I'm sure most of you have got DVDs of some sort by now, or are considering upgrading to the HD versions (I highly recommend), but if you've not yet - or you're thinking about birthday presents for new fans - the recent Mill Creek release of the first two seasons may be of interest.
I've just received it. Some immediate observations:
1. Genesis is presented as a movie, although the disc art describes it as "Part 1" and "Part 2".
2. Play it Again, Seymour features the correct opening credits (the original DVD release used the syndication version in error, with the later opening).
3. There are 6 episodes to a disc on the second season. It's therefore a little over-compressed, and quality junkies will be disappointed. It's not too obvious though, and your average viewer will be quite happy.
4. No bonus features.
5. ORIGINAL MUSIC. To be fair, I've only checked the obvious one - M.I.A. has Georgia present and correct. I'll have a look through the rest later, but that's a very good sign.
6. Repeat-leaps are still unfixed. I'm basing this on a check of All-Americans which leaps into The Color of Truth, not Her Charm. For me this isn't an issue as it's "as transmitted", but I know this bothers some people.
7. They appear to have used the HD masters to prepare these. A Portrait for Troian is significantly zoomed in on the HD versions in error, but not on the original DVDs. The Mill Creek DVD repeats the error and is zoomed. Aside from the Troian issue, though, this is *generally* a good thing as the HD scans are excellent (although it will mean should Mill Creek continue, they might include that dodgy green leap in for Hurricane).
Here's examples of Troian to demonstrate:
Original R1 DVD:
Cropped iTunes HD remaster:
Mill Creek R1 DVD, with a similar heavy crop and colour correction:
That's it for now... If anyone has any questions about the set, let me know and I'll be happy to answer.
I'm sure most of you have got DVDs of some sort by now, or are considering upgrading to the HD versions (I highly recommend), but if you've not yet - or you're thinking about birthday presents for new fans - the recent Mill Creek release of the first two seasons may be of interest.
I've just received it. Some immediate observations:
1. Genesis is presented as a movie, although the disc art describes it as "Part 1" and "Part 2".
2. Play it Again, Seymour features the correct opening credits (the original DVD release used the syndication version in error, with the later opening).
3. There are 6 episodes to a disc on the second season. It's therefore a little over-compressed, and quality junkies will be disappointed. It's not too obvious though, and your average viewer will be quite happy.
4. No bonus features.
5. ORIGINAL MUSIC. To be fair, I've only checked the obvious one - M.I.A. has Georgia present and correct. I'll have a look through the rest later, but that's a very good sign.
6. Repeat-leaps are still unfixed. I'm basing this on a check of All-Americans which leaps into The Color of Truth, not Her Charm. For me this isn't an issue as it's "as transmitted", but I know this bothers some people.
7. They appear to have used the HD masters to prepare these. A Portrait for Troian is significantly zoomed in on the HD versions in error, but not on the original DVDs. The Mill Creek DVD repeats the error and is zoomed. Aside from the Troian issue, though, this is *generally* a good thing as the HD scans are excellent (although it will mean should Mill Creek continue, they might include that dodgy green leap in for Hurricane).
Here's examples of Troian to demonstrate:
Original R1 DVD:
Cropped iTunes HD remaster:
Mill Creek R1 DVD, with a similar heavy crop and colour correction:
That's it for now... If anyone has any questions about the set, let me know and I'll be happy to answer.
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