain kept telling me that this would be the last time it would be aired and I was in a panic...

Suddenly, I remembered that I had already taped it before so I sat down to watch the rest of it, when all of a sudden I woke up! Dern it!!
Its very common for me to experience dreams about a new movie or a new season of a tv show some time before its aired. Even when I had many months between watching QL season 1 and getting season 2 on DVD I had many dreams about the series. Most of which I can't remember, if I kept a dream journal I would be able to though.

I think this thread has spawned a dream situation with us all as I also had a dream about "A bold leap forward" a few nights ago, it wasn't much but I got a look at the new handlink. It wasn't the first one I have had like this, but the new handlink was a more curved, metallic silver and sleaker look and retained some aspects of the gummi-bear link. I was going to draw it that morning to post on this message board but I got distracted and forgot all-about it.

The other dream involving the new hand-link earlier this year also showed me a more futuristic model that had the same transparent look of the season 1 link, but on yellow see-through plastic and a similar shape. It had a ring at the side to put your thumb through on holding so that you could hold it with a looser grip. Its like they were re-building a the new link from scratch again. I also remember meeting up with Al in a nearby village and he let me hold it (even though he's a hologram and I shouldn't be able to see him, let alone touch the device), although I had no idea how to use it. It was funny because Sam turned up a little bit later and we talked about how he was getting on with fixing history and joked about a few things. Like I said in an earlier post, when I meet actors or characters its like we get along like friends that already know each other well. I think my friendly side is always exposed in my dreams.

Side question:

Has anyone ever sung a song in a dream ?

I have many times and its a great experience that I can sing so well and with confidence in my dreams. In reality I can't even build up the courage to do the Karaoakie (sp ?). The strangest dream I have had regarding singing is when I was walking down the central reservation on a dual-carriageway in a city centre. It was weird really because all the cars were driving slowly beside me and towards me from the opposite direction as I was singing. I was aware that people in the cars where listening and I was making the song up as I was singing it. I wish I could recall the lyrics and the melody because I noted that it was such a beautiful song. Because of that dream I got a feeling of what its like to sing in-front of an audience and your heart is racing with excitement all the time. Waking from these are so painful though, especially when you realise you are the only one experiencing it. But I guess I'd hate to have an audience with some of the dreams I have regularly - they are just too personal. If they ever invent a dream-recorder though, I would be happy to pay a handsome sum to own one - you could put some clips of your favourites on the internet (maybe even charge for some of the more exiting ones !) and would make for some wonderful entertainment !
I have never tried to sing in my dreams, but I HAVE danced with...Karen Carpenter!
What song? "Touch Me When We're Dancing".
BlueSovereign said:
Side question:

Has anyone ever sung a song in a dream ?

I have many times and its a great experience that I can sing so well and with confidence in my dreams. In reality I can't even build up the courage to do the Karaoke.

Actually, yes, I have. I remember two times in particular. However, I dreamt I was competing in Star Academie (something similar to American Idol, but here in Quebec), so I was completely freaked... Once I was auditionning and I sang really bad, and the other time I was on stage... I was SO nervous...

Actually, I'm not sure if I told Mike about that when I was over at his place, but the second time I was dreaming I was competing, I was on the competition with my two sisters, and I had no idea what song to sing... and it was the night of the performance!!! I decided to choose to sing a song I knew by heart and I think it turned out not too bad. The reason why I'm talking about Mike in this, is that I had this dream when I was over at Mike's, and upon waking up, I had this song stuck in my head, and after telling him, we ended up watching the episode that this song was in, Piano Man :) Remember it Mike? Yes, it was Somewhere in the Night song by Scott Bakula!!! So I guess I can say I have sung in my dreams.

Another question of the sort, have you ever been able to read while you were dreaming?

