Quantum Leaps opening episode intro :-(
Many fans will be familiar with QLs very controversial finale which has rightly had its critics but very rarely do we discuss its very rushed first episode opening. I mean there we have AL doing a quick drive by pick-up and all all of a sudden Gushie contacting him
shouting down the comm "He's Leaping":roflmao:.
Not the greatest opening intro to our hero Sam,his work or origin. I would have liked to have seen Sams struggle to convince the committee and a little about the science behind the machine and its tech.
Very ironic how both the opening and ending finale were rushed |I . I don't know if DPB meant to write it in that way :eek
Many fans will be familiar with QLs very controversial finale which has rightly had its critics but very rarely do we discuss its very rushed first episode opening. I mean there we have AL doing a quick drive by pick-up and all all of a sudden Gushie contacting him
shouting down the comm "He's Leaping":roflmao:.
Not the greatest opening intro to our hero Sam,his work or origin. I would have liked to have seen Sams struggle to convince the committee and a little about the science behind the machine and its tech.
Very ironic how both the opening and ending finale were rushed |I . I don't know if DPB meant to write it in that way :eek