Sam was laying under the bed sheet and all he could think of right now was Al get me out of this one fast.
A doctor comes into the room and says
"OK mark Harris is pronounced dead at 2:30pm this afternoon of a heart attack OK let's take him to the morgue!"
And Sam ears go up and he says very quietly to himself.
"oh boy!"
Meanwhile project quantum leap.
Al walks down the ramp of the imaging chamber and the door shuts behind him.
Al taps the hand link and a blue beem of light hits Ziggy and Al says
"do we....."
Ziggy talks over Al and says really quickly
"why Dr Beckett has leaped into mark Harris who is now dead due to a heart attack."
"no I am still gathering data from the local archives"
"ziggy how is it even possible for Sam to leap into someone who is dead?"
"am not sure admiral all I can say is that when it comes to quantum leaping there are still some mysterious connected to the process that we still have yet to discover and this is indeed one of them."
"hows our guest in the waiting room"
"Dr beeks is with him now"
Al runs out of the control room and straight for the waiting room as soon as he enters the room.
Sam's body is laying down on the table inside the room and is in a coma like position.
Sam is linked to life saving machinery
AL says to Dr beeks
"is Sam OK?"
"I am afraid to say who ever Dr Beckett has leaped into even tho his body is still alive and well there is no one in his body resulting a coma like state and if Sam remains in this state his body may not survive...."
As soon as the nurses wheel sam into the morgue. They leave him for a moment and close the door.
Sam quickly gets up from the bed and gets down off the bed he notices a mirror and walks up to it and he sees mark from the looking glass but to Sam he could see that he was definitely very pale in his look there was definitely no question Sam was dead.
Millions of questions flooded his mind at that right second and he needed to think on his feet fast.
He opens a nearby locker and finds a Dr's uniform he put the clothes on and when he looked at himself in the mirror just at that moment color can back in his face and the body he had leaped into didn't look dead anymore.
Sam said out loud to himself transfixed to his mirror image.
Suddenly Al appears out of no where like a ghost and Al says to sam
"Sam I told you to play dead?"
"Al I can't stay like that other wise am no good to anyone. Has Ziggy found out why am here yet?"
Al looks at the hand link and taps a few buttons and says
"we have zero for zero at the moment"
"Al you need to get me out of this one fast and how is this even possible I throught it wasn't possible for me to leap into a dead person."
"we know that plus we have problems with your counter part in the waiting room"
"what kinds of problems?"
"because Mark is dead no soul came we you as you exchanged places with him in time which means you're body is in a coma like state and if we can't leap you out soon your real body in the waiting room will slowly die too that's why we need to found out why your here fast to get you out of here. "
Both Sam and Al says
" oh boy! "
" OK Al I need to get out of this hospital go and ask Ziggy for the safest route out of here OK. "
Al nods and puts his cegar in his mouth and smokes it he taps the hand link and it glows muiti colored in his hand and he says
"ah OK gotcha follow me"
Al walks through the door like a ghost and Sam opens the door slowly looks out for anyone coming and follows Al and as soon as he reaches the exit he runs out of the hospital.
As soon as Sam and Al was blocks down the road from the hospital.
Sam looked at Al and said
"Al when I leaped into Mark he was pale deathly pale but my face has color back in its cheeks how is that even possible Al?"
Al starts to smoke his cegar and he taps the hand link and says
"come on Ziggy...... Ah I have something Ziggy says its a side effect of your leap into Mark even tho mark is dead your leap is some how making it possible to a little bit regenerate him but it's only a temporary thing."
Sam nods and continues to say
"OK anything yet about why am here?"
Al says "let's find out shall we?"
He taps the hand link and it goans he hits it very hard and news start to flash before the display.
Al starts to read
"OK in the original history Sam mark had a heart attack at work then was admitted to hospital and once there he passed away and his wife didn't have a chance to say goodbye to him and she committed suicide a month later your here Sam to save marks wife by convincing her not to kill herself a 92.3 per cent sure. "
Sam says
" Oh boy! "
" so where does Mark live Al?"
Al taps the link and shows Sam his address.
Sam says" OK let's go "
He flags down a taxi and he gets in and he heads off to marks home.
After a while the taxi pulls up to the home luckily there was money in the jacket pocket of the suit he had found he pays the driver gets out of the cab and walks slowly up the path of the house and Al appears next to Sam and says.
"this isn't going to be easy you know kid?"
Sam nods in agreement but he knocks on the front door and marks wife opens the door and says.
Sam sat down with marks wife and spent a few hours with her explaining that he was close to death and the importance of her carrying on and as he finished he left the house.
And Al reappeared next to Sam and looked at the hand link.
And Sam said
"did I get through to her Al am not sure if I did she's not a easy lady to talk to?"
Al looked at the hand link and tapped it a few times and said
"I know it may seem you didn't get through to her but you did Sam you did according to Ziggy she lives on doesn't kill herself and the rest of her family is OK."
"so if everything is OK...."
"why haven't you leaped?"
Sam nods and Al taps the link many times and reads the read out.
"ziggys says your done what you're supposed to do you should be leaping right about now. I don't understand why you're not."
Al shakes the device and it goans.
Suddenly Sam gets a pain in his chest
And says
"ahhh Al am in a lot of pain"
Al taps the link more as the colors dance from yellow to green to red and blue.
"were got a problem with your counter part in the waiting room Sam your real body is slowly dieing you need to leap soon otherwise you will really die in the real world."
The link goans again
"Ziggy has a idea she says to take your self back to the hospital and go back into the same position as you were in as you leaped in and she feels when you do that there is a high chance you will be able to leap out."
Sam looking pale again and looking like death warmed up he nods and flags down another cab and tells the driver to put his foot down.
Sam gets into the cab and says
" put your foot down! "
The driver does Al reappears in the cab next to Sam and he starts to fade in and out looking like he is losing contact with Sam.
"you're only got 20 minutes left Sam"
As soon as the cab pulls up to the hospital Sam Is whiter then white he pays the cab driver and says to
" Al I don't feel to good I feel like am dieing"
Al looking worried
"come on Sam don't give up now you need to get through this we're been through harder leaps before."
With Sam not looking very sure he walks into the hospital slowly and a nearby nurse notices Sam and says
"oh my word and quickly helps him into a wheel chair they wheel him into a near by room.
And with Al fading back and forth says
" come on Sam we don't have much time left only 5 minutes now "
The nurse helps him onto the bed as Sam lays down on the bed.
The nurse leaves just for a moment to get the attention of the doctor Sam puts a bed sheet over himself and then let's out his final breath and in that moment.
Al tapping the hand link and says
"you did it buddy"
And a wash of blue electric light washes over Sam and he leaps out with bright blue light of energy surrounding him....
When the light fades away Sam finds himself in a dark house a spooky looking house and his friend next to him she says to him.
"it won't be long until we find what we're looking for?"