I know a lot of people say it is impossible to do so, because of some brainwave thing that prevents you from making sense of the letters you see in your dreams or something, but I am absolutely certain that on a few occasion, I did read while I was dreaming. One I remember I was reading some headline on a publicity pannel somewhere, and I remember very well, I was reading what was written... So did this happen to you? Or am I the only one and it proves to the world I'm weird? LOL :roflmao: :p

See you later guys!!!

I can read in my dreams, it's no problem. Years ago, after six straight nights of being eaten by the creature from "Alien", I was forced to learn how to control what happens to me in my dreamscape, and I have roughly the same abilities as Neo in the "Matrix" films. It's not that difficult to do, you just have to be aware that you're dreaming, and that none of the "rules" apply.
Clara, I like your avatar! I have had numerous dreams of working in space, repairing satellites, and although I knew that they were dreams, I knew enough to NOT remove my gloves, or my helmet! The dreams were lucid enough to enable me to feel the sensation of microgravity (when I described it to an astronaut he asked me how I knew) and how your fingers and toes get cold on EVA's despite the environmental unit in the EVA suit.
The dream about Karen Carpenter was one of a series which began in late May 2004 and continued until Christmas Eve 2004.
I was never a fan, and still am not. I only own two of their albums, and only bought "Gold" and Karen's solo album after the dreams began.
They were fascinating...
spaceflight101 said:
I can read in my dreams, it's no problem. Years ago, after six straight nights of being eaten by the creature from "Alien", I was forced to learn how to control what happens to me in my dreamscape, and I have roughly the same abilities as Neo in the "Matrix" films. It's not that difficult to do, you just have to be aware that you're dreaming, and that none of the "rules" apply.
Clara, I like your avatar! I have had numerous dreams of working in space, repairing satellites, and although I knew that they were dreams, I knew enough to NOT remove my gloves, or my helmet! The dreams were lucid enough to enable me to feel the sensation of microgravity (when I described it to an astronaut he asked me how I knew) and how your fingers and toes get cold on EVA's despite the environmental unit in the EVA suit.
The dream about Karen Carpenter was one of a series which began in late May 2004 and continued until Christmas Eve 2004.
I was never a fan, and still am not. I only own two of their albums, and only bought "Gold" and Karen's solo album after the dreams began.
They were fascinating...

i have had those, where i know i am dreaming, one was really funny, i was with the live action mystery inc minus Scooby himself, and there was this one part of it where i was in this buliding with them and we were on this elevator,and they all ran off when it got to the right floor, and i tried to run with them but i fell behind because as i said above i cannot run in dreams, and fred said to me "hey can you pick up the pace a little?" and i actually replied "i'm sorry but this is a dream and in dreams i cant run". it was kinda funny.
If it's too hard to run, fly! You can do it. You'll have to teach yourself to do it, but it begins with one simple thought:
"I know that this is a dream, and I can do anything!"
SamBeckettfann said:
i have never sung in my dreams eaither. besides the dream i aldready described i think my best Ql dream, was not even a QL dream it was a dream where i was in college and Scott Bakula kissed me full on the mouth!.:dreaming

No fair! I want your dream!! Lucky!

I flew a couple dreams in my dreams. I was able to fly all around my house, but if I flew outside my front or back doors, I plummeted to the ground and then woke up.

Samantha Beckett
Samantha_Beckett said:
No fair! I want your dream!! Lucky!

I flew a couple dreams in my dreams. I was able to fly all around my house, but if I flew outside my front or back doors, I plummeted to the ground and then woke up.

Samantha Beckett

yes and i had another dream a couple nights ago where i slept with Sam, with my head laying on his bare chest and his ams tight around me, (sigh), and he had to get up early for something so he urged me awake by kissing my forehead and said "hey sleeping beauty" and i woke up and kissed him good morning on the lips. hehe. the rest of that dream was just weird.

and when i flew in another dream at the end i flew over this black lady in her car and i tried to land so she would not see me flying but i could not land becasue i wouold come back up like a bungee cord, and then she saw me as i fkew off trying ti go really high and i heard he rbehind me going
"oh my god! that girl, she's flying!"

