Quantum leap meets wing commander
Chapter 1
Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime,*Doctor Sam Beckett*stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator - and vanished.
He awoke to find himself trapped in the past, facing mirror images that were not his own, and driven by an unknown force to change history for the better.
His only guide on this journey is*Al, an observer from his own time, who appears in the form of a*hologram*that only Sam can see and hear. And so Doctor Beckett finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap... will be the leap home.
Sam is covered from head to toe in quantum leap light and with a wash of blue light Sam quantum leaps into time.
When the blue light fades away Sam is looking into a open army locker and the mirror in the open locker he sees his reflection of his new self he had just leaped into and he sees a name tag saying.
Call sign
He is wearing a army American uniform.
He closes the locker.
Sam quickly noticed on his uniform that he was 2nd Lt Blair and he knew he was stationed in the enyo system and the date was 2654.110
On the TCS tiger claw
And Sam was puzzled how did he know all of this? then his mind started to merge with the person he had leaped into again.
And he said to himself
"my mind is merging again"
And suddenly a alarm is sounded and red lights start flashing every where.
And a voice on the com system says
"Christopher Blair to the briefing room at once!"
Sam walking passed the beds in the sleeping quarters notices one of the near by windows and all Sam can see is deep, deep space and he says.
"oh boy!"
Sam leaves the sleeping quarters and wondering where the briefing room may be suddenly his mind starts to merge with the guy he had leaped into and he knew exactly where the room was sam started to run towards the room and when he entered the room the whole room was filled with army personnel Sam took his seat and the Colonel in full blue army uniform took the stand in front of all of the army personnel and he started to say.
Colonel: We've got a lot of work to do, people, so let's get to it.
The Tiger's Claw dropped from jumpspace seven hours ago, at 0800.
Blue Devil squadron had first patrol. You Killer Bees have the next shift.
You rookies'll be flying with experienced pilots on your first missions.
I want the rookies to fly as wingleaders. You vets keep an eye on the kids out there.
Here are the assignments.
$C, you're leading Alpha wing.
Spirit will fly on your wing. She's quiet, but she knows the ropes.
You're the wingleader, but if Spirit talks, you be sure and listen. Got it?
Maverick: Yes, sir.
Colonel: Good. Here's your patrol plan, then.
Computer, display Alpha.
You'll check three possible jump points, at about 20,000 klicks out.
There are asteroids near Nav Points 2 and 3, so stay on course.
Any questions?
Spirit: Yes, commander. What are we to do if we encounter the enemy?
Colonel: Engage, if the odds look good. Let $C make the call.
Next is Beta wing...
Your thoughts wander as the commander makes the rest of the assignments.
Colonel: ...and back to the Tiger's Claw.
Remember ... this is no trainsim. If you see the enemy, he'll be out to kill you.
Be sure you do it to him before he does it to you.
Squadron dismissed....
As just like Sam had been trained for this job his mind was mergering even more with Christopher's mind he ran to the flight deck put on a helmet and ran over to his space ship fighter that was green in color and read on one side of the plane "killer bees"
The top part of the ship opened up and Sam went up a few steps that was put next to the ship got into the cock pit really quickly and he powered up the ship and the engines busted into life and he was off the fighter followed its auto pilot control instructions that was pre programed into the nav com system and the ship left the mother ship and flew into deep space.
Sam was in aww he could see the mother ship of the tiger claw in the back ground and all that was ahead of him was a new frontier.
End of chapter 1
Chapter 1
Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime,*Doctor Sam Beckett*stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator - and vanished.
He awoke to find himself trapped in the past, facing mirror images that were not his own, and driven by an unknown force to change history for the better.
His only guide on this journey is*Al, an observer from his own time, who appears in the form of a*hologram*that only Sam can see and hear. And so Doctor Beckett finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap... will be the leap home.
Sam is covered from head to toe in quantum leap light and with a wash of blue light Sam quantum leaps into time.
When the blue light fades away Sam is looking into a open army locker and the mirror in the open locker he sees his reflection of his new self he had just leaped into and he sees a name tag saying.
Call sign
He is wearing a army American uniform.
He closes the locker.
Sam quickly noticed on his uniform that he was 2nd Lt Blair and he knew he was stationed in the enyo system and the date was 2654.110
On the TCS tiger claw
And Sam was puzzled how did he know all of this? then his mind started to merge with the person he had leaped into again.
And he said to himself
"my mind is merging again"
And suddenly a alarm is sounded and red lights start flashing every where.
And a voice on the com system says
"Christopher Blair to the briefing room at once!"
Sam walking passed the beds in the sleeping quarters notices one of the near by windows and all Sam can see is deep, deep space and he says.
"oh boy!"
Sam leaves the sleeping quarters and wondering where the briefing room may be suddenly his mind starts to merge with the guy he had leaped into and he knew exactly where the room was sam started to run towards the room and when he entered the room the whole room was filled with army personnel Sam took his seat and the Colonel in full blue army uniform took the stand in front of all of the army personnel and he started to say.
Colonel: We've got a lot of work to do, people, so let's get to it.
The Tiger's Claw dropped from jumpspace seven hours ago, at 0800.
Blue Devil squadron had first patrol. You Killer Bees have the next shift.
You rookies'll be flying with experienced pilots on your first missions.
I want the rookies to fly as wingleaders. You vets keep an eye on the kids out there.
Here are the assignments.
$C, you're leading Alpha wing.
Spirit will fly on your wing. She's quiet, but she knows the ropes.
You're the wingleader, but if Spirit talks, you be sure and listen. Got it?
Maverick: Yes, sir.
Colonel: Good. Here's your patrol plan, then.
Computer, display Alpha.
You'll check three possible jump points, at about 20,000 klicks out.
There are asteroids near Nav Points 2 and 3, so stay on course.
Any questions?
Spirit: Yes, commander. What are we to do if we encounter the enemy?
Colonel: Engage, if the odds look good. Let $C make the call.
Next is Beta wing...
Your thoughts wander as the commander makes the rest of the assignments.
Colonel: ...and back to the Tiger's Claw.
Remember ... this is no trainsim. If you see the enemy, he'll be out to kill you.
Be sure you do it to him before he does it to you.
Squadron dismissed....
As just like Sam had been trained for this job his mind was mergering even more with Christopher's mind he ran to the flight deck put on a helmet and ran over to his space ship fighter that was green in color and read on one side of the plane "killer bees"
The top part of the ship opened up and Sam went up a few steps that was put next to the ship got into the cock pit really quickly and he powered up the ship and the engines busted into life and he was off the fighter followed its auto pilot control instructions that was pre programed into the nav com system and the ship left the mother ship and flew into deep space.
Sam was in aww he could see the mother ship of the tiger claw in the back ground and all that was ahead of him was a new frontier.
End of chapter 1
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