as for the dream you are talking about Samantha, the rest of it was sad, becasue we were walking together and sat on these sofas, him across from me and we talked about my dad becasue in real life he died in october, and i started crying really hard and he said "come here" and held his arms out for me, and i rn to them, and he let me cry in his embrace.
Dear SBF;
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your father. Mine passed in 1997, and my mother joined him in April of this year.
What would you say if I told you that your father had come to visit you in a way that you would be comfortable with? Unless you are really open-minded, and can accept that there is more, those who have left the physical realm often come back in a form more readily accepted. Many, many people are able to "connect" with the afterlife when they sleep, through their dream worlds. He knows how sad you are, and how much of a void his passing has torn in your heart. He just wants you to know that he's not really "gone", only in a physical sense.
I have only been involved with the science of the afterlife for about 18 months, although my father did come to me almost a year after he passed. He told me that he knew I was scared, because I was working in Mexico, but that if I did what I normally do, then everything would turn out OK.
A week before my mom passed, she dreamt of her father, and her husband. She became at peace with her imminent passing, and I had nothing, no dreams, no warnings, nothing. I felt useless, my "gift" had gone dead. But, the night before we buried her, I had a wondrous pair of dreams which enabled me to get through that awful day.
I watched as eight angels, all people who I never knew in this life, led her through a doorway to meet Dad. Mom looked a lot better, and younger, than when she passed. It was as if she'd just returned from a makeover. One of the angels held Mom's arm, and just before they entered the doorway, Mom turned to me, smiled, and waved. The angel holding her arm looked at me and smiled at me.
The angel would return in early May, as I struggled with depression.
I dreamt I was in a garden, sitting on a cement bench. I was crying. She came to me, and asked me why I was crying. I said that I missed my parents, and asked if I could see them. She said no, that I had to learn to live without them now, and that we would all be a family again someday. I said that I missed them so much, and continued crying. She knelt before me, and asked me to give her my hands. She said "Look at me. You can't do this to yourself." Then, she looked me in the eyes, and told me something which I will remember for as long as I live:
"Your finest hour is still before you."
I was able to pull myself out of the gravity well of the depression, and go on with that knowledge.
You can do it too.
Another QL dream...

SamBeckettfann said:
i actually did fly once, but it was just random, it was cool though.:)

I remember I could fly once too, but the time was too short.

I also remember I could pass through the wall in a nightmare few years ago: For some reason I was being chased by some ugly creatures, and I reached a closed street. At first it was too hard to cross the bricks, but then I remembered it was just a dream, and somehow I got through them, and the creatures lost me, but once I was in the other side of the wall, I found myself falling, like if I was doing it from a plain in the sky, so it didn't help me on any. Lucky I woke up.

Now, about the QL dreams, I had another the other night, last saturday, by the way. I was watching QL again, like in all my QL dreams, but this time the episode was more focused on Al. I could see him in a big room (like a courtroom or something), and he passed through the people when he was walking, and everything he does as a hologram (functions), except opening the IC door..., but he was scared. So scared. He was afraid of something, but I never knew what it was exactly. The episode also seemed so dark, and the music was so frightening, like in a mystery/horror movie type. Sam was there also, but not with Al, he was alone in another dark place, and from one time to another, Al was leaving the room's door, walking in reverse order, and kind of screaming, and when he was crossing the mark's door, a red/yellow glow appeared from outside, like if it was going to absorbe him or something, then I couldn't see anything more, except the credits and slow shoots of the big room (now empty, without anyone) because the episode was beginning, I suppose, and when I got to the writing credits, it said "Teleplay by: Stephen King. Story by: Stephen King & Donald P. Bellisario", and the directing credits "Directed by: Donald P. Bellisario." Then my alarm clock sounded and I had to wake up.

The episode in my dream had kind of the atmosphere of the episode "Dreams". It was more like a nightmare, but I guess I dreamed about that because I always wanted Stephen King to write a QL episode, and Donald to direct it.
i just remembered another QL dream i had a while ago, although the QL part did not come in till later.

My aunt i and i were secret agents assigned to solve a murder case. (ooh oooh, and i flew in this dream too at the end) from what i currently remember, we had these two guys as the suspects and were required to search thier house for evidence. i snuck in by following this group of kids that were playing a crawling game of some kind, they were crawling on the ground in a line and required to give this one kid a bunch of leaves as like a payment to get in, so i grabbed a branch of them, and handed them over after this one kid was turned away for not having any. so i start to search the house, (after i manage to slink past the two guys) and searched each room while my aunt had the other side of the house. at one point we got drinks i remember that. but anyway, i found nothing and i tell my aunt this and she says "Did you check that room yet?" pointing to a room behind me, and i answer that i did not and proceeded to. well luck had it, i found a gun in the room, and i seemed to reconize it, so i pick it up with a piece of cloth and leave the room to show my aunt. at first i rember i could not find her, and i was going to pass this staircase to check this one room, but the two guys came into the room, and this is where the QL part comes in, Sam and Al both cameo in this one little bit. Sam is hidden with me behind the staircase as like my partner,shushing me while i am panicking with the gun, cause i think i am going to get caught with and and be blamed for the murder, and Al is standing out in the open and said "Hide the gun, you gatta hide the gun so they don't know you have it!". so i hid it between Sam's legs, and once the two guys were out of sight i krept out and found my aunt in this closet place and when i showed her the gun she gasped, and then the scene changed and the two guys were arrested and i was praised as the hero, and then i flew out of the buliding over this big pool because i got to fly as like a special agent power. and this guy at the pool was like "whoa did you see that!" and thats all i remember before i woke up.
hey i had this QL dream just last night that was interesting and i wanted to share it.

there was this old woman, and she was sitting at a table in some shop or resturant, or something, and the only thing i really remember was talking to the old woman and then the scene changed and this dude appeared with a gun and attacked the old woman, and she got covered in blood, she wasn't hurt but somehow she was still covered in blood. i think i remember calling Sam's name for help and then somehow the old woman got hold of the gun and pointed it at Sam. i was standing right in front of Sam, i dont know if i was talking to him or protecting him but he then lifted me up away from the gunpoint to protect me just as the old woman fired the gun and Sam took the bullet somehow in his back, or at least thats what i remember, and he fell to the ground uncontious and i embraced him sobbing:
"Sam, no...Sam!" and then Al appeared and when he saw Sam he breathed
"Oh god not agian!" you know, thinking about Leap Of Faith, and as he saw me contiune to sob, and i am guessing that he really believed, especially after Leap of Faith that God would never take Sam in such a manner, because he told me.
"Don't worry he's not dead, i know he's not, just call 911".
So i said that i would and then the old woman was sobbing beside me and she took me in a hug and sobbed:
"I'm So sorry!"
then the scenes jumped becasue all of sudden Sam was ok and the old woman was back at her table still covered in blood, and we talked some i think and then she just sorta died, you know like of old age, she just died and Sam muttered "oh (S-word)" and i think he crossed himself, and we were sad and i think Al said something about that was supposed to happen kinda like Josoph in Freedom. And then we leaped.

i just liked it for the Leap of Faith de ja vous feeling with Al, and i think i felt it too.
SamBeckettfann said:
hey i had this QL dream just last night that was interesting and i wanted to share it.

there was this old woman, and she was sitting at a table in some shop or resturant, or something, and the only thing i really remember was talking to the old woman and then the scene changed and this dude appeared with a gun and attacked the old woman, and she got covered in blood, she wasn't hurt but somehow she was still covered in blood. i think i remember calling Sam's name for help and then somehow the old woman got hold of the gun and pointed it at Sam. i was standing right in front of Sam, i dont know if i was talking to him or protecting him but he then lifted me up away from the gunpoint to protect me just as the old woman fired the gun and Sam took the bullet somehow in his back, or at least thats what i remember, and he fell to the ground uncontious and i embraced him sobbing:
"Sam, no...Sam!" and then Al appeared and when he saw Sam he breathed
"Oh god not agian!" you know, thinking about Leap Of Faith, and as he saw me contiune to sob, and i am guessing that he really believed, especially after Leap of Faith that God would never take Sam in such a manner, because he told me.
"Don't worry he's not dead, i know he's not, just call 911".
So i said that i would and then the old woman was sobbing beside me and she took me in a hug and sobbed:
"I'm So sorry!"
then the scenes jumped becasue all of sudden Sam was ok and the old woman was back at her table still covered in blood, and we talked some i think and then she just sorta died, you know like of old age, she just died and Sam muttered "oh (S-word)" and i think he crossed himself, and we were sad and i think Al said something about that was supposed to happen kinda like Josoph in Freedom. And then we leaped.

i just liked it for the Leap of Faith de ja vous feeling with Al, and i think i felt it too.

:hair:hair:hair Holy crap! I would've woken up crying hysterically if I had that dream!:hair:hair:hair

Samantha Beckett
Oh! Nifty! A dream thread. I like hearing about others' dreams; they can prove quite interesting. Amusing, at the very least. I hadn't had QL dreams for a long time, until this Christmas I got seasons 1-3 on DVD and basically had a QL binge before classes resumed. I had one dream where Al was the Leaper and Sam the Observer again, but I can't remember the details, only that Al was having problems with a gust of wind and Sam was suspended over a pit of lava. And I had another one not too long ago, after re-watching "Jimmy," in which Sam was once again Jimmy (in an episode known as the third one in the Jimmy trilogy) and Sam/Jimmy was living on his own with a mentally handicapped woman he loved. I don't know what Sam was there to do, but he was having problems doing it, because he was psycho-synergizing with Jimmy. Unfortunately, my alarm went off before I could see where this dream was going.
LadyKayoss said:
And I had another one not too long ago, after re-watching "Jimmy," in which Sam was once again Jimmy (in an episode known as the third one in the Jimmy trilogy) and Sam/Jimmy was living on his own with a mentally handicapped woman he loved. I don't know what Sam was there to do, but he was having problems doing it, because he was psycho-synergizing with Jimmy. Unfortunately, my alarm went off before I could see where this dream was going.

That sounds like it would make a good fan fic.
LadyKayoss said:
Oh! Nifty! A dream thread. I like hearing about others' dreams; they can prove quite interesting. Amusing, at the very least.

Then we have something in common, I like hearing about others' dreams too. Its the main reason why I started this topic really and I think QL dreams can be amusing when they want to. Its been many months since I've had a QL dream though, hopefully I will have one soon enough. I wish I could dream about experiencing the actual leap into a person, correcting something and leaping out again. Something I'd like to experience from the leaper's perspective. I have often wondered why they never shot footage of what its like from Sam's perspective, 1st person, on a leap in and out - I would have liked to have seen that. Maybe if the QLBLF ever gets made, they can show us this.
BlueSovereign said:
I have often wondered why they never shot footage of what its like from Sam's perspective, 1st person, on a leap in and out - I would have liked to have seen that. Maybe if the QLBLF ever gets made, they can show us this.

I know it's not exactly what you're talking about, but its been said that the "flying through the clouds" shots in Genesis are supposed to emualate what Sam goes thru while leaping. But I agree, it would be cool to see what its like from Sam's prespective. I just imagine its like falling asleep at night. You don't realize that you've done it until you wake up the next morning...it seems instantaneous.

Samantha Beckett
Samantha Beckett said:
I know it's not exactly what you're talking about, but its been said that the "flying through the clouds" shots in Genesis are supposed to emualate what Sam goes thru while leaping. But I agree, it would be cool to see what its like from Sam's prespective. I just imagine its like falling asleep at night. You don't realize that you've done it until you wake up the next morning...it seems instantaneous.

Samantha Beckett

Yes I remember that shot in Genesis and when I first watched the show I took that as what the first leap was like from Sam's POV. However, if this is taken as what happens whenever Sam leaps after the first then I can accept that. But it would be cool to see something like Sam's vision filling up with blue-white electrical energy and then something like him being pulled upwards and ito the sky. Then he is pulled through time and he may see something like a tunnel with lightning or something - speculative. After that he decends through the sky and into the next host. Blue-white electrical energy filling up his vision and tada ! Sam has leaped. The tunnel maybe instantanious for Sam, but to an outsider the transition may take anywhere from a few days to weeks depending on the leap. Just an idea there, if anyone else has any other's then please tell us - I'd like to hear 'em.
you know what i would like to see is Sam in the in between leap stages, that are sometimes described in the novels, where the voice of supposedly God or fate or time or whatever askinf Sam if hes ready to leap yet. that would be interesting to actually see on screen.
in fact i had a dream not to long ago about the episode 8 1/2 months. that Sam COULD'NT leap until he had the baby, like i think what happened is that there was the real scene where the doctor said his line
"i see a head of curls trying to come out little lady, push!"
and Sam pushed and then leaped, but strangely enough he leaped right back becasue he had to have the baby and i remember the second time he had to push he wiggled around uncomfortably. lol poor Sam.

and then it changed and i was the one having the baby and Sam was there holding my hand and saying "its going to be ok".
and then i saw the baby, it was a girl, and i held her, and Sam said something and she began to cry, not becasue of Sam of course but you get it.

hehe it was a cute dream, but probably my best one conerning Ql and not just Scott was about the leap back, and it occured before i even saw it. now its been so long since this tread has had life that i forget if i already posted this dream or not so if i did i am sorry. what happened was that i was in it, i was Sam's younger sister in place of katie (Yay) and i was suppose to be some kind of assistant observer alsong with Al, only now it was with Sam. now i had no idea that thier thoughts were going to be switched before i saw it so my idea that just so happened to appear in this dream was that Al would try to impress the young WWII man's girlfriend in the Al sort of way. so i was in the chamber by myself, i have no idea what Sam was doing, and i was watching Al actually doing a BAD job with this girl. he had been trying to give her a small boquet of flowers, and i don't know exactlly what had happened but they ended up on the floor, petels everywhere, and i moaned "Al, for goodness sake, you're making such a mess" or somehting along the lines as i actually bent down with a dustpan and was able to sweep the petels up despite that i was years away. then i opened the imaging chamber door and Al was able to simply step through back to the present world. before that however i remember Sam sorting out stuff that he had brought back from his leaps, things he had been given, and i distinctly remember Danna's gold braclet thing from her charm. i had said something to him but i forget what, i think it was about leaping agian. but skipping back ahead, once Al was back in the present world, i was happy and said "hey Sam, you're both bakc and ok, so i won't lose you agian Sam" but for some strange reason probably connecting to mirror image Sam wanted to go back out there despite there being no reason to. almost like he felt that he was not done. i got sad and ran off crying behind a couch, and eiather Sam or AL said something that i can not recall, and Sam followed me behind the couch which was quite narrow so he had to squeeze, ah and i remember he said "hey, it's me" and he touched my back but i did not acknowledge him. i turned away and he said "What, now you don't wanna talk to me" this made me turn to him, and i said a line about leaping bakc to the past was more important than me, and by this time he had gotten me out form the couch and he said "look at me, nothing is more important than you" the scene had not time to finish however becasue i awoke, but i found it interesting that depsite that Al was home leaving no appearnt reason for Sam to leap agian, he still wanted to.
elliemae said:
That sounds like it would make a good fan fic.

LOL... it could, but I'm drawing a blank on what I'd do with it. The dream didn't give me much, plot-wise.

I do actually get a lot of fan fiction ideas from dreams.
ok, so i had this interesting dream last night. this library was giving away free books, and i looked on one of the shelves and there was a small group of QL books, and i grabbed them. but then i was like
"Ah shoot, but this is a dream, so i am not really getting them". but i kept them anyway, and i was all disappointed lol. then i started talking to Sam, but he had my dad's voice and constantly cracked this lame jokes like my dad used to do, and i said "why do you seem so familiar, you're not Sam" and he said something about his heart i think, but using a Sam word, and i knew it was my dad i guess, in a way.
but i thought it was funny for the books cuz i was all disappiotned becasue it was a dream lol.
I had a QL dream a few nights ago that was really a nightmare. Sam saved my life tho, which was cool. Have yall ever had a dream that kinda starts in the middle? Like backstory has happened, but u dont experience it but remember it? Well, I was in the grociery hiding from these 2 psychopathic housewives. I had escaped from them, but they found me. They cornered me into an aisle with their shopping carts, and threw me up against the shelves. I asked, "Are you going to kill me?" and one of them pulls out this giant Alaskan Ulu knife and said, "no, something far worse. i'm going to but off all your skin!" So I struggle to get free and I finally do, and I run away down several aisles. I see Sam in one, I run to him and scream help. He puts me in a corner of the aisle and knocks out the psychos chasing me. I then run to him, shaking and crying, and then i woke up. It genuinely freaked me out!

Samantha Beckett
yay i am so happy, i had another dream last night, although it was kinda weird. i was Sam and DOnna's daughter, Chelsea(like the one my best friend and i have Donna pregnant with in our personal story). and it was sweet becasue i was attached to Sam, a lot, and he spend a lot of time holding me and telling me how much he loved me. i got lost at one point, like in town, but i did not call "mommy, daddy" i called "daddy, daddy" and then Sam showed up, and he had a beard, so that was kinda gross, but i did not respond to it in the dream. and Donna was with him so i ran to her first and hugged her but i was anxious to get to my daddy, cuz i really loved my daddy. there was another scene though where the daughter was sent to bed meaning i had ot have been someone else becasue i was still up and looking out a big window out at a beautiful lit city at night. oh and Sam was a celebrity as if he were Scott, almost, but he had to have been Sam becasue he was married to DOnna. although it was a dream so *shrug*.

but it was sweet. i wish i could have a dream like yours though Claire.
Samantha Beckett said:
Why? It scared the living crap out of me, lol. :lol

Samantha Beckett

yeah but i liked the Sam part, where he saved you and then hugged you when you were crying.
well ok he hugged me when i cried for my dad in the one dream when he kissed me and it was even better becasue it was Scott.
but i wanna dream where Sam saves me from something that would be cool and hopefully it would give me some good leap ideas.:angel
This is so cool, this is my second QL dream in a week. I'm getting sick, and whenver I am sick or getting that way, I always have fitful nights of sleep with very vivid dreams. The eventual QL dream was the end result of several little dreams that spawned others. Dream progresssion: I had a horse that had to be put down even though he wasnt sick or hurt and I was so angry and deressed...i'm harassed by Malfoy from Harry Potter about having my horse killed, who I then punch in anger (in my church's sanctuary no less)...i'm now in a Harry Potter video game...which then leads to...

I'm in the setting of the video game (its like a temple-like place with tunnels, plants, and rocks everywhere), and it's like a search part. Sam has come back from leaping and he went on an expedition to like Africa or Nepal or somewhere that has temples like that, lol. It's me, Al, and a few others, and I think I was one of Al's daughters. Sam was lost in the jungle and we were looking for him. Al was real paranoid for some reason, like he doesnt trust our guide. Our group got separated, and I was on my own when I find Sam, who's hurt. We go over to a tunnel opening but Sam falls to the ground and I call for Al (but I yell "Dean" for some reason LOL) who is across the temple. The rest is kind of vague...Al and the others run over and pick Sam up...then it goes to some sort of interview set in the temple with Al who says "we're escatic that we found him, we are now just worried about his health"...then I wake up. It was the best QL dream I've had. I hate getting sick, but if it gives me dreams like that...haha.

Samantha Beckett